Hoi An Ancient City - Vietnam (part 1)
Hoi An adalah kota di Vietnam, berdekatan dengan Da Nang. Butuh sekitar VD 250.000 atau sekitar Rp 125.000 untuk membayar Taxi dari Airport Danang menuju hotel Sun Shine tempat kita menginap.
Da Nang sendiri adalah kota terdekat dengan airport, kota Hoi An sendiri relatif kecil dan dihuni 120.000 orang.
Mendapatkan status world Heritage dari Unesco, karena bangunan tua yang banyak dijumpai di sekitar kota ini.
Hoi An Souvenir Shop |
Hoi An is called an ancient city, it's near Da Nang and in my oppinion, the best of vietnam. We arrive from the Da Nang airport, and it takes about VD 250.000 for the Taxi fare to go from the aiport to our hotel, Sun Shine Hotel
from Wikipedia :
Hoi An is a city of Vietnam, on the coast of the South China Sea in the South Central Coast of Vietnam. It is located in Quang Nam province and is home to approximately 120,000 inhabitants. It is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Hoi An Ancient Town is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a
South-East Asian trading port dating from the 15th to the 19th century.
Its buildings and its street plan reflect the influences, both
indigenous and foreign, that have combined to produce this unique
heritage site.
The city possessed the largest harbour in Southeast Asia in the 1st century and was known as Lâm Ấp Phố (Champa City). Between the seventh and 10th centuries, the Cham (people of Champa) controlled the strategic spice trade and with this came tremendous wealth. The former harbour town of the Cham at the estuary of the Thu Bồn River was an important Vietnamese trading centre in the 16th and 17th centuries, where Chinese from various provinces as well as Japanese, Dutch and Indians settled. During this period of the China trade, the town was called Hai Pho
(Seaside Town) in Vietnamese. Originally, Hai Pho was a divided town
with the Japanese settlement across the "Japanese Bridge" (16th-17th
century). The bridge (Chùa cầu) is a unique covered structure built by
the Japanese, the only known covered bridge with a Buddhist pagoda attached to one side
Hoi An - Mobil dilarang masuk |
Salah satu cara untuk memberi kenyamanan pada pengunjung adalah dengan melarang mobil atau kendaraan bermotor lain untuk melewati jalan di kota kuno nya. Jadi alternatif transportasinya antara menaiki becak atau sepeda ontel alias gowes. Rasanya banyak orang Surabaya yang bakal suka dengan tempat ini.
Saya sendiri termasuk ngga gemar naik sepeda pancal, jadi lebih enjoy jalan kaki menikmati pemandangan kotanya :D
To enhance the ambiance of old town and for the comfort of tourist, the old city have a ban on all motorized vehicle. So the method of transportation that's available is either rickshaw or bycicle.
I opt to walk around. A note though, I don't really remember the exact number but renting rickshaw seems a bit steep here. Since it's more of a tourist attraction rather than a common transportation method.
Hoi An - Pose dulu |
Hoi An Famous Bridge |
Salah satu obyek wisata iconic di Hoi An adalah Japanese Bridge ini. Sebetulnya tidak terlalu menarik, tapi tempatnya rapi dan aman sih. Untuk masuk, kita harus membeli tiket terlebih dahulu dan menunjukkannya pada saat masuk ke obyek-obyek wisata yang ada di Hoi An.
Selain jembatan ini ada juga kuil dan rumah kuno yang menjadi obyek wisata di sini.
One of the iconic place of interest here is the Japanese Bridge. From my point of view it's not a really amusing. It's just a small bridge with a temple inside. But it could be quite beatiful in the night where all the lights are turned on.
You need to purchase a ticket to enter the bridge, aside from the bridge, they also have temple and some old houses which you can visit once you've purchased the tickets.
Hoi An - Di dalam jembatan |
Kuil di dalam jembatan Hoi An / Temple inside the Hoi An Bridge |
Hoi An - Temple enterance |
Jembatan Jepang ini
dibangun oleh pedagang Jepang pada tahun 1593 untuk menghubungkan daerah
perkampungan orang Cina di sisi lain jembatan.
Pada kedua ujung
jembatan terdapat patung penjaga jembatan. Sepasang monyet di satu ujung
dan sepasang anjing di ujung lainnya. Di dalam jembatan, terdapat kuil
yang dibangun sejajar dengan aliran air.
