Eclectic Bar & Pub - Surabaya
Eclectic Bar & Pub - Surabaya Town Square (Sutos)
Setelah dari Kambodja Sutos, kita mencari tempat untuk hangout dan sekedar minum. Karena ada dua teman yang super alim mau nyoba bar, akhirnya menggok ke Eclectic Bar & Pub
After having dinner in Kambodja Sutos, we stroll aroudn Sutos Mall to find a place to hangout and have a drink. Because two of my friend want to try the bar scene, so we head to Eclectic Bar & Pub.
Karena inginnya ngobrol bisa ngobrol, kita memilih tempat di luar bar nya sendiri, karena suasana di dalam bar cukup bising, jadi daripada serak dipilihlah meja outdoor yang relatif lebih sepi.
Since we wanted to chat, we pick a table outside of the bar, since they were playing some loud hip hop music inside, it wont be suitable for chatting.
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Erdinger Beer Rp 150.000 |
One of my friend tried the Erdinger beer which costs quite a bit more than the regular beer. He said it has smoother taste, also a hint of something, I can't remember what he said, either some nuts or fruits. I'm not a beer or wine connoisseur hence can't really tell what's the difference between one and the other. I only ordered a San Miguel light since I want to limit my calorie intake. Bir Bintang and San Miguel costs about Rp 40.000 which is less than a third of the Erdinger.
Here's a link of the beer's website, apparently they have a fun club too
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Bir Bintang @ Eclectic Pub & Bar Surabaya |
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Taken with Sigma 50mm F1.4 |
Suasana dan lokasinya sih lumayan, tapi saya sendiri tidak terlalu pintar milih tempat bar dan minuman favorit saya sendiri biasanya kopi, jadi tidak bisa memberi pendapat terlalu banyak tentang pilihan minuman di sana, yang jelas pilihan bir importnya cukup banyak, ada juga bir tower dan bir rasa yang sempat pernah saya coba juga di kirkos
The setting and ambiance is quite nice, but I'm not really experienced on picking a bar or such place, and my favorite drink is coffee, so I can't really comment on the drink selections there. What I know is that they have quite a big selection on imported beers, along with beer tower and flavoured beer which I've only tried a couple of time at Kirkos
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Eclectic Menu |
Town Square Surabaya, Jl. Hayam Wuruk No 6 - SurabayaP: Hotline (031) 92668599, HP 08385528599
twitter: follow us @EclecticPub
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