New Burger in The Block

Burger King - Terminal 2 Juanda

UPDATE : gerai ini sudah tutup sejak 2018

Burger King - T2 Juanda
Terminal dua tahun ini baru asja dibuka di bandara udara Juanda, lokasinya di bandara Juanda lama yang sedikit lebih jauh dari pusat kota Surabaya. Yang mengejutkan adalah dibukanya beberapa gerai fast food terkemuka, di antaranya Burger King dan Carls Jr yang membuka dua gerai pertamanya di Surabaya.

Surabaya just had a new airport terminal opened, which is Terminal 2. It's located in the old airport area, which is completely rebuilt to this new terminal. The sweet surprise here is that a couple of famous fast food restaurant, Burger King & Carls Jr, decided to open their first shop here, in the airport instead of malls.

Terminal 2 Juanda - Surabaya
Berikut beberapa foto di sekitar terminal baru tersebut, tempatnya bersih dan desainnya menarik, walau baru buka tapi isinya cukup lengkap. Beberapa gerai internasional dan toko sudah dibuka. Sayang belum banyak lounge yang menarik, lounge satu-satunya yang ada di sini masih kalah nyaman dibanding terminal satu. (

This are some shots of the new airport, it's sleek and clean, with interesting design. Though newly opened, the shops here are plenty, and so is the dining options. Too bad there isn't any decent lounge here, the only one available is a far cry in comparison with terminal one. (

Starbucks at Terminal 2 Juanda - Surabaya

Burger King - T2 Juanda
Gerai BK yang saya coba kali ini ada di dalam terminal keberangkatan internasional, setelah pemeriksaan tiket. Jadi untuk yang sekedar datang untuk mencoba burger bakal tidak bisa ke sini. Entah apa ada gerai yang dibuka di area umum yang tidak memerlukan tiket, saat itu tidak sempat cek keluar area dalam terminal.

This Burger King is located inside the terminal, where you'll need to show ticket to enter. I don't know if there's another shop in the public area where you can enter without showing airline ticket (which is the case for Carls Jr), but for this particular shop, you can't get here without actually having a ticket.

Burger King - T2 Juanda

BK French Fries
Menu yang dipesan salah satunya Whopper Jr, menu burger yang sering dijadikan bahan lelucon di internet karena kadang penampilan burgernya beda jauh antara iklan dan kenyataannya.

One of the menu we ordered here is the iconic Whopper Jr, which is also the but of the joke in online posts, due to it's sometime inconsistency between advertisement and the actual burger served to customer.

Blooper King?

Burger King - Whopper Jr  - Rp 30.000
Ternyata bentuk burgernya jauh lebih manis dan berisi dibanding lelucon di atas (untungnya), jadi saya cukup senang saat membuka bungkus burger dan menemukan isinya cukup fotogenik.
Rasa burgernya lumayan, burger bun-nya ditaburi wijen cukup banyak, rasanya burgernya enak dan moist. Walau demikian entah kenapa kok lebih berkesan saat pertama mencoba di Jakarta, kemungkinan karena 'pengalaman pertama' pasti selalu lebih sensasional :D

Turns out the burger served to me was much good looking than the one in the internet joke, so I'm quite pleased to find this beauty when unwrapping it.
Taste-wise it's quite nice, love the plenty sesame seeds on the bun, and the patty itself is moist and delicious. Though I can't seems to shake the feeling that it somehow tasted better when I tried it the first time in Jakarta. Oh well, might be those first experience thingy.

Burger King - Chick & Crisp - Rp 30.000
Setelah menikmati burger beef, selanjutnya mencoba burger ayam ini. Rasanya lumayan juga, walau bentuknya tidak terlalu menggugah selera seperti yang Whopper Jr.
Rasa breaded chicken-nya enak, ada sedikit rasa spicy di tepungnya. Isian burgernya sih sederhana, hanya breaded chicken, lettuce dan mayonaise.

Having tasted their Beef menu, next we go to the chicken burger. Though seems a bit lackluster, it actually tastes good. I like that they use spicy batter for the breaded chicken.
