Angus House - WTC Surabaya

Favorite Charcoal Steak House

Angus House WTC - Rib Eye Steak

 Angus House adalah salah satu tempat yang sering dijadikan jujugan  bagi orang Surabaya kalau ditanya mana tempat makan steak paling enak. Olahan steaknya sendiri menggunakan hot plate dan saus, sausnya sendiri berbahan dasar kaldu, bukan olahan saus A1 yang populer di resto steak lain. Saus yang digunakan pun ringan jadi tidak menutupi rasa asli steak.

Angus House is one of the prominent steak house in Surabaya, when asked about the best steak, lots of my friend refer this place as their choice. Their steak are served using round hotplate which have been their signature for some time, the sauce used are usually based on reduced stocks, and kept at minimum so they don't mask the taste of the meat.

Tempatnya sendiri memang sedikit terasa jadul, walaupun tetap nyaman. Sudah cukup lama sejak tempat ini diperbaharui terakhir kalinya, sehingga kesan 90's nya tetap kuat. Meja rectangular dan serbet pink, dengan gelas wine yang juga bergaya klasik.

The place can seems a little out dated, though it's still comfortable. It must have been a while since they did their last makeover, the place has a thick 90's styling. From the rectangular table and the plump chair, pink napkin and those retro wine glass.

Meat Preparation - Angus House

Meat Preparation - Angus House

Meat Preparation - Angus House

Bread & Soup (Part of steak package)

Salmon Spaghetti - Rp 79.000

Salmon Spaghetti - Rp 79.000

Vegetarian Spaghetti - Rp 74.000
Resto ini memang tempatnya untuk penggemar daging, jadi untuk yang vegetarian yang kebetulan ke sini untuk menemani teman, lebih baik pesan minum saja lalu makan di tempat lain. Steak dan pasta-nya termasuk paling ok di Surabaya, tapi begitu dipesan versi spaghetti vegetarian, rasanya kacau balau. Rasanya seperti mie cap cay yang kurang bumbu. Untungnya ada bumbu steak yang disediakan di meja. Alih-alih digunakan untuk steak, bumbu itu malah dipakai untung dongkrak rasa spaghetti capcay di atas.

This is definitely a place for meat lover, so if you're thinking of ordering a vegetarian version of a dish, just don't. This restaurant has one of the best tasting steak and pasta dish, but when you order their spaghetti to be done vegetable only, it really sucks. Ended up using the steak sauce to make it palatable.

Angus - Steak House

Untuk makan siang ada promo paket steak dengan diskon, paket Rib Eye ini dihargai Rp 354.000, termasuk sup, roti dan salad (saladnya tidak difoto).
Rasa Steak-nya cukup ok, rasanya juicy dan dimasak dengan tingkat kematangan yang pas, tidak butuh saus steak untuk menambah kelezatannya.

For their lunch promo they have a package which are discounted. This Rib Eye is priced at Rp 354.000 including soup, bread and salad (I didn't post the salad photo).
The Steak tastes nice, didn't need a lot of sauce to improve the taste.
Rib Eye Steak (Lunch Package Rp 354.000)

Kalaupun ada keluhan dari teman yang menikmati steak ini adalah ketebalan steak dan masih banyaknya lemak di Rib Eye-nya. Perlu saya beri catatan sebelumnya, teman yang pesan steak ini lama menetap di Texas, yang notabene memang daerah penghasil daging sapi di Amerika, jadinya mungkin sedikit lebih kritis dibanding kebanyakan orang Surabaya. Wajar saja dinilai kurang tebal, foto di bawah salah satu contoh ketebalan steak di negeri Paman Sam.

There are a little gripe that my friend had, which is the thickness of the steak and the fattiness of it.
A bit of note though, the diner has been living for quite some time in Texas, so he might be a tad more critical to steak in comparison to your average joe in Surabaya. It's no wonder that he found this steak a bit thinly slice, since the steak in Texas usually comes in this size pictured bellow.

Bone in Rib Eye (

Angus House Menu

Angus House Menu

Angus House Surabaya Menu

Angus House Menu

Angus House Menu

Angus House Menu

Angus House

W.T.C Surabaya Lt 6
Jl Pemuda 27-31
Telp : 031-5319282
