Imperial Lamien - Tunjungan Plasa Surabaya

Imperial Lamian - Chinese Noodles Restaurant in Surabaya

Imperial Lamian - Snow Ice Stall

Imperial Lamien adalah salah satu tempat baru yang menjual hidangan mie, dimsum dan chinese food. Mengambil konsep yang berbeda dengan beberapa tempat lainnya, mereka mengedepankan hidangan lamien sebagai daya tarik utama, mirip dengan konsepnya bubur Happy Garden dan Yungho, tapi sebagai gantinya bubur, di sini disediakan Lamien.

Imperial Lamien is one of the new eatery that focuses on noodles. They also serves other variant of Chinese foods such as Dim sum, and stir fry. This is somewhat similar to the porridge joint that gained popularity earlier in Surabaya, eg Yung ho and Happy Garden restaurant, but in place of porridge, they serve lamien or Chinese Noodles.

Imperial Lamien - Surabaya food crew

Ini adalah salah satu kesempatan saya ikut gathering pertama yang diadakan situs
Jam 7 malam saya lirik kiri kanan,bayangan di kepala satu meja besar dengan personel jago makan yang badannya tidak kalah besar.
Hasilnya sempat tanya ke mbaknya, gathering surabayafood dimana ya? dan si mbak hanya tolah toleh tidak mengerti... Untung pas nanya ada di sebelah crewnya Sufo, langsung dicolek dan diajak duduk sebelum bikin tambah malu. Beda dengan bayangan yang pertama, ternyata badannya masih muat kaos size M semua hehehe

This night in Imperial Lamian restaurant is actually my first time participating in a local food blog site, At 7 pm sharp I got here and browse around looking for a big table with an equally big foodies.
Ask around the staff where the gathering table are, and they were puzzled. Luckily I was just next to the Sufo crew and they just greet me before I make a fool out of myself. There were only two guys at the time,  and they're actually pretty slim for a foodies (so much so I didn't notice them) ^^

Imperial Lamien

Imperial Lamien

Imperial Lamien - Suasana Resto

Dumpling - Imperial Lamian

Nasi & BBQ Chasiu, Imperial Lamian - Rp 28.000

In case you're not accustomed to the term Lamian, here's an article from Wikipedia about it :

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Lamian" may also on occasion mean "from Lamia, Greece".
La mian, noodles.JPG
Lamian being stretched in a Lanzhou-style restaurant in Dongchong, Guangdong
Traditional Chinese 拉麵
Simplified Chinese 拉面
Literal meaning pulled noodle

Lamian is a type of Chinese noodle. Lamian is made by stretching and folding the dough into strands.[1] However, the twisting and subsequent stretching of the strips of dough happens due to the weight of the dough.[1] Depending on the number of times the dough gets folded, the strands can be made in various lengths and thicknesses.[1] This unique method of making noodles originated in China.[1] The Songshi yangsheng bu (宋氏養生部), which was written by Song Xu and dates back to 1504, has the earliest description of the method to make lamian.[1]

Mie ala Sichuan - Rp 23.000

Dishes using lamian are usually served in a beef or mutton-flavored soup called tāngmiàn (湯麵), but sometimes stir-fried and served with a tomato-based sauce, this dish being called chǎomiàn (炒麵). Literally, (lā) means to pull or stretch, while (miàn) means noodle. The hand-making process involves taking a lump of dough and repeatedly stretching it to produce many strands of thin, long noodle.
There are several styles of twisting the dough but they all employ the same concept: a piece of dough is repeatedly stretched and folded onto itself in order to align the glutens and warm up the dough for stretching. Then it is rolled out to a workable thickness and cut into workable portions. The end pieces of the starting dough are never used because the glutens are not as aligned as the middle pieces.
This dough is then pulled to about an arm span's length. The puller then makes a loop with the dough, joining the two ends into one clump of dough, and inserts his fingers into the loop to keep the strand from sticking to itself. Doing this, the pull has doubled the length of the dough while fractioning its thickness. This process is repeated several times until the desired thickness and quantity is achieved. Some pullers dip the strands into flour between stretching phases to keep them separated. When flour is used, there generally is a final slap of noodles against the prep board to remove excess flour.
In the Lanzhou style, the dough is worked aggressively. It is pulled in straight, quick, tugs with no twisting or waving. Some pullers regularly slam the noodle against their prep boards to ensure even stretching and uniform thickness. Flour is sometimes used to dust the strands and prevent sticking.
In the Beijing style of preparation, the dough is twisted, stretched delicately by waving the arms and body, untwisted, looped to double the strands, and then repeated. When stretching, they coordinate waving their torso and arms to increase the potential length of the noodle beyond that of the puller's arm span. Flour dusting is more liberally employed in this style than in the Lanzhou style of preparation.

Mie Yu Siang - Rp 26.900

Mie ala Sichuan - Rp 23.000

Imperial Lamian

Imperial Lamian

Sambal @ Imperial Lamian

Mie atau Lamian nya dibuat fresh setiap kali, semua bahan yang dibuat dari nol memang lebih enak dibanding yang sudah ready made tinggal dipanaskan.
Untuk harganya, kualitas yang ditawarkan cukup ok, karena itu, saat ke sini sering kali harus mengantri untuk bisa mendapat tempat.

They make the noddles fresh from scratch. You can see from the photos bellow, they have one dedicated chef working solely on making the noodle.
Imperial Lamian - Chef making noodles

Imperial Lamien - Chef membuat mie

Imperial Lamian - Sup Jagung& kepiting

Imperial Lamian, Es Cendol - Rp 13.000

Imperial Lamian. Lumpia Durian - Rp 19.900

Surabayafood @ Imperial Lamian

Menu :

Taste           : 3.5 / 5
Atmosphere      : 3 / 5

Service         : 3  / 5

Value           : 3.5  / 5

Imperial Lamian

Tunjungan Plaza IV lantai 5
Jalan Basuki Rahmat
