Murah Meriah Menyusuri Sungai Osaka
Tombori River Cruise Guide |
Obyek wisata pertama yang dikunjungi di Osaka adalah wisata menyusuri Sungai Tombori yang terletak di daerah Dotonbori. Dotonbori sendiri adalah salah satu tempat wisata paling banyak dituju di Osaka. Wujudnya berupa satu jalan lurus, sepanjang kanal Dotonbori di Namba. Tempat ini sebelumnya dikenal sebagai daerah 'merah' dan teater kuno, tapi keduanya sudah tidak ada, digantikan dengan toko dan restoran.
Here's the first tourist spot that I went to in Osaka, Tombori River Cruise. It's in the famous Dotonbori area, which is a premier downtown shopping area.
Here's an entry about the place in Wikipedia :
Dōtonbori (道頓堀?, pronounced [doːtomboɽi]) is one of the principal tourist destinations in Osaka, Japan. It is a single street, running alongside the Dōtonbori canal between the Dōtonboribashi Bridge and the Nipponbashi Bridge in the Namba ward of Osaka. A former pleasure district, Dōtonbori is famous for its historic theatres (all gone now), its shops and restaurants, and its many neon and mechanised signs, including snack/candy manufacturer Glico's giant electronic display of a runner crossing the finish line. (
Tombori River Cruise - Osaka |
Ship Used for River Cruising in Tombori |
Kita bisa menikmati river cruise ini secara gratis, cukup dengan menunjukkan kupon yang didapat dari Unlimited Pass Osaka, yang termasuk juga tiket terusan untuk menaiki subway dan bis kota.
Untuk info paket lengkap yang didapat dengan two day pass bisa dilihat di link website berikut ini:
We got to ride this for free, using the coupon we got from Osaka Unlimited pass, which is mainly a subway and bus pass with loads of bonuses.
For the complete info about it, you can visit this website. I highly recommends it for those visiting Osaka on their own (not on guided tour).
River Cruise
Berikut foto-foto yang diambil selama menyusuri Tombori dan pemandangan jalanan Dotonbori yang terkenal. Pemandunya ceria dan baik, tapi sepanjang cruise, panduannya menggunakan bahasa Jepang, jadi tidak banyak yang saya mengerti, tapi tetap enjoy.
Here's the snapshot I took while on the river cruise. Loads of interesting things to see, and the guide is quite chirpy and cute, though speaking in Japanese only, which I hardly understood but nonetheless still enjoyed.
Tombori River Cruise |
Tombori River Cruise |
Tombori Cruise - Hanging Garden on the bridge |
Tombori Cruise - Hanging Garden on the bridge |
Tempat Duduk di Kapal / Seating Area in the Tombori River Cruise |
Friendly Osaka Resident, Waving at the Tourists on Cruise |
Tombori River Cruise |
Glico's Running Man famous Neon Sign on Dotonbori |
Pachinko |
Dotonbori (道頓堀)
Dotonbori ini adalah salah satu pusat belanja dan kuliner yang paling terkenal di Osaka. Perlu minimal setengah hari untuk menyusuri tempat ini. Ada beragam tempat menarik yang bisa dikunjungi, selain gerai-gerai terkemuka, ada juga tempat makan enak, ditambah dengan kuil yang indah di tengah-tengahnya.
Supaya tidak terlalu panjang, kuil di Osaka yang bernama Hozenji ini akan saya bahas di post lain.
Dotonbori is one of the prominent shopping and culinary destination in Osaka. You'd need at least half a day to really explore the place, we ended spending the whole day here.
There's a lot of interesting store, like the Rosebud by forever 21 and various eating places which is really insteresting. There's also a beautiful temple in the center, called Hozenji, which I will blog in another post.
Crepe Ojisan Dotonbori |
Dotonbori |
Evisu Dotonbori |
Disney Store Dotonbori |
Rose Bud - Dotonbori |
Ardour - Dotonbori |
Coffee Specialty Shop in Dotonbori |
Various Coffee Bean Being Sold in Dotonbori |
Coffee Specialty Shop in Dotonbori |
Kamakura Vending Machine Restaurant
Kamakura |
Kamakura |
Salah satu resto yang menarik di sini adalah Kamakura. Biasnaya kalau berhadapan dengan resto yang menggunakan vending machine begini, suasananya ala kadar dan pilihannya tidak banyak. Di sini pilihan menunya lengkap, tempatnya bersih dan menarik. Layak dicoba untuk yang gemar. Sayang saat itu saya sudah menikmati Okonomiyaki, jadi sudah kekenyangan saat melewati resto satu ini.
Kamakura is quite interesting. Usually when I encountered this small restaurants which uses vending machine to take order, the place is usually lackluster and a bit untidy, with a nimble selection of dishes. This one have a decent menu, a clean tidy place and interesting layout. I'd love to try it, too bad I already had Okonomiyaki, hence was already full when passing by it.
Dotonbori Restaurant |
Pablo Cheesecake Osaka
Pablo Cheesecake Dotonbori Osaka |
Pablo Cheesecake, salah satu bakery paling populer di Dotonbori ini, lokasinya di tengah-tengah. Setiap lewat selalu ramai antrian.
Harga Cheesecake nya 780 yen, rasanya lembut dan creamy, layak untuk dicoba.
Ada juga premium Cheesecake dijual di sini dengan harga 2x lipat, seharga 1500 yen.
Pablo si a famous bakery in Dotonbori area, it's located in the center of Dotonbori.
Everytime passing this shop, it's always packed, that's why it caught my attention.
Aside from the reguler ones priced at 780 yen, they also sell a Premium Cheesecake, priced at 1500 yen.
Pablo Premium Cheesecake - 1500 yen |
Pablo Cheesecake Dotonbori Osaka - Pastry Chef |
Pablo Cheesecake - Dough Mixing |
Pablo Cheesecake - Puring Cheese Filling |
Pablo Cheesecake Osaka - Very Friendly Pastry Chef |
The Maling - Which Translates as "Thief" in Indonesian ^^ |
Zara - Dotonbori |
Restaurant in Dotonbori |
Dotonbori Gemstone Seller |
Karaoke 804 - Dotonbori Osaka |
Dotonbori Restaurant |
Dotonbori Restaurant Menu |
Night Time in Dotonbori
Dotonbori Evening |
Bar Scene in Dotonbori |
Traditional Restaurant in Dotonbori |
Komehyo Dotonbori |
Dotonbori Night-Scene |
Dotonbori Night-Scene |
Dotonbori Night-Scene |
Dotonbori Chicken Fillet Snack |
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