Vietnam day 3 , Hanoi - Temple of Literature
Hanoi - Temple of Literature
Di Hanoi obyek wisata yang terkenal ada museleum Ho Chi Minh dan Temple of Literature. Karena tidak terlalu awam dengan sejarah perang Vietnam dan tidak terlalu ngefans dengan suasana museum apalagi makam -museleum ini tempat pembalsaman mumi Ho Chi Minh, jadi ktia memilih kuil satu ini
Typical siang hari di Hanoi, puanass nasss nasss. Tapi tempatnya cukup menarik, ada beberapa courtyard atau lapangan yang membagi-bagi kuil ini. Kuilnya sendiri dibangun pertama pada tahun 1070, sesuai dengan namanya, di dalam kuil ini terdapat universitas pertama di Vietnam.
Temple of Literature is one of the tourist attraction recomended in online website and forum. Other famous attraction include the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, which we're not really keen on. Since crypt and museum are not my favorite place to have fun :p
It's very hot in Hanoi during August, be sure to prepare suntan lotions and big hats. This temple is built in 1070 and in the courtyards is the first university in Vietnam. Though I'm not really sure what constitutes as university here.
Yang demen suvenir bisa beli juga di sini, tidak terlalu mahal dan banyak pilihannya. Teman saya sempat meminjam seruling untuk prop foto
Souvenir shops here are nice, quite affordable and lots of selections. Friends got to play with lot of trinket, there's also a beautiful flute which you can borrow to take photo with.
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Flute boy |
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Calligraphy |
Di bagian terdalam kuil, ada museum, altar dan tempat yang menjual souvenir, sekaligus tempat pergelaran pertunjukan musik tradisional vietnam.Tempat yang bagus untuk foto-foto.
In the last courtyard is where the altar, museum and also a souvenir shop along with orchestra performance of traditional music.
This is one of my favorite photo spot, with beautiful second story and staircase, the lighting also very nice to create a warm atmosphere
Alat musiknya dari bambu seperti angklung, tapi dimainkan dengan cara menepuk tangan, jadi di ujung satu untuk menggantikan tiupan pemusik bertepuk tangan sesuai dengan melodi yang dimainkan.
In This Photo, the girl playing the bamboo instrument by clapping her hands. This reminds me of traditional Indonesian musical instrument, angklung and kulintang, which are also made of bamboo.
Berikutnya ada juga yang menggunakan bambu, tapi cara memainkannya berbeda, dengan diketuk seperti alamat musik kulintang
Another interesting looking instrument, looking like some sort of giant fish bones stack togather, is also made of bamboo, but the way to play it is different. You have to tap the instruments to make a sound.
Keluar dari kuil dengan perasaan gembira, setelah melihat pertunjukan musik dan foto-foto. Di luar ternyata ada bis berisi segerombolan anak kecil, entah karena jarang melihat turis asia atau memang teman seperjalanan saya eye catching, banyak yang melongo melihat :D
Saya sempatkan mengambil beberapa foto di depan bis tersebut.
We went out after having a blast in the temple. Outside there's a school bus, or is it a public bus with loads of children? not really sure, but the kids inside were quite attentive to my friends, so I decided to take a couple of picture of them
Selesai sesi foto narsis, kita mengunjungi kafe di samping kuil. Tempatnya cukup nyaman walau tanpa AC, ada beberapa kipas angin besar dan tenda di luar kafe untuk yang ingin suasana outdoor.
Pilihan minumannya cukup terjangkau, Kopi Vietnam (Ca phe su dha) hanya sekitar Rp 10.000
Jus strawberry dan melon Rp 15.000. Menyegarkan, setelah beberapa jam terpanggang matahari yang terik di Hanoi.
After the photo session is done, we visit a cozy cafe nextdoor to the temple. There's no AC but they do provide lots of fan. The drink choices are quite nice and affordable. Vietnam ice coffee or Ca Phe Su Dha are only $1. Juices for less than $2, they dont provide food though, only some snacks like jerky, peanuts and sunfloweer seeds
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yum |
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