Lauk Pauk Restaurant - Surabaya

Lauk Pauk - Nginden


Lauk Pauk - Nginden Surabaya
Kalau sedang bingung cari tempat makan siang, ingin yang rasanya ok dan harga relatif terjangkau, bisa mengunjungi resto satu ini. Kelasnya setara dengan Depot Anda Fit dan Pecel Bu Kus, cocok untuk casual dining, dengan teman kerja, keluarga atau pacar. Kalau untuk special occasion dan ingin menu masakan Indonesia, lebih cocok ke yang lebih upscale seperti Kedai Tiga Nyonya ( atau Bon Ami

Lauk Pauk is a suitable eatery for people that want to eat a casual lunch with coworker, friends or family. It's affordable and it has an easy casual dining atmosphere, whilst a bit spartan, similar to this two restaurants : Depot Anda Fit andPecel Bu Kus,
If you're looking to celebrate special occasion, and you want Indonesian food, you'd be better off choosing a place with a bit more upscale atmosphere such as Kedai Tiga Nyonya ( or Bon Ami

Resto Lauk Pauk

Lauk Pauk Restaurant

Tempatnya cukup sederhana, dengan tatanan yang dibuat optimal sehingga bisa memuat sebanyak mungkin pengunjung tanpa terlalu terasa sesak. Cukup nyaman, tapi mungkin karena ramai, WCnya tidak sebersih yang saya harapkan.

Like I said, it's a bit spartan, with a small wooden table and chair, placed for efficiency so lots of customer can fit in without feeling to cramped. The dining place is quite comfortable, too bad the toilet is not as clean as what I would like, probably due to the number of patronage.

Plecing Kangkung - Rp 10.500

 Siang ini kita pesan Plecing Kangung, Udang masak telor asin, tempe dan tahu penyet, serta minumnya es cao serut dan es teh. Rasanya cukup enak, plecing kangkungnya segar, tidak ada rasa yang aneh.  Sambalnya juga ok, mengingat harganya, cukup ok untuk dijadikan langganan.

We went there for lunch, ordered some healthy menu such as blenched water spinach, tofu and tempeh with sambal and shrimp coated in salted egg. For drink we had the ice cao and tea. The food taste pretty nice with an affordable price to accompany.

Tahu & Tempe Penyet - Rp 6.000

Udang Goreng Telor Asin - Rp 28.500

Es Cao Serut - Rp 5.625
Berikut menunya :
Here is the menu :
(click to enlarge)
Menu Lauk Pauk

Taste             : 7.5 / 10

Atmosphere  : 6 / 10 
Service         : 7 / 10 
Value            : 7.5 / 10

Resto Lauk Pauk Nginden
Jl. Nginden Raya No. 38 Surabaya Selatan
Telp. 031 5012546, 7319325
Jam Buka : 10.00 – 22.00 Wib
