Food Channel - Food Court With a Twist
떡볶이 (Ddeokbokki/Tteokbokki/Topokki) - Rp 40.250 - Kimkim Food Channel - Lenmarc
Suka konsep makan food court yang banyak ragam pilihan, tapi tidak ingin suasana yang ala kadar dan pilihan makanan cepat saji / sederhana?
Bisa coba kunjungi Food Channel di Lenmarc. Di sini ada konsep food court dengan suasana yang menarik, setara resto menengah ke atas, dan pilihan yang beragam dari geari yang jarang atau tidak ada di tempat lain. Mengingat tempat dan menunya, harganya jadi lumayan tinggi untuk ukuran tempat makan konsep food court.
Seorang di sini bisa menghabiskan sekitar Rp 40.000 - Rp 50.000 untuk makan dan minum. Berbeda dengan food court standard yang biasanya antara Rp 15.000 - Rp 30.000
If you like the concept of food court, that serves many variants of dishes, but you hate the lackluster and simplistic food options, here's a place for you.
Food Channel in Lenmarc, here they make a food court with an atmosphere that's more alike to a fancy restaurant rather than a simple food court.
Too bad with the ambiance and menu, come a matching price, you could easily spends Rp 40.000 - Rp 50.000 per person rather than the Rp 15.000 - Rp 30.000 which usually suffice for the run of the mill food court.

Most of the picts here aside from the food are taken with a Samsung tablet
Mayoritas foto di bawah ini kecuali foto makanannya diambil dengan tablet Samsung
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Berikut foto beberapa tenant yang ada di Food Channel.
This are some of the tenantsin Food Channel
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc - Tian yi xiao chu |
Food Channel - Lenmarc - Kim Kim |
Food Channel - Lenmarc - BBQ Hills |
Food Channel - Lenmarc - Goma |
Food Channel - Lenmarc - Piccolo Italian Food |
Tropical Blizz |
Food Channel - Lenmarc - Thai Claypot |
Food Channel - Lenmarc - Skillets |
떡볶이 (Ddeokbokki/Tteokbokki/Topokki) - Rp 40.250 - Lenmarc Food Channel
떡볶이 (Ddeokbokki/Tteokbokki/Topokki) - Rp 40.250 - Lenmarc Food Channel
Salah satu yang saya suka untuk makan di sini adalah Samgyetang atau sup ayam ginseng di Kim Kim korean food. Sayangnya waktu saya ke sini tidak ada, dan saya pun tanya ke chefnya apa yang direkomendasikan.
Entah si chef memang suka dengan rasa Topokki ini atau sekedar seadanya disebut, karena rasa toppoki ini mirip dengan cenil (jajan pasar dari tepung beras) dan sosis ikan disiram saus sambal botolan. Saus sambalnya pun tidak seenak saus sambal Korea lain seperti gochujang atau sejenis.
One of my favorite here is the Samgyetang or chicken soup with ginseng, from Kim Kim Korean restaurant. Too bad they were not available when I visit, having tasted they're Bibimbab that I felt a bit sub-par, I asked the chef what's the dish that he'll recommend.
I don't know if the chef really like this dish or he just mention a random menu, because this dish taste kinda bad for me. It's just rice cake and fish sausage with a tasteless chilli sauce poured over it.
The sauce is far cry from the delicious Gochujang or other korean chilli. Not recommended
Food Channel - BBQ Hills |
Chicken Katsu Bento - Goma Food Channel -Rp 35.000 |
Gyoza - Goma Food Channel -Rp 25.000 |
Salmon Butter Yaki - Goma Food Channel -Rp 40.000 |
3 Hidangan dari Goma ini biasa saja, standardnya sedikit di bawah resto populer lain, tapi harganya pun juga relatif lebih terjangkau. Lumayan lah untuk yang memang sedang ingin hidangan Jepang, tapi kalau saya sendiri lebih memilih di Sushi Hana Manyar (yang Sutos parah)
This 3 dishes from Goma is just so-so, nothing special. The taste standard is a bit bellow other popular Japanese restaurants in Surabaya, but so is their price.
Meatball / Bakwan |
Lenmarc Tropical Blizz |
Menu (click to enlarge) :
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Food Channel - Lenmarc |
Taste : 2 / 5
Atmosphere : 3 / 5
Service : 2.5/ 5
Value : 2 / 5
Food Channel
Lenmarc Mall (Jl. Bukit Darmo Boulevard)
Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
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