Pearl Palace Hotel [Jaipur]

Nice & Affordable Hotel

Pearl Palace Hotel - Jaipur
Hotel Pearl Palace ini adalah hotel pertama kita saat wisata ke India. Lokasinya ada di tengah-tengah perumahan. Lokasinya masuk ke gang dengan jalan yang tidak terlalu lebar, tapi lokasinya tetap nyaman.

Pearl Palace Hotel is the hotel we picked for our first day in India. It's located in a small alley along a residential area. The whole area feel more like a bed and breakfast rather than a busy hotel. It's a bit small, but still manage to feel cozy.

Lounging in the lobby - Pearl Palace Hotel

Berikut review tentang hotel ini di Tripadvisor

Below is the reviews of this hotel in Tripadvisor

Pearl Palace Hotel
Pertama masuk lobby nya, mungkin bakal terasa sempit dan sesak tempatnya. Tapi begitu masuk kamar, situasinya jauh berbeda. Walau area publiknya dibuat tidak terlalu luas, tapi untuk kamarnya diberikan ruangan yang amat lega, terutama untuk harga yang dibayarkan. 

Upon entering the lobby you'd naturally think the place is a bit cramped, turns out they set their priorities in the room rather than public area. The hotel room we got was huge, plenty of room to put your luggage 

Pearl Palace Hotel
Walau yang kita bayarkan lebih mirip tarif hotel bisnis dibanding untuk wisata, tapi manajemennya cukup menaruh perhatian pada kenyamanan tamu. Di atas ranjang disediakan dua handuk yang dilipat dalam bentuk angsa. Sentuhan kecil yang menambah nuansa romantis untuk yang sedang bulan madu, sayangnya malam ini saya hanya share kamar dengan teman cowo  :D

I like how they pay attention to details, even though we paid for a no frill hotel room, we got a nice swan folded pillow. Would be great on those honeymoon or romantic getaway, too bad we were two guys sharing a room :D

Pearl Palace Hotel

Pearl Palace Hotel Jaipur
Masalah yang kita dapat selama menginap di sini hanya mengenai TV nya. Sudah beberapa lama kita coba utak atik, tapi siarannya tidak bisa didapat. Menurut keterangan staf hotel karena ada gangguan di penyedia layanan tv kabel.
Hal ini tidak terlalu mengurangi kenyamanan kami menginap di hotel, sebab saat itu ada banyak hal menarik yang bisa dilakukan selain menonton tv. Wifinya cukup kencang, jadi bisa nyaman dan cepat dalam membalas email-email dan instant messaging.

The problem with the room is the TV set, we can't seem to get it to work. It manage to turn on, but there's only static on the screen. The staff said there were technical problem on the cable tv provider. Well it wasn't a big deal at the time because we had plenty of other more interesting things to do rather than watching TV. Replying to all the emails and text message was done in a timely manner, since the Wifi connection which the hotel provided was great.

Pearl Palace Hotel Jaipur

Pearl Palace Hotel Jaipur - Peacock Rooftop Restaurant
Jika menginap di sini dan ingin merasakan masakan yang lumayan dengan nuansa yang eksotik, tidak perlu jauh-jauh keluar hotel, cukup menaiki anak tangga (yang cukup banyak sih) ke atap hotel, bisa ditemukan Peacock rooftop restaurant. Ulasannya bisa dilihat di sini : Peacock Rooftop Restaurant

If you stay here and want to sample nice local / western food with exquisite ambiance, no need to travel far. You just need to take a flight of stair to the rooftop, where you'd find the Peacock Rooftop Restaurant. I'll publish a detailed review about it on my next post.(Peacock Rooftop Restaurant)

Pearl Palace Hotel Jaipur

Pearl Palace Hotel Jaipur

  1. Address: 51 Hathroi Fort, Hari Kishan Somani Marg, Ajmer Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302001, India
    For Booking Please Visit : Pearl Palace
