Our Bar
Casual & Fun Bar
Baru dan sedang Ngetrend, itulah dua deskripsi yang bisa saya simpulkan setelah menjejakkan kaki ke sini. Salah satu ciri konsumen Surabaya adalah rasa penasarannya sangat tinggi, setiap ada tempat baru yang happening pasti diserbu banyak pengunjung untuk memuaskan rasa ingin tahu
Our Bar is a new and happening bar that's recently opened in Surabaya. One of the traits of Surabaya's clientele is the have high curiosity, when a new and happening venue opens, for sure loads of visitor will come to quench their curiousity.
Bar ini terletak di jalan Cerme, persis di belakang Center Stage Restaurant yang ada di jalan Panglima Sudirman. Lokasinya terletak di pusat kota Surabya, jadi cukup mudah diakses dari bagian manapun di Surabaya. Meskipun jalan Cerme relatif sempit, dan lahan parkirnya minim, jam operasionalnya hanya sore ke pagi hari, dari jam 5 sore hingga 2 pagi, jadi parkir tidak terlalu jadi masalah, karena saat dia buka, tetangganya sudah tutup.
Our Bar ini jadwal operasionalnya agak unik, buka dari Senin hingga Sabtu, hari Minggu tutup.
This bar is located in Cerme street, near Center Stage Restaurant which is located on Panglima Sudirman Street. Both are located smack in the city center, which makes it easy to reach, Though it's road and parking space a bit narrow, this is not a problem during their operational hour, since it's neighbors are closed at night.
This place starts opening on afternoon, from 17.00 until 02.00 in the morning.
It's closed on Sunday though, so be mindful of their schedule before going here.
Pertama masuk disambut dengan ruang tamu, mungkin difungsikan untuk menunggu saat di dalam penuh, sesudahnya ada meja berjejer dan bar yang dilengkapi bar stoll, cukup menarik dsainnya, dengan banyak botol minuman beralkohol dipajang di rak-rak, baik di bar maupun di dekat meja.
Area indoornya menggunakan AC, tapi pengunjung diperbolehkan merokok, jadi saya memilih untuk duduk di area outdoornya supaya tidak terkena asap rokok.
When you first come, you can see a living room area, probably a place to wait when the bar is full.
Afterwards there's the bar and indoor area. Though it's air conditioned, people are allowed to smoke there, which makes me choose the outdoor area, where the air is much fresher.
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Mocktail Cerme 17 (non alcoholic) Rp 27.000 |
Rasanya seperti campuran beberapa jus dan sirup, ditambah air soda. Cukup unik, sedikit mirip fruit punch kalau diberi tambahan soda.
This Cerme 17 Mocktail is one of their specialty drink. The name is taken from the bar address, Cerme street #17. It's refreshing and sweet, though a bit too sweet. I asked for more ice to dilute the strong sugar taste.
It's like fruit punch, mixed with soda water and some other syrup or juices. Recommended beverage for those who don't drink alcohol.
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Our Bar - Mai Tai , Rp 65.000 |
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Mama Cocktail - Rp 135.000 |
Rasanya lumayan enak, tapi kadar alkoholnya cukup tinggi. Bila ingin seseuatu yang lebih ringan, bisa mencoba minuman cocktail klasik mereka seperti Mai Tai yang harganya hanya separuh dari minuman ini.
This Mama cocktail is their specialty alcoholic drink, which is priced a tad high, at 125.000 before tax. It's quite interesting, but beware though, the alcohol content is quite high.
For those who'd like something lighter should order their classic cocktail drinks like the Mai Tai, which are priced half of this, at Rp 60.000
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Our Bar - Nachos, Rp 35.000 |
Selama bulan puasa ini Our Bar tutup, buka lagi setelah Lebaran.
Our Bar is closed during fasting season, and will open again after Idul Fitri holiday.
Our Bar
Jl Cerme no 17Phone : 08819004264
PIN BB : 32754426
Nice review.. kebetulan pengen ke Our Bar.. Thank you.