Thanksgiving Dinner
Platinum Grill Thanksgiving Turkey |
Bulan November lalu saat perayaan Thanksgiving, Platinum Grill mengadakan acara makan malam dengan tema buffet. Berikut saya post beberapa foto menu yang dihidangkan
Last month on November, Platinum Grill had a thanksgiving dinner event, with a buffet style menus. Here are some photos from the delicious feast.
Hari Pengucapan Syukur (bahasa Inggris: Thanksgiving Day) adalah hari libur di Amerika Utara
untuk mengucapkan terima kasih dan rasa bersyukur di akhir musim panen.
Hari Pengucapan Syukur adalah hari libur resmi di Amerika Serikat yang
jatuh pada Kamis keempat di bulan November. Di Kanada, Thanksgiving jatuh pada hari Senin kedua di bulan Oktober.
The centerpiece of contemporary Thanksgiving in the United States and Canada is a large meal, generally centered around a large roasted turkey. The majority of the dishes in the traditional American version of Thanksgiving dinner are made from foods native to the New World,
as according to tradition the Pilgrims received these foods from the
Native Americans. However, many of the classic traditions attributed to
the first Thanksgiving are actually myths introduced later
Platinum Grill - Pool and Indoor Dining Area |
Platinum Grill - Outdoor Dining Area & view |
Platinum Grill - Pool and Indoor Dining Area |
Platinum Grill - Pumpkin Soup Station |
Platinum Grill - Pumpkin Soup |
Platinum Grill - Roasted Turkey |
Di Amerika Serikat terdapat tradisi menikmati makan malam Thanksgiving bersama keluarga, teman, dan kerabat. Kalkun merupakan hidangan utama, sehingga Thanksgiving juga dikenal sebagai "Hari Kalkun".
Kalkun biasanya dimakan bersama saus kranberi dan hidangan lain seperti kentang puree, jagung rebus, pai labu (sisa perayaan Halloween),
dan berbagai macam sayur-sayuran musim gugur yang lain.
menikmati makanan Thanksgiving, orang biasanya saling bercerita mengenai
hal-hal baik yang telah mereka alami.
Liburan Thanksgiving dimulai sebagai hari libur nasional Amerika Serikat untuk berterima kasih dan memuji Tuhan. Warisan nilai-nilai keagamaan terus berlanjut dalam bentuk tradisi mengucapkan doa sebelum menikmati hidangan Thanksgiving. (
Roasted Turkey & BBQ
Platinum Grill - Roasted Turkey& Pork |
Platinum Grill - Roasted Turkey |
Platinum Grill - Roasted Turkey |
Platinum Grill - Roasted Turkey Condiments |
Platinum Grill - Mix Fries |
Platinum Grill - BBQ Station |
Platinum Grill - Ribs |
Platinum Grill - Sucking Pig |
Platinum Grill - Sausage |
Platinum Grill - Grilled Chicken |
Platinum Grill |
Red Wine & Dessert Wine
Platinum Grill - Wine in a Glass |
Platinum Grill |
Platinum Grill |
Platinum Grill - Rawson Retreat Dessert Wine |
Disajikan pula wine untuk mendampingi santap malam di Platinum Grill, yang sempat kita coba adalah red wine dan dessert wine dari Rawson Retreat.
Dessert wine / Port ini adalah varian wine dengan rasa yang lebih manis daripada white wine pada umumnya, dan memiliki kadar alkohol yang lebih tinggi.
Red wine and Port Wine were served during the occasion. The notable one for me was the dessert wine / port wine from Rawson Retreat. I've only tasted port wine a few times, so I don't have a vast knowledge of them, but this wine sure tastes nice.
Here are an entry in Wikipedia about Dessert Wine :
There is no simple definition of a dessert wine. In the UK, a dessert
wine is considered to be any sweet wine drunk with a meal, as opposed to
the white fortified wines (fino and amontillado sherry) drunk before the meal, and the red fortified wines (port and madeira)
drunk after it. Thus, most fortified wines are regarded as distinct
from dessert wines, but some of the less strong fortified white wines,
such as Pedro Ximénez sherry and Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise,
are regarded as honorary dessert wines. In the United States, by
contrast, a dessert wine is legally defined as any wine over 14% alcohol by volume,
which includes all fortified wines - and is taxed more highly as a
result. This dates back to a time when the US wine industry only made
dessert wines by fortification, but such a classification is outdated
now that modern yeast and viticulture can produce dry wines over 15% without fortification, yet German dessert wines can contain half that amount of alcohol.
Platinum Grill - Dessert Wine |
Dessert wines and fortified wines aren’t mainstream beverages that
you want to drink every day. Some dessert and fortified wines are much
higher in alcohol than regular wines, and some of them are extremely
sweet (and rare and expensive!). They're the wine equivalent of really
good candy.
Many wines enjoyed before dinner, as apéritif wines, or after dinner, as dessert wines, fall into the category of fortified wines (called liqueur wines
by the European Union, or EU). Fortified wines all have alcohol added
to them at some point in their production, giving them an alcohol
content that ranges from 16 to 24 percent. (taken from
À la Carte Menu
Platinum Grill - Tower Burger (Beef and Bacon burger with two kind of Cheese) |
Platinum Grill - Lobster with Garlic Butter |
Platinum Grill - Salmon Station |
Platinum Grill Salmon |
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