Resto New Hongkong - Malang
Classic Cantonese Cooking in Malang City
Di Surabaya akhir-akhir ini semakin banyak resto Cina yang bagian dari franchise internasional, kabar baiknya semakin banyak pilihan, namun ada kalanya resto cina lama yang terdesak persaingan terpaksa tutup. Ketika saya ke Resto New Hongkong ini, rasa rindu atas masakan tersebut sempat terobati di sini.
Menurut teman saya yang mengantar, resto ini sudah terkenal sejak jaman ibunya masih di Malang. Resto ini sampai sekarang pun cukup populer, di pintu depannya terpampang beragam promo discount dengan kartu kredit.
Lately in Surabaya City, there's loads of new Chinese restaurant opening up. Coincidentally they're part of international franchise. The good news is there's more option, but often this kind of franchise could squash local restaurant easily, which makes some of my local restaurant to go belly up.
Upon visiting this place and tasting the food, it gets me reminiscing about those old restaurants, which was heavily influenced by Cantonese Cooking, which warmth my heart.
According to my friend, this restaurant have been popular for a long time, even since her mother stayed in Malang city more than a decade ago. It's still popular until this day, with loads of promotional credit card banner.
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Interior New Hongkong Restaurant |
ini cukup luas, dengan jarak yang lega pula, jadi tidak akan merasa sesak
seperti di dalam beberapa Chinese Restaurant di Mall / Plaza. Tempatnya juga
cukup terang dan nyaman, ada beberapa ruang terpisah untuk yang ingin privacy
This is
quite a cozy place for Chinese Restaurant standard, the place is quite nice and
spacious, unlike those similar restaurant in malls. There's also some private
room for groups who'd prefer a bit more privacy.
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Resto New Hongkong - Sup Hipio Ikatan Bermacam Ikan, Rp 75.000 |
Sup Hipio Ikat Bermacam Ikan ini kata teman saya adalah salah satu menu yang
menjadi andalan resto satu ini. Rasanya cukup enak, kuahnya jernih tapi rasanya
tetap mantab. Rasanya pas sesuai dengan selera saya.
My friend
recomended this soup, it's one of the iconic menu of the restaurant. The name
is roughly translated as Sea Cucumber bound with Fish. It tastes delicious, the
soup is clear but rich in flavor, seasoned just right for my taste.
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Resto New Hongkong - Sup Hipio Ikatan Bermacam Ikan, Rp 75.000 |
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Resto New Hongkong |
itu termasuk masakan yang paling gampang untuk menilai resto Cina, semakin
mewah dan 'ciamik' masakannya, maka saus kolokenya semakin kaya rasanya. Untuk
resto ala kadar, biasanya saus ini dibuat sekedar memakai tomat botolan dan
banyak micin tanpa bumbu rempah yang wangi. Sedangkan beberapa tempat, memilih
membuat saus dengan lebih banyak bahan segar, yang rasanya memang akan terasa
jauh lebih enak daripada jenis pertama. Di sini termasuk jenis kedua, t-o-p :)
Kolokee / Sweet & Sour Chicken for
me is one of the easiest way to know the quality of a Chinese Restaurant. The
better the quality of the restaurant, the richer the taste will be. For those
simple eateries, they'd just make the sauce of a simple bottled sauce and taste
enhancer without much spice to give it a backbone. Those upscale eateries will
use much more fresh ingredients, which makes the sauce tastes exquisite, this
restaurant uses the second kind of sauce.
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Cah Kaylan - Resto New Hongkong |
Resto New Hongkong
Jl. Arief Rachman Hakim 7-9, Malang
Phone : 0341 362683
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