Jamoo - Flavors of Taiwan (Shangrila Surabaya)
Taiwanese Cuisine Buffet
Flavors of Taiwan, Jamoo - Beef Noodle Soup |
Minggu lalu kami
mendapatkan undangan dari Shangrila & mbak Manda (www.sijagomakan.com)
untuk event launching Flavors of Taiwan di Jamoo. Acaranya dari tanggal 22-31
Mei, jadi sisa beberapa hari terakhir untuk menikmati menu spesial di Jamoo.
Last week we were invited for an event by Shangrila Hotel &
Manda from www.sijagomakan.com for the Flavors of Taiwan event in Jamoo
restaurant. It's available from 22-31'st of May, so I'm a bit rushing this
post, to spread the words.
Flavors of Taiwan Flyer |
Kita datang agak
pagian dan antusias untuk mencoba hidangan Taiwan ini. Sempat penasaran apa
yang bakal menjadi primadona. Sempat terbersit 'Tahu Busuk' ala Taiwan, tapi
kalau ditaruh di suasana hotel, tamunya bakal mabuk saat menghirup aromanya
yang aduhai
We got here a bit early and eager to sample the dishes. We were
quite curious on what the prominent Taiwanese dishes featured. 'Stinky Tofu'
comes in mind, which is a popular street food there, but in a hotel ambiance,
the smell would be intolerable.
Jamoo - Flavors of Taiwan |
Jamoo - Flavors of Taiwan Cooking Demo |
Di awal acara ada
demo masak dari Chef George Yu. Hidangan yang diperagakan cara masaknya adalah
Codfish. Ikan nya sebelum ditumis sebentar di atas wajan sudah di kukus
terlebih dahulu, proses masak di sini lebih ke arah mengolah bumbunya, yang
menggunakan bahan kacang dan bawang.
At the start of the event, we had the opportunity to see a cooking
demo from Chef Geroge Yu. He cooked a delicious Codfish for our lunch. The fish
is steamed beforehand, and the wok is mainly used to prepare the accompanying
sauce, which consists of peanuts and garlic among many other ingredients.
Chef George Yu - Jamoo Surabaya |
with Chef George Yu - Jamoo |
Jamoo - Taiwanese Bubble Tea |
Jamoo - Shangrila Surabaya |
Jamoo terkenal untuk
hidangan buffet / all you can eat nya. Kali ini walau ulasannya dengan tampilan
ala carte, menu yang sama juga tersedia untuk buffet-nya. Per orang dikenakan
Rp 248.000++ (21 persen pajak & layanan) untuk buffet makan siang.
Untuk makan malam per orang Rp 318.000 ++
Untuk makan malam per orang Rp 318.000 ++
Jamoo is famous for it's buffet, and this time though it's an
ala-carte plating, the same dishes are available for buffet. It costs Rp
248.000 ++ (21% tax &
services) for a lunch buffet. While for dinner it's Rp 318.000++
Jamoo , Flavors of Taiwan - Taiwan Style Chicken with Garlic Caserole |
Flavors of Taiwan, Jamoo - Steamed Codfish with Savory Crispy Beans |
Flavors of Taiwan, Jamoo - Beef Noodle Soup |
Dari semua hidangan
di atas, favorit kita adalah Beef Noodle Soup dan Shihlin Deep Fried Chicken.
Dua hidangan yang tampaknya sangat sederhana, tapi untuk Beef Noodle Soup ini
ternyata membutuhkan persiapan masak yang paling lama dan rumit.
Of all this dishes, our favorite were the Beef Noodle Soup and
Shihlin Deep Fried Chicken. Two dishes that seems simple, but as it turns out,
the Beef Noodle Soup is the most intricate dish to prepare.
Jamoo, Flavors of Taiwan - Shihlin Deep Fried Chicken |
Ayam Taiwan versi
mewah ini citarasanya jauh berbeda dari yang biasa kita icipi di Mall-mall
Surabaya, seperti Xi Men Ding, Pok-pok atau Chubby. Biasanya ayam 'penunggu'
mall dagingnya tipis, dengan tepung yang tebal, kalau hidangan satu ini
kebalikannya. Tepung tipis dan crunchy dengan daging yang tebal & juicy.
This is the posh version of the Taiwanese Chicken we'd often find
in Surabaya's mall. Some popular ones are Xi Men Ding, Pok-pok or Chubby. Those
mall chickens are usually sliced super thin with thick breading, while here
it's the opposite. It have a succulent thick juicy meat inside and a thin
crunchy breading on the outside.
Flavors of Taiwan - Fried Shrimp |
Rasa masakannya enak
semua, relatif lebih lembut kalau dibandingkan dengan hidangan Chinese Food
Surabaya yang biasanya dominan citarasa Kanton.
Omong-omong Kanton, selain bisa merasakan Taiwanese Flavors di
Shangrila, ada juga Cantonese Cuisine event di Sheraton, yang jadwalnya juga
hampir sama, berakhir tanggal 31. Chinese Food lovers bulan ini mendapat banyak
Review event Sheraton menyusul di blog ini besok, so stay tuned :)
All the food were nice, and interesting too. The flavors are
milder than the typical Chinese Food you'd get in Surabaya, which are heavily
influenced by Cantonese Style cooking.
By the way, while we're talking about Cantonese cooking, there's
another event of Cantonese Cuisine in Sheraton Hotel, which is located next to
Tunjungan Plasa in the city center. The schedule is also ending at 31'st of
Chinese food lovers are in for a treat this month, be sure to
sample them both if you love this kind of dishes.
The review on Sheraton hotel is coming up tomorrow, so please stay
tuned :)
Map :
Shangrila Hotel Surabaya
- Address: JL. May. Jend. Sungkono 120, Jawa Timur 60256Phone:(031) 60038888
- For Booking Please Visit : Shangrila Hotel
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