XO Suki - Surabaya
XO Suki - Galaxy Mall, Surabaya
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XO Suki - Dining Area |
Kata Suki sendiri kemungkinan besar berasal dari Thai Suki, hidangan hotpot dari Thailand
Diterjemahkan dari http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_suki :
Thai Suki, atau dikenal dengan Suki (สุกี้) di Thailand, adalah varian hidangan hot pot, hidangan komunal di mana penggemarnya bisa memasukkan daging, hidangan laut, mie, pangsit dan sayur ke dalam panci berisi kaldu masak di meja, dan dicelupkan dalam 'saus sukiyaki' sebelum dimakan.
Walaupun namanya sukiyaki, tapi jauh berbeda dengan Sukiyaki ala Jepang, lebih mirip dengan Shabu-shabu atau steambot Cina.
Sukiyaki Thailand ini berkembang hot pot Cina / Steamboat yang merupakan kegemaran etnis Cina yang tinggal di Thailand, di mana panci aluminium dipanaskan di atas arang dan bahan mentahnya disiapkan di atas meja dengan piring yang besar.
In the past few years back, there was a craze of Suki dishes, with so many similarly themed restaurants opening up. From a sizable bunch of more than 5 eateries, only two remains, one is the Golden Rama in Gubeng street, the other is the XO Suki, which have many branches in the popular malls.
The term Suki itself,
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XO Suki - Tofu, Angry Bird style |
Thai suki, known simply as suki (สุกี้) in Thailand, is a Thai variant of hot pot, a communal dish where diners dip meat, seafood, noodles, dumplings and vegetables into a pot of broth cooking at the table and dip it into a spicy "sukiyaki sauce" before eating. Despite the name, the dish only barely resembles Japanese sukiyaki, having more in common with shabu shabu and Chinese hot pot.
Thai sukiyaki evolved from Chinese hot pot served in restaurants catering to members of Thailand's sizeable ethnic Chinese clientele, in which an aluminum pot was heated on a charcoal fire at the table and the raw ingredients presented on one big plate.

Setelah mendapat tempat duduk, bisa langsung menuju lemari es / display bahan mentah yang bisa dimasak. Pilihannya terdiri dalam beberapa warna wadahnya, dari warna putih, merah muda, hijau, biru, kuning. Harganya sekitar Rp 10.000 - Rp 30.000. Ada lagi varian yang lebih mahal di rak paling atas, ditempatkan dalam piring, kisarannya di atas Rp 50.000 per piring.
After being seated by the waiter, you can go to the suki display, to choose which ingredients you want to put inside the pot. There are many choices, organized by price, which is differentiated by color. It ranges from Rp 10.000 - Rp 30.000 for the regular, but there's an even higher priced item, place in the top rack, served in a plate instead of the regular bowl.
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Xo Suki - Sayuran / vegetable choices |
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XO Suki - Bakwan Bintang / Star shaped meatball |
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XO Suki - Tofu Seafood Sotong, Angry Bird style |
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XO Suki - Mie dan Sayuran / Noodles and Vegetables |
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Xo Suki - Bakwan Ikan / Fish Meatball |
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XO Suki - Grilled Item |
Apart from the Suki, they also provide other dishes, some of them are buns, Thailand style sweet cassava, also grilled chicken and duck, which are displayed in a Chinese restaurant style
Setelah bahan makaannya siap di meja, kita bisa meminta bantuan waiter untuk memanaskan kompor yang sudah berisi panci dengan kaldu yang siap dimasak. Ada tiga pilihan kuah, pertama yang original / biasa, lalu kuah Tom Yam, dan terakhir vegetarian. Bisa juga meminta dua pilihan dalam satu panci, dengan menggunakan pemisah.
Once you're done choosing the Suki ingredients, we can ask the waiter to help us with the stove setting, with a pot ready on top, filled with broth to your liking. There are three choices of broth, first the regular, Tom yam kung (hot Thai soup) and the last one is vegetarian. You can also ask for two choices of broth in a pot. They will provide a pot with divider.
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XO Suki - Proses Masak / Cooking process |
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XO Suki |
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XO Suki |
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XO Suki - Bahan dimasukkan / Ingredients poured to pot |
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XO Suki |
Setelah menunggu beberapa saat, hotpotnya matang dan bisa dinikmati
Afterwards they will put a lid on the pot. As per request, they can dunk all the ingredients or save some for later.
After waiting a few minutes, the hot pot is done, and you can enjoy it.
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XO Suki - Selamat makan / Dig in! |
Overall rasa di sini lumayan ok, tapi sedikit MSGnya kadang agak terlalu banyak sehingga sering haus pada saat makan (padahal makanannya berkuah).
Biasanya XO Suki memiliki kerjasama promo dengan bank penyedia layanan kartu kredit, saat terakhir ke sana, ada promo 30% discount untuk Suki, menggunakan Standard Chartered.
Discount 30% itu untuk suki, biasanya untuk ala carte bisa berbeda discountnya. Berhubung saat itu tidak pesan ala carte menu, jadi tidak tahu berapa discount yang diberikan.
Untuk berdua, kita biasanya habis sekitar Rp 120.000 - 200.000
Overall it tastes quite nice, but the dishes contains loads of MSG, which is why we would usually be more thirsty than usual while enjoying the dish (though it's a soup)
Usually XO Suki have a promotion for credit card holder of certain banks, the last time we went there, there's a 30% discount for Standard Chartered credit card holder.
Bear in mind the discount is only for the Suki, Ala carte menu usually have different terms, which we didn't know since we didn't order any on this visit.
A meal for two usually runs for Rp 120.000 - Rp 200.000
Taste : 6.5 / 10
Atmosphere : 6.5 / 10
Service : 7 / 10
Value : 6 / 10
XO Suki
Phone: (031) 591-5619
Galaxy Mall, 4th Fl Unit 407 - 408
Jl. Dharmahusada Indah Timur No. 35 - 37, Surabaya
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