Roca - Artotel Surabaya

Roca Restaurant - Artotel Hotel

Artotel Lobby
Tahun 2012 ini adalah tahunnya hotel budget bermunculan di Surabaya. Salah satunya adalah artotel ini yang terletak di jalan Polisi Istimewa, dekat dengan Fusia.
Lokasi hotel dan dekornya cukup menarik, desainnya berani dan eye catching, tidak menuruti standard hotel budget yang kadang membosankan.

Restauran di dalam hotel ini dinamai Roca, menyajikan hidangan standard resto hotel, western + chinese + indo campur aduk. Salah satu yang paling sering di promosikan adalah Bakmi Foie Gras nya. Foie Gras sendiri artinya hati angsa yang digemukkan, biasanya harganya amat tinggi, berikut untuk perbandingan, ulasan Teriyaki Foei Gras di Imari, yang harganya Rp 600.000

The year 2012 is the time for budget hotel opening up in Surabaya. One of them is the Artotel hotel, which is located in Polisi Istimewa street, near Fusia.
This hotel is decorated with such a brazen art, which is a fresh detour for the usual budget hotel design, but I think this place might suit the young at heart, rather than the usual mature business clientele.

Roca is the restaurant for this hotel, serving the usual jack of all trades, Western + Chinese + Indonesian dishes. The one dish that they keep on promoting is the BFG - Bakmie Foie Gras, which mean noddles foie gras. Here is a picture of the noodle, you can find the review in the bottom, since I'm gonna write about the ambiance first.

Roca - Bakmie Foie Gras

Roca - Suasana restauran

Roca - Drink Station

Tempat ramu minumannya menarik, di belakangnya ada open kitchen yang diberi decal sticker nuansa natal

The drink station is quite cool, uncluttered, with window decal-led with Christmas theme, giving view of the open kitchen

Roca - Open Kitchen

Roca - Ice Cream

Roca - Ice Cream toppings

Roca - funky staircase

Furniture di lobby nya menarik dan warna-warni, ada juga tempat penjualan suvenir yang unik. Menambah kesan artistik dari tempatnya. Walaupun hotelnya tidak terlalu besar tapi dengan desain yang optimal membuat tempatnya jauh dari kesan sempit.

The lobby furniture are interesting and colorful, there are also souvenirs display that you can purchase, it adds an artistic flare to the place. Eventhough the hotel is a bit small, but the design compensate for it, making everything less stuffy.

Roca - Happy Gals

Roca - Dining Area

Kalau untuk urusan desain, hotel / resto ini cukup menarik, sayangnya untuk urusan rasa makanan dan minuman, tidak setara dengan kualitas desain tempatnya.

Minuman yang disajikan biasa-biasa saja, kadang terasa tidak pas campurannya. Saya lebih suka campuran minuman di kafe-kafe standard mall. Saat itu kita mencoba Virgin Mojito dan Nata D'art.

The design and appearance of the place is superb, too bad the quality of food and beverage is not on the same league.

The drinks are mediocre, not really on par with a standards of the usual mall's cafes, let alone other hotels. We tried the mocktail there, a Virgin Mojito and Nata D'art. It's priced around Rp 30.000

Roca - Nata D'art - Rp 30.000
Roca - Beverage

Roca - Burger Rp 68.000,++ (Rp 82.000)

Roca Burger - awful potato chip
Dari tiga menu makanan yang kita coba, yang paling mending adalah burger roca ini, tapi itupun juga tidak spesial, sangat tidak memuaskan untuk harganya yang cukup tinggi. Walaupun tidak buruk, tapi masih di bawah standard resto fast food.
Yang parah adalah kentang gorengnya, tidak fresh dan bukan potongan kentang goreng standard burger, tapi potongan keripik. Kalau memang disiapkan fresh mungkin masih enak, tapi ini hanya gorengan kripik kentang yang hambar.

The Burger are the least disappointing part of the meal, that said, it's not satisfying for the upscale price. There's some lump of inedible, hard meat on the patty, the meat quality is just standard. In comparison with fast food's burger such as Wendys, McDonalds or AW, this burger is not as good as the fast food counterpart.
The worst part is the potato, they don't serve a regular french fries, instead they serve unfresh, bland potato chip. It just simply awful.

Roca - Nasi Goreng Koko - Rp 42.000,++ (Rp 50.000 nett)

Roca - Bakmie Foie Gras - Rp 78.000,++ (Rp 94.000 nett)

Roca - Tiny Foie Gras - Rp 94.000
Bakmi Foie Gras yang menjadi andalan, rasanya biasa saja, tidak terlalu enak. Saya lebih menyukai rasa mie standard di depot seperti Tidar, atau Mie Ujung Pandang di daerah Jemursari.
Di sini terdapat potongan foie gras / hati bebek yang menjadi tema utama. Ukurannya memang kecil, tapi ya sesuai dengan harganya lah.

The Foie Gras noodle which was their signature dish, turns out to be so-so. It's not as good as the noodle you get on food stalls or standard Chinese restaurant, the noodle it self a bit tasteless, you have to rely on the soup for taste.

Roca - Virgin Mojito - Rp 46.000

Roca - Drink Menu

Roca - Food Menu

Overall tempat ini memiliki kesan dan rasa mirip dengan Solaria (chain resto) dengan harga hotel berbintang. Tempatnya sama menariknya dengan Solaria, kualitas makanannya juga sama, tapi sayang harganya tidak cocok dengan kualitasnya.

This place have the quality similar to Solaria (A chain chinese food restaurant, priced approx 30k / person) with an upsacle price of a hotel eateries. They are both equally interesting design-wise, but for the quality of food, you'd be better off spending a night in Solaria rather than paying double, with the same quality of food in Roca.

Taste                :  3  / 5

Atmosphere    :  4  / 5
Service            :  3  / 5
Value               :  2  / 5

Dr. Soetomo 79 - 81, Surabaya, Indonesia 60264
 (031) 5689000


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  2. will do, thanks for the comment & visit :)

  3. The bakmi foie gras is the worse bakmi i've ever had!
    i don't know why they cook some shit like that, put on the menu, and keep promoting that.

  4. Sorry for the late reply and approval, was away for two weeks

    yeah I agree, the bakmi is quite underwhelming, even by street food standard

  5. Aglio Olio-nya juga rasahnya bleh banget. Sy bisa nemu yang lebih enak diluar, atau bikin sendiri. ;)

    Tapi sangat suka sama nuansa tempatnya. Artistic.

    1. Yeah, the design is quite nice

      some say the food is better nowadays, tapi belum ada kesempatan nyoba lagi


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