The Japanese Bridge was built by the Japanese trading community in 1593
to link them with the Chinese quarter on the other side of a small
stream. The bridge is obviously very solidly built, almost out of
proportion to the small trickle which runs under it.
At either end of the bridge are alters to guardians of the bridge.
One end has a pair of monkeys, while the other is guarded by dogs. There's also a sort of temple on the north side of the bridge, right in the middle over the stream.
As the entrance is low to the ground, you can see a lot of detail in
to roof, including the little porcelain bowls used to cap the ends of
the tiles. The "other" side of the bridge is where you'll find the more
interesting art galleries.
Monkey Guardian - Japanese Bridge, Hoi An |
Hoi An - toko lukisan / Painting shop |
Hoi An - Souvenir |
Hoi An - resting under the tree |
Hoi An - Painting shop / toko lukisan |
Hoi An - Lantern on the streets |
Hoi An - Lantern shop / toko lampion |
Hoi An - Homestay & Restaurant Van Phi |
Di dalam kota kunonya sendiri ada juga penginapan homestay, tapi rasanya lebih worth it menginap di sunshine hotel, mengingat harganya cukup murah.
Inside the ancient city, there's also homestay and other accomodations, but for me, the sunshine hotel is still my prefered lodging.
Hoi An - Pedagang tepi jalan / Street side shop |
Hoi An - Painting |
Hoi An - Hat store |
Hoi An |
Hoi An Shop |
Hoi An dog, relaxing in the enterance |
Hoi An - Funny T shirt shop. Khi Con |
Quang Trieu (Cantonese) Assembly Hall - Hoi An |
Quang Trieu (Cantonese) Assembly Hall - Hoi An |
Dragon statue at Quang Trieu (Cantonese) Assembly Hall - Hoi An |
Quang Trieu (Cantonese) Assembly Hall - Hoi An , temple's altar |
Quang Trieu (Cantonese) Assembly Hall - Hoi An - boat of offerings |
Quang Trieu (Cantonese) Assembly Hall - Hoi An |
Quang Trieu (Cantonese) Assembly Hall - Hoi An |
Selain Japanese bridge ada juga jembatan biasa penghubung antara kota biasa dengan ancient citynya, sepeda motor bisa bebas melintas hingga garis luar kota kuno. Saat malam, tempat ini menjadi ramai dengan penjual barang dan snack.
Apart from the Japanese bridge, there is also a regular bridge that connects the city to the ancient city. motorcycle can freely cross and ride along the outer line of the ancient city. At night this place is packed with souvenir and snack sellers along the bridge and river.
Hoi An Street Food
Berikut beberapa pilihan makanan pinggir jalan yang bisa dicicipi di sekitar Hoi An. Salah satu yang kita coba adalah semacam lumpia dengan ayam panggang. Kulit luarnya dari semacam tepung beras dan sangat tipis hingga terlihat transparan
This are some of the street foods available along Hoi An. We tried one of them which looks like a spring roll with grilled chicken. The casing is made of rice paper, which is so thin, it's almost transparent.
Hoi An rice paper |
Hoi An dessert - Grass Jelly |
Minuman ini dijual oleh pedagang lain, harganya cukup murah, sekitar VD 5.000 atau Rp 2.500, mirip dengan es Cao, tapi potongannya besar-besar, rasanya lebih kecut daripada es cao yang biasa ada di Indonesia.
This street food dessert is a grass jelly, it costs about VD 5.000 or 50 cents only. We have those in Indonesia, it's called es Cao, though this one is in bigger cuts and the taste is a bit more sour than the Indonesian version.
aaaahhhhh mupeng semupeng-mupengnyaaaaa,,,, pengen kesitu belum kesampaian sampe sekarang :(
ReplyDeletefoto-fotonya keren mas, keren tenan!! :D
Thanks sis Tujuh bunga :)
ReplyDeletekota tua yang sangat bagus, saya di Hoi An sekarang kemarin malam sudah dapat ke sana, jadi pingin ke sana lagi untuk lihat suasana di siang hari :)
ReplyDeletekota tua yang sangat bagus,,kemarin malam saya ke sana, menikmati makanan di sana dan jalan kaki mengelilingi kota itu, jadi pengin balik siang ini lihat suasana di siang hari,,,, :)
ReplyDeleteHoi An memang cantik, ada banyak yang bangunan cantik dan eksotik