Cathay Pacific Economy Cabin & Hongkong Airport
Cathay Pacific Economy Cabin |
selama ini hanya pernah mengulas kabin kelas ekonomi di pesawat terbang, kali
ini dengan harapan cukup besar kalau suatu saat ada dana lebih untuk naik kelas
bisnis (ceilehhh...) saya coba memberi judul review berdasar kelas kabin.
cukup beruntung semenjak kecil sering diajak orang tua bertamasya ke beberapa
negara, dan salah satu highlight dari perjalanan itu adalah saat-saat di pesawat
Though I
only travelled using Coach / Economy class, this time I optimistically posted
the title by cabin class, hoping someday I'll get enough courage and dough to
book Business Class.
I'm quite
lucky because I've been travelling abroad since childhood, and one of the
highlight of such trip for me is the airline travel.
Cathay Pacific - LCD Entertainment Display |
Cathay Pacific Stewardess |
dengan kebanyakan wisatawan yang menganggap hal terburuk saat ke luar negeri
adalah perjalanan udaranya, saya malah sangat suka dengan perjalanan long haul,
terutama pada jaman keemasannya tahun 1980 - 1990 an di mana pelayanan maskapai
internasional seperti British Airways, Singapore Airline, Lufthansa, sedang
baik-baiknya karena tidak ada saingan low cost carrier seperti saat ini.
Though most people lament about air travel, specially using coach, for me it's
quite enjoyable. I've always savor my time up in the air, with one exception of
using Air
Asia for long haul :p
I've always like traveling using airplane, though only on economy cabin every
time, specially back on 1980-1990, the golden years of airline travel, where
airline companies sought to provide the best services to lure customers.
Weather using Singapore Airline, Lufthansa or British Airways, when LCC wasn't
around and cutting a big portion of their revenue.
Cathay Pacific Airline Meal - Fried Rice with Egg and Chicken |
Cathay Pacific - Asahi Beer |
Cathay Busted up Tray / Meja Rusak di Cathay |
Hongkong Airport
Plane in Chek Lap Kok |
Senior Citizen tending the Airport Toilets |
satu yang saya kagumi dari Hongkong adalah warga usia lanjutnya di sini tetap
aktif. Di tiap toilet yang saya temui di Hongkong, penjaga toiletnya adalah
bapak ibu berumur lanjut. Di usia pensiun ini mereka tidak bersantai-santai
saja menikmati hasil kerja selama muda, tapi mereka tetap berkarya melayani
pengunjung internasional di Hongkong.
Semua toilet di sini amat bersih, tidak ada masalah yang saya temui walaupun
stamina pekerja yang berusia lanjut tentu berbeda dengan anak muda, tapi
mereka cukup tinggi disiplinnya.
One of the
thing that I admire most about Hongkong, their senior citizen is still working
on their old age. On every toilet I visit in the airport, the janitors are
senior citizens. In their golden years, they don't just lounging around the
house, instead they serve the international passengers in Hongkong
International Airport.
All the
toilet here is kept immaculately clean, there's no lack in work diligence, even
though a person of older age wouldn't have the same stamina as young workers.
Teenagers Relaxing in Hongkong Airport / Remaja bersantai di Airport Hongkong |
Children Play Area in Hongkong Airport |
Children Play Area in Hongkong Airport - A Boy enjoying his Lays Chips |
Espressamente - Hongkong Airport |
Storm and Delays
saya ke sini, ada satu badai yang menghantam hongkong, sempat delay massal
selama 4-5 jam. Untungnya manajemen bandara di sini cukup baik, setelah delay
satu jam, disediakan voucher untuk makan di sekitar bandara. Kalau tidak salah
nominal voucher yang didapat mendekati Rp 150.000
Our group
was a bit unfortunate, since on our departure date to Cheng Du (transit in HK)
Hongkong City was hit by a storm, so delay was imminent. The good news is, the
airport give a decent service. after being delayed for an hour, they hand out
vouchers for stranded passengers. The voucher were worth about $15 or Rp
150.000 if I remember correctly.
Ajisan Ramen - Hongkong Airport |
McDonnald's Counter in Chek Lap Cok Airport Food Court |
Ajisan Ramen - Hongkong FoodCourt |
Ajisan Ramen |
Tiap kali di Hongkong airport engga pernah berkesempatan untuk makan.
ReplyDeleteNaek Cathay lumayan sih, tapi masih agak kalah dikit sama SQ yah ;)
ngga pernah bandingkan sih, berhubung jarang ketemu SQ, yang pasti lebih nyaman daripada Air Asia :P
ReplyDeletebtw, apa punya post tentang SQ Selba?