The Square & UK Petra Surabaya

The Square & Petra Christian University in Surabaya

Beberapa waktu lalu kita menghadiri acara wisuda teman di kampus Petra, jalan Siwalankerto.
Berhubung saya dahulu S1 di teknik sipil UKP, maka kesempatan ini sekaligus digunakan untuk nostalgia, sekaligus mengajak teman fotografer profesional yang juga berasal dari Petra, tapi jurusan DKV, Stephen, (

A few while back, I attended the graduation of a friend of brissels in Petra University in Siwalankerto.
Since I graduated from Petra's Civil Engineering major, I took the chance to have a trip to memory lane :)
Bringing along a fellow friend from Petra DKV major (graphic design), who is also a professional photographer, you can find his work here :

UK Petra Surabaya

TLC - The Light Cup, Petra Square

Hall of Petra Square

Stephen @ Slurrp Delight (

Sluurp ini adalah salah satu klien kantor Notaris saya, yang sekarang produknya sedang naik daun, cabangnya ada di foodfest / East Coast mall, Maspion Square dan Petra Square ini, bisa kunjungi facebook page mereka yang tertera di keterangan gambar di atas untuk info peluang franchise atau jenis-jenis minumannya

Sluurp beverage here is one of a client on my Notary office, their sweet delicious bubble tea is really striving right now, opening up stalls in Foodfest / East Coast mall, Maspion Square and this Petra Square, you can visit their Facebook page on the caption for franchise info and beverage list

Setelah puter-puter sebentar di Petra Square, teman mengusulkan untuk cari makan siang di resto pecel dan nasi campur yang tersohor pada jamannya kita kuliah dahulu, Depot Riyant. Sayangnya sampai di sana sudah banyak makanan yang habis, alhasil pilihan jatuh di Kantin Gedung P

After strolling a while on Petra Square, a friend suggested we go to a small eatery selling nasi pecel and nasi campur that was famous from our days in college, Depot Riyant. Too bad when we got there, it's already sold out. Hence we went to the college canteen in Petra P building.
In case you're wondering what's nasi pecel and nasi campur (wikipedia)

Nasi campur
(Indonesian: "mixed rice", also called nasi rames)
Referring to a dish of rice topped with various meats, vegetables, peanuts, eggs and fried-shrimp krupuk. Depending on which areas it originate, a nasi campur vendor can several different side dishes, including vegetables, fish and meats.[1] It is a staple meal of the Southeast Asian countries, and popular especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Netherlands. A form of it called chanpurū also exists in Okinawa.

Nasi pecel 
a Javanese rice dish served with pecel (cooked vegetables and peanut sauce).[1] The vegetables are usually kangkung or water spinach, long beans, cassava leaves, papaya leaves, and in East Java often used kembang turi. It tastes best when eaten with fried tempeh and traditional cracker called peyek. It is popular in East and Central Java.

Depot Riyant

Berikut beberapa foto dari kantin Gedung P. Sudah banyak yang berubah di sini, tempat yang saya foto ini dahulu ditempati penjual soto. Salah satu mitos pisau sotonya kurang higienis, tapi saya ngga bahas di sini deh, daripada hilang nafsu makan semua yang baca, apalagi ybs sudah tidak berjualan lagi hehehe

This is the canteen on the building where I frequently dine during college lunch break. The corner stall in the photo bellow used to be occupied by a Soto seller, which is quite notorious for it's lack of hygiene despite it's good taste. Now it's some sort of a home cooked style Chinese food.

Kantin P Gedung Petra

Nasi Goreng Keraton - Kantin P UK.Petra

Rice with Fried Chicken / Nasi Ayam Goreng - Kantin P UK.Petra

Nasi Ayamnya ini super asin... jelas kebelet nikah yang masak.
Untungnya Nasi goreng keratonnya relatif hambar, jadi kita campur sendiri supaya pas

The Rice with Fried Chicken is super salty...while the fried rice is bland.
So we just mix both rice to get a decent taste

Salah satu yang tidak berubah dari jaman saya S1 pada tahun 2000 (angkatan milenium ^^) adalah tempat penjaja minuman jus dan blended drinks, yang pernah kuliah di sini pasti pernah dengar salah satu nama minuman yang cukup legendaris, Vosco, isinya sih susu + coklat.

One of the stall that doesn't change since the day I studied here in the year 2000 is their drink seller, serving juices and blended drinks, and now also with Ronde and Angsle

Rum Raisin & Black Forrest - Kantin Gedung P Petra University


  1. Mantap nih... kalau main-main ke Kantin Gd. P, banyakin foto-fotonya donk bro.
    Jadi kangen jaman kuliah dulu, hehehe..

    #tentang legenda pisau penjual soto, yup.. that's right, saya pernah liat sendiri pas dia jualin saya...#!@#$!@#..arrghh...

    1. hehehe, beruntung mahasiswa sekarang sudah tidak rawan kena jebakan pisau soto itu

      iya nih mau nambah foto2 makanan lain, tapi berhubung jauh dari tempat tinggal rada susah sempatkan waktu, nunggu ada event kopdar atau teman graduation baru ke sana biasanya


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