Fine Dining in Surabaya
Citrus lee - Angus Steak |
Resto satu ini tersohor untuk tempat dating-nya penggemar fine dining. Kebanyakan tempat di Surabaya lebih mengutamakan atmosphere / suasana dibandingkan makanannya, nah tempat satu ini lokasinya tidak terlalu prima walau dekornya cantik, tapi makanannya top-notch.
This is one of the prominent french fusion, fine-dining restaurant in Surabaya. Similar eateries in Surabaya usually put emphasize on ambiance, this restaurant on the other hand is all about the food. The location is not exactly prime, but once you go inside you can see it has a lovely decor, the food on the other hand is top-notch.
Citrus Lee Surabaya |
Lokasinya di jalan Kutai yang termasuk lengang, dna tampak depan restonya amat sederhana, jadi perlu pasang mata supaya tidak kelewatan.
The restaurant is located in Kutai street which isn't really bustling with night life. So you'd need to keep an eye open when searching for this place.
Citrus Lee Dining Area |
Kalau sudah masuk ke dalam, nuansanya jauh berbeda. Dekornya elegan dengan lampu temaram yang membuat suasana terasa makin romantis.
Once you enter the dining area things turn for the better, it has a cozy and inviting ambiance, with faint lighting and dark table linen.
Enni @ Citrus Lee |
Citrus Lee - Table Set |
Citrus Lee Appetizer |
Untuk kami, hidangan pembukanya menjadi primadona dinner. Rasa masakannya menarik dan tampilannya cantik, cocok untuk yang gemar foto makanan.
The highlight of the evening for us were the appetizers. Everything looks great, tastes amazing and provides us with plenty of photo taking opportunity
Pork Sausage |
Citrus Lee - Tomato Appetizer |
Citrus Lee - Wagyu Sausage |
Pork Sausage - Citrus Lee |
Escargot - Citrus Lee |
Momen Romantic Dinner sebetulnya tidak cocok kalau dijadikan ajang foto makanan. Dahulu kala pernah diomelin teman makan karena tidak konsen ngajak ngomong tapi jeprat jepret melulu. Kali ini supaya tidak terjadi hal yang sama, partner in crime diberi obyek foto sendiri yang tidak kalah menarik :D
Romantic dinner usually isn't suited for photo taking. Once I got berated due to excessive photo taking and neglecting my date. This time I came prepared and got a small EOS-M mirrorless camera for my date, so she can tinker with her own camera.
Enni Taking Shots of the Bouquet and Jewelry |
Poached Egg
Shitake & Oyster Mushroom
Shitake & Oyster Mushroom - Citrus Lee |
Oven Dried Champignon Mushroom Soup infused with Truffle Oil
Ice Cream
Main Course
Cod in Truffle Oil |
Hidangan Main Course
di sini mulai sekitar Rp 550.000, dan tiap main course menjadi satu paket
dengan appetizer dan dessert.
Main courses here starts about Rp 550.000, and for each main
course we get complimentary appetizers and dessert.
Citrus Lee - Cod in Truffle Oil (Rp 645.000++ ) |
Citrus Lee - Angus Steak (Rp 525.000++) |
Menurut Chef Hendry,
hidangan favorit di sini adalah ikan Cod nya yang dimasak dengan minyak jamur
truffle. Untuk selera kita, Angus Steak nya malah lebih menarik dibandingkan
dengan ikannya. Bumbu cod nya menarik, rasanya pas antara savory dan tangy.
According to the Chef, their favorite dish is the Cod Fish. It's
probably a matter of taste, but we didn't find it particularly memorable, the
sauce were superb though. The Angus Steak on
the other hand was delicious.
Tiramisu |
Citrus Lee - Desserts |
Kita seharusnya tidak boleh memfoto menunya, jadi mohon maklum kalau hasil fotonya agak kacau.
We weren't suppose to take any shots of the menu, so please pardon the shaky shots and blurry images.
Citrus Lee Menu |
Citrus Lee Menu |
Citrus Lee Menu |
Citrus Lee Surabaya
Address: Jl. Kutai, surabaya, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60241, Indonesia
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