Loving Hut - Vegetarian Restaurant
Loving Hut - Surabaya
Resto ini bisa dibilang salah satu restauran vege pertama yang relatif populer di kalangan teman hang out saya
Dibuka pada tahun 2010 an dan salah satu resto vegetarian yang populer. Biasanya sulit sekali mengajak teman ke resto vege, untuk Loving Hut untungnya tidak demikian. Berhubung cukup populer, kali ini bukannya mengajak, tapi diajak ke resto vegetarian.
This vegetarian restaurant is one of the first vegetarian restaurant which gain popularity amongst my friends.
Was opened in 2010, and got a bit of name as one of the popular vegetarian eatery. It's usually hard to get my friend to try a vegetarian restaurant, fortunately, Loving hut might be the first one that is popular in my circle of friends, that this time I was asked to go here instead of having to be dragging someone to try vegetarian dishes :D
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Vegetarian Fried Rice |
Rasanya cukup ok, kadang resto vegetarian bisa terasa amat aneh masakannya, karena tidak menggunakan bawang dan daging / kaldu, jadi penggunaan MSG nya kadang malah terasa berlebih, di sini tidak terlalu untungnya.
Taste quite fine, vegetarian restaurant usually have those strange taste, due to their limitation, not being able to use garlic or stocks, so sometime they pile up on those MSG. Fortunately this is not the case here. I can still taste the MSG, but not as overwhelming as some of the less refined establishment.
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Enoki and vegetable |
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Fried Enoki |
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Spaghetti - the sauce tastes off |
The one dish that I don't really recommend is the Spaghetti. It sauce tastes really strange, kind of an unnatural taste, maybe they were using some sort of strange seasonings.
Di sini juga menjadi tempat tentang aliran kepercayaan(?) supreme master dsb dsb. Berhubung saya tidak terlalu tertarik menghubungkan diet dengan agama, jadi tidak pernah terlalu memperhatikan.
Dan itu tidak masalah, karena mereka bukan tempat yang memaksakan kepada pelanggan untuk mau mendengarkan dogmanya. Hanya saja harus tahan dengan siaran TV di restauran yang menyiarkan tentang aliran kepercayaan tersebut.
This restaurant also doubles as a place for a kind of spiritual teaching (?) something about supreme master or whatnot. Since I don't really keen on linking diet with religion, I haven't paid any attention to it. And that's fine since, they are not one of those place that really force you to listen about their dogma etc.
You just have to cope with the TV showing programs about the belief systems etc.
Taste : 3.5 / 5
Atmosphere : 4 / 5
Service : 4 / 5
Value : 4 / 5
Loving Hut
Jl. Sumbawa No.37 (Biliton) Surabaya
Tel. +62 - 31 - 501 2990
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