Coffee Story - Malang

Cool Place With Average Tasting Coffee

Coffee Story ini terletak di daerah jalan Kawi Atas, satu deretan jalan dengan Mie Gang Djangkrik, terdapat banyak restoran, toko kue dan souvenir di jalan yang sama.

Coffee Story is located in Kawi Atas street, along the same road, you can find the famous Depot Mie Gang Djangkrik, and various other eateries, bakery and souvenir shops.

Coffee Story - under renovation

Waktu berkunjung ke sini masih dalam proses renovasi, bagian depan gedungnya cukup berantakan, sempat saya kira tutup sebelum akhirnya mencoba menengok ke dalam. Ada baiknya untuk memberi penanda yang cukup jelas waktu renovasi serupa, dan disediakan jalan masuk cukup nyaman, supaya pengunjung bisa datang walaupun sedang ada proses pembangunan. Di foto bisa dilihat jalan masuknya sudah cukup kecil masih dijadikan parkir sepeda motor.

During my visit the building is still on renovation process, so it's quite messy. I thought this place was closed, before taking a peek inside.
Placing a good size banner or such would help customer to know that the place is open for business. A decent walkway would also help, on this occasion, the small path leading to the store was shared as a motorcycle parking area.

Coffee Story - Interior

Chivet on display

Bright interiors

Coffee Story suasananya cukup nyaman, dindingnya tidak dibiarkan polos, tapi diberi wall paper yang menarik. Di sekeliling resto juga banyak pernak pernik yang berhubungan dengan kopi. Kursinya juga nyaman dan mengundang pengunjung untuk duduk lama

Coffee Story has a nice ambiance, the walls are decorated with funny and whimsical wallpaper. Some interesting coffee related products are put around the cafe, which helps create the mood. The plush cushion are also nice.

Coffee Machine on display

Espresso Maker

Coffee Story - a vert bluish cake

Coffee Story Malang

Tempatnya cukup nyaman dan menarik untuk dikunjungi, tapi untuk penggemar kopi yang rewel (seperti yang nulis :p) ada sedikit kekurangan di rasa kopi, tidak sampai parah, hanya saja membuat saya kurang minat untuk kembali lagi.
Latte Art nya sendiri bagus, cara saji menarik dan disediakan cookies untuk mendampingi, tapi rasa kopinya sendiri kurang nendang, agak stale, terutama yang hot coffee. Untuk Ice coffeenya masih mirip dengan standard kafe lainnya.

Place-wise this place got an A from me, too bad the coffee is not up to the standards I'd like. I'm a bit picky about coffee, so this is quite a subjective opinion, which might be different for your standard cup of joe drinker.
To their credit, they make a good Latte Art, presentation of the beverages are also pretty. Too bad about the coffee, tasted a bit stale, specially the hot one.


Coffee Story - Ice Latte

Coffee Story

Coffee Story

Jl.Kawi Atas No.23, Malang
Telepon: 0341-580058
