Jamoo - Shangrila Hotel Surabaya
Appetizer & Main Course
Jamoo adalah salah satu tempat makan sepuasnya yang cukup terkenal di Surabaya. Dahulu saat pembukaannya, sempat terkenal menyajikan chocolate fountain yang pada masanya cukup unik. Saat ini sih sudah banyak sekali yang memakai chocolate fountain untuk menyajikan marshmallow atau buah berbalut coklat, bahkan di food cart mall juga ada beberapa tempat yang menyajikannya.
Walau sudah lama buka dan terkenal, saya malah baru 2012 ini mencobanya, karena dulu sempat agak kecewa dengan coffee shop / restoran pendahulu jamoo yang menyajikan all you can eat buffet juga di Shangrila.
Jamoo, located in Shangrila Hotel, this place is famous for all you can eat where you can just pig out on many cuisines. The place was famous for their dessert, particularly the chocolate fountain, which was a novelty back in it's opening days. Though it's quite famous, I haven;t got the chance to try it for all this year. I wasn't particularly fond of the previous coffee shop / restaurant operating in the same place. Hence I got a bit hesitant to go back here.
Ada juga tempat makan outdoornya, yang menghadap kolam renang. Cukup banyak turis asing yang lebih menyukainya dibanding area ber AC di dalam. Untuk penduduk setempat sih sudah pasti lebih memilih hembusan AC nya, terutama saat jam makan siang di mana saya datang ini. Panasnya kota Surabaya saat musim pancaroba ini lumayan dahsyat.
There's also an outdoor dining area should you want a different atmosphere, a few tables overlooking the swimming pool area. Despite the hot weather, there's some tourist seated there, enjoying coffee and snacks. Locals would most likely prefer the air conditioned seating area inside.
Jamoo - Outdoor |
Jamoo's ala carte menu |
Hidangan pembukanya salah satu highlight pengalaman saya makan di Jamoo, rasanya ok, pilihannya menarik dan lumayan jarang ditemui di tempat makan serupa. Condimentnya cukup lengkap, ada capers, buah zaitun dan pickle (acar), serta banyak pilihan keju seperti brie, gouda, cheddar. Scallop dan saladnya cukup lezat, dengan pilihan saus yang cukup banyak pula. Ada dua pilihan sup, satu sup daging dan sup krim jamur.
The appetizer is one of the highlight of my dining experience, it tastes delicious, with abundance of choices. Loves the olive, capers and pickles, that aren't that easy to find in similar eateries in Surabaya. The scallops and salads choices are also nice, with a good dressing to accompany. There are two soup selection, a beef soup in clear broth and mushroom cream soup.
Jamoo - Mushroom Cream Soup |
Hidangan pembuka |
Jamoo - Scallops |
Jamoo - Entrée condiment |
Japanese Counter
Japanese counter nya di Jamoo menyediakan lumayan banyak pilihan, dari sushi sashimi dan udon dan beberapa snack. Tapi rasanya tidak terlalu istimewa, beda dengan standard resto jepang seperti
Sushi Tei, Sho, atau all time best untuk saya :
Kizahashi. Di Kizahashi (Bumi hotel) sendiri ada all you can eat brunch, tiap minggu jam 11.00 - 15.00, highly recomended untuk penggemar Japanese food.
Untuk Jamoo sendiri, karena lebih sekedar pelengkap dan bukan tema buffet utama, wajar kalau rasanya tidak seprima Kizahashi yang speciality nya Japanese food.
Their Japanese counter have a decent selection, there are choices of sashimi and sushi, but they are not up to the standards of Sushi Tei, Sho or my favorite, Kizahashi. In Kizahashi, they serves japanese cuisine brunch from 11.00 - 15.00, highly recomended for Japanese food aficionado.
Keeping in mind that the Japanese station in Jamoo is just a complimentary of the whole buffet, it's no wonder thai it's not as good as Kizahashi which specialize in Japanese cuisine.
