Ryoshi Japanese Restaurant - Surabaya
Ryoshi - Tunjungan Plasa
Setelah Sushi Tei melebarkan sayap ke Bali beberapa tahun lalu, giliran chain resto yang lebih dahulu besar di Bali, Ryoshi, ikut membuka cabang di Kota Pahlawan. Dahulu pada awal buka, termasuk resto Jepang dengan suasana mewah, berikutnya ia membuka cabang-cabang dengan harga yang lebih bisa dijangkau dan suasana yang lebih santai.
After Sushi Tei (a chain japanese restaurant popular in Java) a few years ago open it shop in Bali, now it's time for a Bali juggernaut to set up shop in Surabaya. Ryoshi is quite famous for it's Japanese cuisine in Bali, starting
out with a upscale dining atmosphere in it first year opening, then setting up a chain with a more relax atmosphere and a pricing more affordable for the masses.
Kebetulan hari itu bertepatan dengan premiernya film Twilight Breaking Dawn II. Antrian di sekitar bioskop amat penuh, di kedua bioskop yang ada di TP.
Coincidentally on that day were the premier of Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn II. There are two cinema in Tunjungan Plasa and both are packed with people lining up till outside the cinema.
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Antrian nonton Twilight - Breaking Dawn II |
Lokasi resto Ryoshi di Tunjungan Plasa 1 lantai 4, dekat dengan lokasi bioskop XXI. Tempatnya relatif terbuka dan memanjang, mungkin akan sedikit terasa kurang private apabila tatanan interiornya mampat.
Meja yang menghadap ke jalan sangat besar, jadi yang tidak ingin terlalu dekat jalan bisa menggunakan ujung meja sebelah dalam.
Mengingat harganya bersaing dengan Sushi Tei dan Sho, desain tempat yang ditawarkan sebetulnya kurang sesuai dengan target market pelanggannya.
Ryoshi restaurant is located near the XXI cinema, in Tunjungan Plasa 1, 4'th floor. There are big openings on the restaurants area, which will make it a bit less private if the interior are packed. Luckily that's not the case here, the table adjacent to the street are so big, that you can choose to use the inner part of the table if you'd like more privacy.
This restaurant cater to upper middle segment of eateries, with that in mind, the design of this place lack the refinement of it's peers.
This restaurant cater to upper middle segment of eateries, with that in mind, the design of this place lack the refinement of it's peers.
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Ryoshi - Sushi Bar |
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Ryoshi - inside the restaurant |
Salah satu keunggulan Ryoshi menurut saya adalah kesegaran bahannya dan minimnya penggunaan bahan yang mungkin minim pengawet, sehingga rasa di hidangannya natural, tidak ada after taste aneh seperti pada sebagian chain resto jepang lainnya.
One of the thing that I like most about Ryoshi is the freshness of the ingredients and the lack of chemical preservatives. The taste of their dishes doesn't have those strange after taste that some other japanese restaurant seems to have.
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Negi Toro Maki - Rp 30.000 (Ryoshi) |
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Isobe Mochi - Rp 20.000 (Ryoshi) |
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Isobe Mochi |
Ada dua pilihan mochi, Isobe Mochi dan Cheese Mochi, saya lebih suka Isobe yang rasanya lebih kontras antara mochi dan isinya. Sedangkan kalau mochi keju untuk selera saya terlalu eneg.
Isobe Mochi ini di dalamnya terdapat semacam abon asin yang enak. Saya belum pernah bertemu hidangan mochi di resto jepang lain di Surabaya, jadi ini merupakan menu yang unik di Ryoshi.
There are two choices of mochi, Isobe Mochi and Cheese Mochi. I prefer the Isobe which have a meat floss filling. The Cheese Mochi can be overwhelmingly heavy for my taste.
As far as I know, there aren't any other Japanese Restaurant in Surabaya that offer mochi, so this is a unique dish that you can only get at Ryoshi in this city.![]() |
Usu Zukuri - Rp 44.000 (Ryoshi) |
Usu Zukuri di sini adalah irisan ikan putih yang segar, disajikan mentah ala sashimi dan diberi taburan daun bawang dan saus cuka yang asin dan segar. Saya beri nilai 8 dari 10 untuk hidangan satu ini. Recomended
Usu Zukuri is sliced sashimi of white fish, it's quite nice, with a fresh taste and a tangy vinegar like sauce to accompany. I give this dish a score of 8 / 10. Quite a tasty sashimi and the vinegar sauce give it a kick that you don't get out of reguler sashimi dishes.
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Satsuma Age - Rp 27.000 (Ryoshi) |
Satsuma Age ini kalau sederhananya bisa dibilang bakso ikan (Hie wan?). Lumayan ok tapi agak membosankan, kuahnya berbasis kecap asin, diberi parutan lobak di atasnya dan sedikit horseradish. mendapat nilai 6.5 / 10 dari saya
Satsuma Age is a kind of fish meatball, it taste fine, but can be a bit boring, the soup is a soy based broth. On top they place a grated white radish with horseradish for spicy taste. This dish gets a measly 6.5 /10 for my taste.
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Tenzaru Soba - Rp 64.000 (Ryoshi) |
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Tenzaru Soba Ryoshi |
The Tenzaru Soba are quite nice. Earlier I had a same dish in Sho (which I haven't posted yet :p) which give or take, on par with this dish. The Sho's tempura was a bit crunchier which give it a slight edge taste-wise, but the Sho's Tenzaru Soba costs about Rp 10.000 more compared to Ryoshi's. The portion are both the same. This dish gets a score of 8 / 10 for my taste-bud.
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Tempura - Tenzaru Soba |
Berbeda dengan Sushi Tei yang memberikan Ocha gratis, dan Sho yang memberikan layanan free refill untuk ochanya (tapi harga 2x lipat @ Rp 18.000) di Ryoshi ochanya per gelas dihargai Rp 10.000.
Two competitor to Ryoshi are Sushi Tei and Sho, they have different offer for drinks, while Ocha here are priced Rp 10.000, in Sushi Tei are given free with meal and in Sho they charge Rp 18.000 for ocha, giving a refill as much as you can drink.
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Cold Ocha - Rp 10.000 |
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Menu 1 Ryoshi |
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Menu 2 Ryoshi |
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Menu 3 Ryoshi |
Taste : 7 / 10
Atmosphere : 5.5 / 10
Service : 7 / 10
Value for money : 7.5 / 10
Ryoshi Japanese Restaurant
Tunjungan Plasa 1 lantai 4
Jln Basuki Rahmat 8-12, Surabaya.
Ryoshi Surabaya , ternyata masih discount sampai akhir Desember 2012 ....