Rumah Makan Yaman - Surabaya
Famous For Their Middle Eastern Cuisine and Lamb
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Depot Yaman Surabaya |
Saya tahu tentang depot satu ini dari teman grup kuliner di sosial media, berhubung ybs doyan banget dengan daging dan makanan eksotik. Depotnya ada di daerah Ampel, berhubung jarang ke daerah lokasi itu maka saya menunggu ada teman yang bisa menunjukkan arah barui mencoba ke sini.
This simple diner was the favorite of a friend in culinary group, he's a big fan grilled meat and exotic food, so this here is the perfect combo for him. The diner is located near the Ampel Great Mosque which is also a favorite destination for tourists and pilgrims in Surabaya.
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Depot Yaman Masakan Khas Arab |
Sebagai resto yang menyajikan masakan Arab / Timur Tengah, rasa hidangan di sini memang unik, apalagi selera saya doyan makanan berempah.
Sempat memesan beberapa Tongseng, Nasi Goreng, Briyani dan Kambing Oven yang salah satu favorit di sini. Menurut saya dari segi rasa termasuk ok, tapi ada kekurangan yang cukup menganggu.
This place serves Middle Eastern / Arabic Cuisine, which is quite unique and tasty, suiting my taste for spicy food.
We ordered some Fried Rice, Briyani Rice, Baked Lamb and Tongseng, which tastes nice, albeit with some downsides.
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Depot Yaman, Nasi Briyani Ayam - Rp 28.000 |
Yang kurang cocok di sini adalah dengan kontrol kualitasnya, rasa sih ok, tapi perlu hati-hati saat makan, karena nasi gorengnya ada baanyak jebakan. Nasi Gorengnya ada banyak tulang kecil dan keras, sempat sakit gigi seharian karena salah gigit.
The things that bother me is their quality control, gotta be careful on each bite here. Their fried rice have pieces of hard bones that could really spoil your dining experience. I bite into really hard bone and got toothache the rest of the day.
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Depot Yaman, Tongseng Ayam - Rp 35.000 |
In case you're wondering what Tongseng, here's a description :
Tongseng is goat meat or beef stew dishes in curry-like soup with vegetables and kecap manis (sweet soy sauce).
Originally from Surakarta in Indonesian province of Central Java.
The soup is made of ground mixture of garlic, shallot, black pepper, ginger, coriander, galangal, salam (bay leaves), and lemongrass sauteed with oil until it gets aromatic.
The diced meat then poured into the sauteed mixture until cooked. Add water until it boiled and add sweet soy sauce with tamarind juice. After the boiled boiled reduces, add shredded cabbages and sliced tomato.
Tongseng is usually served with hot steamed rice. The soup of tongseng is similar to gulai soup, however gulai is without sweet soy sauce while tongseng always brownish gold because the addition of sweet soy sauce. Gulai is usually using cows offals while tongseng usually only uses meat (goat, mutton or beef).
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Depot Yaman, Kambing Oven Madu - Rp 72.000 |
Pengalaman makan dis ini sedikit ironis, di satu sisi tempatnya unik dan cukup eksotik, tapi di sisi lain terlalu banyak hal yang kurang mengenakkan. Urusan harga termasuk tinggi kalau melihat kualitas tempat makan dan penyajiannya , dan yang tidak mengenakkan adalah sempat menggigit serpihan tulang di nasi goreng. Jadi untuk saya ini kunjungan pertama sekaligus terakhir ke tempat ini.
My conclusion of dining experience here is this place is quite unique in Surabaya, but for me it isn't really worth it. The taste is ok, but the price is quite steep for a place that is quite lackluster, and I'm sure all diner wouldn't like finding bones on their fried rice. Dining shouldn't be this risky for me, so this experience is the first and the last of my visit to this place.
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Kambing Oven Depot Yaman
(031) 3521775Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.92
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