Jumbo Juice - Kertajaya

Jumbo Jus- Kertajaya

Jumbo Juice - Kertajaya

Yang rumahnya di Surabaya Timur pasti tahu tempat satu ini, Jumbo Juice. Cabangnya ada dua, satu di daerah jln Prof Mustopo (jalannya nasi udang duet ibu-ibu, Rudy & Indra) satunya lagi di Jalan Kertajaya, mengarah ke Dharmahusada, setelahnya belokan ke Bonet, dekat dengan lokasi resto Pizza Hut.

Jumbo Juice is a street vendor, which opens in East Surabaya, only at night time. They have two stalls, one in Prof Mustopo street and the other is in Dharmahusada, adjacent to pizza hut.

Jumbo Juice

Jumbo Juice

Tempat dagangnya ditaruh dalam mobil boks, yang berisi peralatan dapur termasuk blender, beragam buah dan pendampingnya termasuk susu kental manis dan gula.

They are using a food truck for a stall, actually it's kind of a modified pickup car. Carrying kitchen equipment, such as blender, assorted fruits, along with ice, condensed milk and sugar.

Jumbo Juice - Squeezing oranges
Pilihan buahnya cukup beragam, termasuk strawberry, anggur, mangga, semangka, apukat, apel, jeruk, tomat, melon, sirsat, belimbing dan lain-lain
Kadang kalau sedang musim, ada juga pilihan buah yang lebih eksotik seperti durian.

There are quite a bunch of fruit selections, including strawberry, grape, manggo, watermelon, avocado, apple, orange, tomato, melon, soursop, starfruit, and others.
When in season, there are other more exotic choice such as durian.

Jumbo Juice - Put ice in blender

Jumbo Juice - Shake & Blend the fruits with ice & sugar
Harganya cukup terjangkau, mengingat ukurannya sangat besar, satu paket jusnya bisa mengisi sekitar lima gelas ukurang sedang.
Berikut harganya bisa dilihat di bawah

The price are quite affordable, considering the usual juice is quite large in size. I think it can fill about 5 regular glass
Here are the prices :

Jus Jeruk / Orange Juice - Rp 9.000
Jus Apel / Apple Juice - Rp 10.000
Jus campur jeruk & apel / Mixed Apple & Orange Juice = Rp 12.000
Avocado Juice / Apukat = Rp 15.000

Jumbo Juice - Avocado Juice
Jumbo Juice
Jalan Kertajaya


  1. Mantab nich, saya paling suka jus alvokat.

  2. iya apukatnya enak, diberi susu kental manis warna coklat. Yumm


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