Tahu Tek Pak Gendut - Surabaya

Pak Gendut's Tahu Tek - Surabaya

Tahu Tek Pak Gendut

 Tahu Tek pak Gendut

Di Daerah perumahan mayar tirtoyoso terdapat beberapa penjaja makanan yang lumayan ok, selain Sate Manyar Tampotika ada juga tahu tek pak Gendut ini. letaknya di Manyar Jaya gang V.


Knock-knock.. who's there? It's Tofu 

Tahu Tek, or literally would be translated as  Knock Tofu. Why the knocking? no it's not that we have to knock tofus to prepare the dish, the name comes from the way it was usually sold. It's usually dragged by a seller, in a cart with wheel or 'kaki lima' (five feet) food cart, and they would usually have a wooden instrument that is sounded by knocking it,  creating the sound 'Tek Tek'. Thus it's called Tahu Tek, which in English would be a bit funny and superstitious, 'Knock on wood Tofu' anyone? :D

 This stall is name Tahu Tek Pak Gendut, pak Gendut might be the proprietor's name, which is literally means fat guy. It's sells a decent Tahu Tek dish, but nothing special. I like the Pak Jayen one better, which is located about 10 minutes away from this stall, at Dharmahusada street. It's priced the same at Rp 10.000,-
It's located in a residential area near Galaxy Mall, just 5 minutes apart from the Sate Manyar  Tampotika, in Manyar Jaya V street.

Front of Tahu Tek Pak Gendut
 Letaknya bersebelahan dengan penjual sate dan toko roti in. Satenya bisa menjadi alternatif untuk yang kehabisan saat mengunjungi Sate Manyar Tampotika.

Located in a house alongside with a bakery shop roti in and a Satay stall. This would be a good alternative in case the Sate Manyar Tampotika were sold out when you get there.

dining area Tahu Tek pak Gendut
Tempat area makannya terletak di dalam garasi (dulunya garasi) dengan meja berjajar. Lumayan panas dan sempit, lebih baik kalau ingin ke sini jangan memakai baju lengan panjang kecuali memang niat sauna. Nyamuknya juga lumayan ganas, bisa pertimbangkan bawa lotion anti nyamuk.

The eating area is a makeshift area that supposed to be a garage. It's long and narrow, quite strange atmosphere, and a bit hot and humid. So don't wear anything stuffy when going here. There's also a bit of mosquito that day, consider bringing some mosquito repellent. In case you're wondering, the competition, Tahu Tek pak Jayen's place is the same. Hot + mosquito infested  :p

Tahu Tek
Rasanya sih lumayan, tapi sayangnya untuk kami tidak seenak hidangan dari pak Jayen, yang lokasinya beda 10 menit, kebetulan 3 hari sebelumnya dibawakan tahu tek pak Jayen, jadi masih segar dalam ingatan. Sebetulnya hari ini rencana awalnya ke Tahu Tek pak Jayen, berhubung tutup maka mencoba gubahannya pak Gendut. Bedanya di rasa saus terutama, yang milik pak Jayen relatif lebih banyak saosnya dan lebih terasa bumbu rempahnya. Yang di pak Gendut, bumbunya tidak sebanyak di pak Jayen, rasanya lebih mild, mungkin cocok kalau seleranya tidak suka rasa kaya bumbu.

 Taste wise it's fine, having ate pak Jayen's a few days before, we can make a direct comparison, and regrettably it's not as good as the pak Jayen's. The difference is mainly in the peanut sauce. The Jayen's was thicker, in greater quantity and taste spicier, not spicy hot, just mild tang and savoury. Whereas the Gendut's a bit bland, sweeter and mild, which might be good for some, a matter of preference.

Frying Tofu for Tahu Tek

This is the way they prepare the sauce, put in some garlic, spices, salt and pepper, along with sweet soy sauce and peanut, grind in cobek with uleg-uleg, Indonesian mortar and pestle.

Tahu Tek peanut sauce preparation

Bumbu tahu tek, kacang diuleg di cobek


Taste             : 6.5 / 10

Atmosphere  : 5 / 10 
Service         : 5  / 10 
Value            : 5.5 / 10



 Sate Ayam Janto

Berikut foto tetangganya pak Gendut
Saya sendiri belum mencoba saat ke sana, tapi kelihatannya cukup ramai. Jumlah pengunjung yang memesan sate cukup banyak. Moga-moga dalam waktu dekat saya bisa mencoba dan membandingkannya dengan Sate Manyar Tampotika yang lebih dulu terkenal.

 Here's another stall next to pak Gendut's. Sate Ayam Janto
I haven't tasted it yet, but seems like it's a good buy. Lots of people also ordered the satay that day. Hopefully in the near future I'll try it and make a comparison with the Sate Manyar Tampotika, which is more famous.

Sate Ayam Janto

Smoky satay stall

Chicken Satay on the grill


  1. Bang, coba tahu telor/tahu tek di dharmahusada indah.. menurut orang sini sih enak, menurut saya lumayan.. parkir nya antri banget.. porsi banyak, harga murah :')

    1. iya
      yang dimaksud mungkin tahu tek pak Jayen ya? pada ulasan di atas sudah saya sebut lebih enak daripada tahu tek pak gendut ini, tapi memang saat mencoba tidak foto2, jadi belum post ulasannya :)

  2. Artikelnya sangat mebantu gan,

    Terima kasih banyak

  3. harganya brp an gan?

  4. harganya brp an gan?


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