Kartiko Pasar Atum - Jajan Pasar Surabaya

Kartiko Jajan Pasar - Traditional Indonesian Snack

Kartiko - Jajan Pasar adalah penjual cemilan dan kue tradisional di Surabaya. Terletak di lantai dua pasar atum, mall favorit kaum hawa, berdekatan dengan eskalator. Kalau biasanya tempat serupa hanya mementingkan rasa makanan, di sini tidak demikian, desain tempatnya juga mendapat perhatian yang besar.

Kartiko is a traditional Indonesian snack seller. Snack in this case include some heavy ones with rice as base ingredient. This store is located in Pasar Atum mall, a heaven for some woman, though parking is hell and facilities are poor. What attracts them is the many variations of boutiques, selling fashion items from lower to upper middle class clientele.

This kind of store usually just emphasize on the food taste, but not for Kartiko, they also put as much attention on their store design.

Kartiko - Humungous Jug on display
Old School Pot and decor

Kartiko Jajan Pasar

Tempatnya didesain dengan menggunakan tema dapur tradisional Indonesia, terutama dari kaum peranakan. Terdapat banyak perkakas dapur yang mengingatkan saya pada dapur nenek saya. Mulai dari panci kuno hingga tutup gelasnya yang unik.

This place is designed in traditional Indonesian kitchen theme, with cutleries, pot and other kitchen equipment that is a rarity nowadays.

Kartiko Jajan Pasar - Lumpia

Kartiko Jajan Pasar -kue pandan, pastel, roro mendut, mutiara

Kartiko Jajan Pasar - Tahu Campur, Kue Getuk, Ketan Durian, Apem

Pilihan Jajan Pasarnya cukup lengkap, untuk jajan pasar memang cukup tinggi, sekitar Rp 10.000 per kue, tapi kualitasnya sepadan dengan harga.

There are so many selection of tradisional snack, mostly are Kue, which is sweet, but there's also other savory selections. 
The average price of this snacks are about Rp 10.000

Kartiko Jajan Pasar - Black Coffee / Kopi Hitam
Kartiko - my fave, Klepon
Favorit saya di sana adalah kleponnya, tidak seperti kebanyakan klepon asal-asal an yang biasanya gulanya masih utuh, atau tepungnya kurang matang, di sini kleponnya pas matangnya, dan pas rasanya

The green stuff with coconut shaving is my favorite snack, klepon.
Here's a short description from wikipedia :   

Klepon (pronounced Klê-pon) is a traditional rice cake, popular in Indonesia and Malaysia. It is a boiled rice cake, stuffed with liquid gula jawa (palm sugar), and rolled in grated coconut. Klepon is green because it is flavored with a paste made from the pandan or dracaena plant whose leaves are used widely in South East Asian cooking. In other parts of Indonesia, such as in Sumatra and in neighboring Malaysia, klepon is called as onde-onde. While in Java onde-onde is refer to Chinese Jin deui, rice cake ball coated with sesame seeds filled with sweet greenbean paste. Although popular across Southeast Asia, klepon might be originated from Java.
Klepon, along with getuk and cenil usually eaten as morning or afternoon snacks. To eat klepon must be careful because freshly boiled one usually contains hot palm sugar liquid that will pop out in a bite.
A well known klepon comes from Pasuruan (East Java), sold in a box by small kiosk that make a long line on the roadside that connect Malang and Surabaya. They are also sold by seller that get on the Bus that goes to or from Malang / Surabaya.
In the 50's klepon was introduced by Indo immigrants to the Netherlands and is readily available in Dutch or Chinese Indonesian restaurants and supermarkets throughout the country.

Kartiko Jajan Pasar - Tahu Isi

another short description of this snack from wikipedia :
Tahu isi: (lit: filled tofu), probably the most popular variant of tahu goreng in Indonesia, tofu filled with beansprouts, carrots and sometimes minced meat is battered and deep fried. It is commonly found in gorengan (Indonesian fritters) vendors. Commonly eaten with cabai rawit (bird's eye chili).

Kartiko Jajan Pasar - decoration
Kalau ingin mencoba makanan di sini, bisa pesan di counternya untuk disajikan, atau bawa langsung ke jajanan yang diinginkan ke counter untuk disiapkan. Pilihan menu minumannya juga ada, selain kopi ada juga liang tea (teh dari lohankuo bunga matahari & alang-alang, untuk panas dalam) dan susu kedelai.

This kind of place usually just sells snack for takeaway, but here you can eat inside the store, they provide table for about 25 people, and there's a lovely barstoll overlooking outside the shop.
They also provide some beverages such as Liang Tea (a tea made of sunflower, monk fruit and other herbs), coffee and soya milk.

Kartiko Jajan Pasar

Kartiko Jajan Pasar

Beberapa jajanan dibuat langsung di tempat, seperti sejenis apem, ada juga panci berisi air untuk memasak klepon. Bisa menjadi selingan yang menarik saat anda mengantri untuk pesan.

Some of the snacks are made right on the store. Some of it are the Apem, which are fried in a wok, and they also have a big kettle for boiling the klepon snack.

Kartiko Jajan Pasar - Bakcang

Kartiko Jajan Pasar - Queue / Antrian
Biasanya selalu banyak antrian saat saya berkunjung ke sini, jadi ada baiknya bersiap untuk sabar pada saat jam ramai.

There's usually a queue when I visit this place, so be prepared to be extra patient when coming here at busy hours.

Kartiko Jajan Pasar

Taste             : 3.5 / 5

Atmosphere        : 4 / 5
Service           : 4 / 5
Value             : 4 / 5

Branch : Pasar Atum Mall lt.2
Phone : 031 5318472

Flagship store : Jl. Peneleh No. 122 Surabaya Utara/Genteng
