Domicile Surabaya - Part Deux

Domicile Kitchen & Lounge (Part II)

Domicile Surabaya - Black Ink Fettucini Seafood with Cream

Kali ini saya membahas kunjungan kali ketiga ke Domicile. Hingga berkali-kali ke sini bukan karena saya sendiri doyan, tapi berhubung saat itu baru buka, banyak teman jalan yang mengajak ke tempat ini.
Dua x berkunjung sempat geleng-geleng menghadapi servis yang acak kadut, kali ini moga-moga sudah ok, berhubung crew resto sudah lebih dari sebulan latihannya.

This post is about my third visit to this place, it's not that I really like the place though. Since it's a new and trending place, friends keep inviting to try the place so here I am on my third try.
On two occasions before, I was quite baffled with the service quality, crossing fingers, hope the third time is a charm. They've got over a month of exercise already, surely it's gonna be better
For the first part :

Udah capek dandan kok ga dapet-dapet minum

Kali inipun masih ada sedikit-sedikit masalah seperti minuman yang setengah jam lebih baru keluar, tapi mending lah, dibanding hingga dua jam di kunjungan pertama.

This time they still have problem in the service area, one example is the beverage, which took over half an hour to arrive. Still it's an improvement over the first and second visit.

Crepes Mille with 21 Year Old Chivas (Domicile) - Rp 45.000

Untuk dessert-nya saya mencoba Mille Crepes, salah satu menu yang lagi trend di Surabaya, kafe dan resto berlomba-lomba membuat kreasi Mille Crepes sendiri. Di sini judulnya Mille Crepes dengan Liquor, Chivas, Menunya bisa dilihat di
Chivasnya sih tidak terasa sama sekali, dan untuk ukuran mille crepe, rasanya ok, tapi bukan termasuk favorit saya.

For the dessert I tried the equally trending menu, Mille Crepes. All cafes and restaurant in Surabaya are in craze with this dessert. This variant named Crepes Mille with 21 Year Old Chivas. Can't taste any liquor though, just tastes like reguler Mille Crepes, quite nice but not my favorite Mille Crepe.

Spaghetti Tuna Aglio-Olio (Domicile) - Rp 75.000
Spaghetti Aglio Olio sejatinya memang menu super simple, berikut penjelasan terjemahan dari Wikipedia
Hidangan pasta tradisional Italia, yang berasal dari Abruzzo, tapi populer di seluruh Itali.
Dibuat dengan menumis bawang putih cincang di minyak zaitun dan kadang ditambahi serpihan cabe kering. Garnishnya menggunakan parsley, ditemani keju Parmesan atau Pecorino, walau kalau merujuk resep tradisional, tidak menggunakan keju.

Spaghetti Aglio Olio is supposedly super simple dish
Spaghetti aglio e olio ("spaghetti with garlic and oil" in Italian) is a traditional Italian pasta dish, said to originate traditionally from the region of Abruzzo, although it is popular across the country.
The dish is made by lightly sauteeing minced or pressed garlic in olive oil, sometimes with the addition of dried red chili flakes, and tossing with spaghetti. Finely chopped parsley can also be added as a garnish, along with grated parmesan or pecorino cheese, although according to some traditional recipes, cheese should not be added.

Spaghetti Chicken Aglio-Olio (Domicile) - Rp 65.000
Biasanya menu italia yang simple, seperti halnya Pizza Margherita atau minuman Machiato, kalau memang pas banget cara masaknya akan menonjol sekali. Di sisi lain, kalau ada yang kurang juga akan sangat terlihat, karena tidak ada keramaian rasa yang menutupi.
Analogi kopi, kalau espresso / machiato yang tidak pake cream dan susu, malah akan kelihatan kualitas seduhan kopinya enak atau tidak. Spaghetti satu ini juga demikian, rasanya tidak buruk, tapi tidak terlalu enak juga, ditambah lagi penggantian topping parsley menjadi small bean sprout itu malah membuat rasanya aneh.
mending sekalian pesan yang ramai seperti Black Ink Fettucini di bawah ini.

Small Bean Sprouts - not so good on Pasta, good for Lontong Mie ala fine dining?

Simple Italian Menu, like for example Margherita Pizza or Machiato drink, would really showcase the cooking finesse of the chef / barista.
In this case, the verdict is a bit sub par in comparison to other Italian restaurant competitors. To worsen matter, they use small bean sprout instead of parsley on their dishes. Yes they look cute, but they don't taste good mixed with Italian dish.
I'd recommend you order the next dish, Black Ink Fettucini, which bright tangy taste would mask cooking imperfections.

Black Ink Fettucini Seafood with Cream (Domicile) - Rp 80.000

Urusan Makanan, plating di sini termasuk menarik (asal ngga kacau QC nya), dengan menu-menu yang cukup eye catching, cocok untuk yang gemar foto. Untuk urusan rasa, di sini termasuk biasa saja mengingat kisaran harganya. Ada beberapa alternatif yang lebih mantab maknyoes untuk urusan rasa, tapi untuk kombinasi tempat, atmosphere dan rasa, termasuk unik dan mengena dengan selera pelanggan Surabaya, mirip dengan Zenbu

The dishes here are quite interesting, with good plating (when they dont mess up) that makes the food pops out. Taste-wise it's just so-so, not bad or anything, but there are similar on that price level that tastes darn good. So if what you're after is great tasting food, there are other options that's more suitable. But if you're looking for a good place to hang out, this is the place to go. It's a combination of mediocre tasting food and beautiful decor and eating atmosphere, similar to Zenbu

Black Ink Fettucini Seafood with Cream (Domicile) - Rp 80.000

Instagram Time
Buat saya, highlight selama di Domicile salah satunya adalah menikmati tempat dan hangout bersama teman. Termasuk candid saat nonik-nonik asyik mengabadikan makanan, dessert dan akrobat menggunakan Tongsis.

For me myself, the highlight of going to this place is when having a blast of time with friends. Just when I started getting bored with food photography, here's a chance to get some funny candid of the girls instagram-ing their food and using that gof-awful "tongsis".
btw "tongsis" is what they call this monopod for taking phone selfies

Tongsis in action - Domicile

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Jln Sumatra no 35
Telepon : 031-501 6900


  1. Ternyata bukan saya aja yang ngerasa 'wth' dengan service dan rasanya yang so-so.


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