Happy Garden - Chinese Restaurant & Porridge
Happy Garden - Bubur ayam |
Garden ini adalah salah satu pioner resto di Surabaya yang menjadikan bubur
sebagai menu utama, sebelumnya kalau ingin bubur di tempat yang enak, biasanya
saya ke resto Dim Sum seperti di Orchid- Garden Palace hotel dan
awal tahun 2000, di tempat yang sama, Andika Plasa, ada dua resto yang
menyediakan hidangan bubur, yang satu Happy Garden, sedangkan lainnya adalah
cabang pertama YungHo.
Beberapa tahun kemudian, karena kurang laku Yungho cabang Andika Plasa ditutup,
dan mereka membuka cabang-cabang baru di sekitar Surabaya, sedangkan Happy
Garden tetap buka di sini dan membuka cabang di G-Walk, Citraland.
Garden Chinese Restaurant is one of the first to serve porridge as a main item,
previously if we want to get porridge in a good restaurant, we usually go to
have Dim Sum in Orchid Garden Palace Hotel and other Dim Sum proprietor.
In around
the year 2000, in this same area of Andika Plasa, there are two restaurant that
open side by side, serving porridge as their main menu, one is Happy Garden,
the other is Yungho.
A few years
later, due to the lack of customer, this first branch of Yung ho was closed,
and they open up more branches in other area, while Happy Garden stays here and
open up another branch in G-Walk (West Surabaya)
Happy Garden Surabaya |
Happy Garden Surabaya |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Bubur Ikan |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Chicken Porridge |
buburnya di sini ada bubur ayam, bubur babi, bubur ikan dan bubur labu.
Untuk saya yang kadang suka vegetarian, lumayan suka di sini karena ada pilihan
bubur labunya yang bebas daging.
You can
choose the porridge from the selections of Chicken Porridge, Pork Porridge,
Pork Porridge and Sweet Potato Porrdige. The last one is suitable for those on
vegetarian diet
Happy Garden Surabaya - Chicken Porridge |
Happy Garden - Soy & Chilli Sauce |
pendamping buburnya, mereka menyediakan masakan Cina yang lumayan lezat juga,
dan di sini juga bisa request makanan vegetarian, dan bisa juga pesan
masakannya tanpa MSG.
pesan makanan yang dimasak dahluu di dapurnya berdasar menu, atau kalau ingin
cepat dan melihat hasil langsung masakannya, bisa ke counternya dan tunjuk kiri
kanan untuk memesan.
accompany your porridge, they serve many choices of Chinese food, some are
already prepared beforehand and placed in the counter, while other
choices on the menu gets cooked when you order.
You can request the dish
to be vegetarian or without MSG if you don't like it.
Happy Garden Surabaya - Sauteed Squid |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Fried Gindara Fish / Ikan Tengiri Goreng |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Stir Fried Pork |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Salted Duck Egg / Telur Asin |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Stir Fried Beef |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Bakwan / Meatball |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Stuffed Tofu |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Tofu with soy sauce |
Berikut beberapa makanan yang bisa dipesan dari menunya, tidak langsung ready tapi dimasak terlebih dahulu di dapur.
This are some of the other menu which isn't prepared beforehand in the counter.
Happy Garden Surabaya - Cah Brokoli / Stir Fried Brocolli with squid |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Cockles / Cah Kerang |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Cah Tahu / Stir Fried Tofu |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Fish Soup / Sup Kakap Tahu |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Clams / Kerang |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Ayam masak Zichuan / Szechuan Chicken |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Udang Goreng Tepung / Batter Fried Shrimp |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Mon Tofu / Mun Tahu |
Happy Garden Surabaya - Guilinggao 龟苓膏 |
This bitter
sweet dessert is quite nice, with loads of medicinal quality. Here's a short
description of it from Wikipedia :
Guīlínggāo, also known as Tortoise Jelly (though
not technically correct) or Turtle Jelly, is a jelly-like Chinese
medicine, also sold as a dessert. It was traditionally made from the powdered
plastron (bottom shell) from the turtle Cuora trifasciata (commonly
known as "three-lined box turtle", or "golden coin turtle",
金錢龜)[1] and
a variety of herbal products, in particular, China roots Smilax glabra (土伏苓, Tu fu ling).[2][3] Although the golden coin turtle (Cuora
trifasciata) is commercially farmed in modern China, it is extremely
expensive;[4] therefore, even when
turtle-derived ingredients are used in commercially available guīlínggāo,
they come from other, more commonly available, turtle species.[1][5]
More often,
commercially available guīlínggāo sold as a dessert does not contain
turtle shell powder at all, despite the product name and the prominent turtle
images on most brands' labels. They do, however, share the same herbal
additives as the medicine and are similarly marketed as being good for skin
complexion when ingested.
Happy Garden Restaurant
(031) 531 - 4305
Andhika Plaza 1st Fl
Jl. Simpang Dukuh 38-40
Thanks for visiting :)