W Grill and Lounge

Cozy & Secluded Lounge

Home Office Area around W Grill & Lounge

W Grill & Lounge ini adalah salah satu tempat yang cukup nyaman dan menarik, tapi relatif jarang diketahui orang karena lokasinya di jalan relatif kecil di Nginden, dan masuk di dalam kompleks Ruko.
Pertama kali ke sini saya diajak oleh teman yang kampusnya ada di daerah Nginden ini, jadi ada GPS berjalan yang membantu menemukan tempatnya :)

W Grill & Lounge is quite a comfortable place to eat, though a bit hard to find because it's located not in the main roads, and the place is located inside a home-office area.
The first time I know this place is through recomendation of a friend. She study in university near the area, so she's quite accustomed with the surrounding area.

Tangga Masuk ke Lounge / Stairway to te Lounge

Tempatnya terletak di lantai dua, penandanya adalah satu neon sign yang ada di samping bangunan. Perlu menaiki anak tangga terlebih dahulu untuk bisa mencapai tempatnya.

The entrance is located in second story, you need to find the stairway first, which is located near this neon sign. The sign is not that big, so you'll need a bit of effort to find it.

W Grill & Lounge - Interior

W Grill & Lounge - Espresso machine

Salah satu prasyarat untuk kafe bisa menyajikan kopi dengan rasa yang layak adalah adanya mesin kopi. Di sini mereka menggunakan espresso machine yang lumayan ok kelihatannya, tapi saat itu sudah malam, jadi saya tidak mencoba minuman kopinya.

One of the hallmark of a good cafe is the presence of a decent espresso machine. Too bad since it was already quite late in the afternoon, I didn't order coffee, wary of being unable to sleep later that night.


Di sini menu makanan dan minumannya cukup terjangkau, terlebih lagi kalau mengingat kualitas tempatnya. Salah satu sebabnya mungkin karena lokasinya dekat daerah universitas, kemungkinan mereka menjaga harga cukup kompetitif sehingga bisa melayani para mahasiswa di sekitar.

Price-wise the place is quite competitively positioned, since the location is adjacent to a few universities, they might want to keep the price reachable for those university students.

Beverage - W Grill & Lounge

Orange Juice - W Grill & Lounge

Rasa minumannya ada yang ok dan ada yang sedikit aneh, tapi overall recomended karena harganya cukup terjangkau untuk kelas tempatnya.
Maklum kadang mocktail kalau salah nyampur bisa rasanya mirip sirup obat batuk :p
Kalau mau aman lebih baik pilih minuman klasik yang tidak terlalu banyak error margin-nya

We ordered 3 drinks here, two of them are nice while the other one tastes a bit like cough syrup
If you're not the adventurous kind, better just stick to those classic choices in order to get a good drink.
The one that tastes strange was blue colored drink, I don't recall the name though.

Fried Rice - W Grill & Lounge, Rp 21.000

W Grill & Lounge - BBQ Chicken Wing
Salah satu yang menurut saya bisa diperbaiki adalah rasa makanannya. Proses masaknya sih ok-ok saja, tidak ada yang gosong atau undercooked dsb, hanya saja rasanya sedikit hambar, kurang kaya rasa baik bumbu atau herbs, jadi sedikit sayang sih. Potensi nya sudah ok, hanya perlu sedikit berani pakai bumbu.

One of the area that could get plenty of improvement is the food. The cook did a decent job with the food, it's not off tasting, burnt or undercooked, though it's a bit under seasoned and taste a bit bland.
Too bad though, seems like it just need a little push to make the taste top notch.

W Grill & Lounge - Spaghetti

Menu :
W Grill & Lounge - Menu

W Grill & Lounge - Menu

W Grill & Lounge - Menu
Map :

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W Grill & Lounge

(031) 7100 - 7111
Jl. Nginden Semolowaru No. 42 A3 - A4