What they lack in quality they make up in quantity, there's a whole selection of dishes in the Japanese station alone.
Jamoo - Japanese counter |
Jamoo - Sushi |
Jamoo - Sashimi and appetizers |
Jamoo - Fish bar |
Jamoo - Sushi & Sashimi |
Sayangnya di sini saya pertama kali ketemu dengan sashimi Salmon yang masih ada durinya. Saya rasa ini bukan hal lumrah karena sudah bertahun-tahun makan Sashimi (salah satu kegemaran saya) baru sekali ini bisa ketemu duri yang cukup besar tertinggal di potongannya. Untungnya sudah piring kedua, jadi tidak terlalu semangat makannya, coba piring pertama bisa ketelen tuh duri hehehe.
Unfortunately here I got my first salmon sashimi that still got it's fish bone left. I don't think leaving a fish bone in a sashimi is a common mistake, over the years eating it this is the first that I encounter such a big fish bone in any sashimi, which is one of my favorite dish, so I can say for sure that I've eaten lots of it before. Fortunately this is my second sashimi plate so I took my sweet time, if it were the first plate I might have gobbled that bone :D
Salmon Sashimi with a fish bone bonus |
Fried Salmon in broth |
Main Course - International Menu
Berikut menu makanan utamanya, ada beberapa pilihan karbo dan lauk, dicampur dalam tema menu internasional. Ada beberapa pilihan olahan daging sapi seperti rendang, steak. Ayam panggang dan ayam saus krim, juga pilihan ikan serta udang.
Here are the main course that was served for that day buffet, a few selection of meat dishes, carbs in an international cuisine theme. There were few selection of beef dishes, rendang and steaks. Grilled chicken and chicken al fredo, with a selection of fish and shrimp dishes.
Jamoo - selection of rice |
Jamoo - Main Course |
Jamoo - Makanan utama |
Jamoo - Nyamm |
Jamoo - Noodle soup selections (Laksa - Wonton - Soto - Tomyam) |
Jamoo - topping for noodle station |
Jamoo - saus / sauces |
Menu pastanya cukup enak, sayangnya presentasinya biasa saja, jadi saya tidak ada ingatan memfoto hasilnya di piring makan. :p.
The pasta tastes quite nice, albeit presentation wise it was mundane, so I didn't remember to take any photo of the plating.
Jamoo - Pasta station |
Jamoo - counter pemesanan pasta |
Salah satu primadona di buffet itu adalah grilled chicken nya yang disajikan dengan honey mustard, dijon mustard dan mint jelly, dengan pilihan sayuran rebus dan kentang goreng.
One of the star in the buffet is the grilled chicken, which was served with honey mustard, dijon mustard and mint jelly, with a side dish of blanched vegetables and fried potato.
Jamoo - Chicken Carving station |
Jamoo - Carving the grilled chicken |
Jamoo - Carved Grilled chicken |
Herbal Chicken Soup
Salah satu hidangan yang menarik di buffet hari itu, sup tim ayam obat. Rasanya cukup enak, mirip dengan apa yang biasa saya makan di restoran Cina setempat.
One of the more interesting part of the buffet. They serve a chinese herbal soup, with chicken meat. Taste on par with the chinese restaurant that I frequently dine.
Untuk ulasan hidangan penutupnya silakan kunjungi link bagian kedua Jamoo di bawah :
For the desserts buffet menu on Jamoo, please visit this second part of Jamoo's review :
Other all you can eat? visit this links
American Grill (Steak bonus all you can eat salad bar etc)
Fu Yuan - Dim sum all you can eat
Cocari & Hanamasa - Yakiniku
Kizahashi - Japanese cuisine
Jamoo -
Shangrila Hotel
Alamat: Jl. Mayjen Sungkono No. 120. Surabaya, Jawa Timur.
Phone : 031-5661550.
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