Kukus Resto - Surabaya

Steam Away

Kukus Resto
Kukus Restaurant, this is the place for easy meals that's simple and affordable. One of the signature here is using a claypot for cooking and presentation. Aside for the rice, you can have noodle, hor fun and glass noodle. Another notable dish is the cheesy baked rice, which has similarity with the Mozaru in Zenbu (http://www.foodgrapher.com/2013/11/zenbu-surabaya.html)

Kukus Restaurant, this is the place for easy meals that's simple and affordable. One of the signature here is using a claypot for cooking and presentation. Aside for the rice, you can have noodle, hor fun and glass noodle. Another notable dish is the cheesy baked rice, which has similarity with the Mozaru in Zenbu (http://www.foodgrapher.com/2013/11/zenbu-surabaya.html)

Kukus Resto - Surabaya

Untuk makan siang kali ini kita memesan nasi kukusnya, yang satu Vegetarian sedangkan lainnya Chicken Katsu saus kare.
Teman lunch saya sudah pernah mencoba Cheesy Baked Rice nya, dan menurutnya lumayan. Kali ini saya tidak memesan Cheesy Baked Rice karena memang tidak terlalu suka dengan kombinasi nasi + keju, berhubung yang di Zenbu saja juga tidak terlalu ngefans, walau rasanya banyak yang suka.
Meski ada kemiripan, jangan berharap mendapat rasa yang sama, berhubung harganya di sini hanya Rp 16.000, sepertiga dari harga menu Mozaru di Zenbu.

For lunch we tried the claypot rice, two of them, one is Vegetarian and the other is Curry Chicken Katsu.
Friend had tried the cheesy baked rice, which taste decent for the price. You get what you pay though, so don't expect Zenbu's quality at only a third of the price.

Nasi Kukus - Chicken Katsu Curry - Rp 13.000

Nasi Kukus - Vegetarian bumbu Siram - Rp 14.000
Harga nasi kukusnya ditentukan berdasar lauk yang diinginkan, harganya pun tidak mahal, mulai Rp 13.000 hingga Rp 26.000, pilihan nasi kukus paling lux yang berhiaskan Iga Sapi. Setelah memilih lauk, bisa memilih jenis saus / bumbu yang diinginkan, bisa dilihat pilihan lengkapnya di foto menu di bawah.

Their Rice Claypot are priced according to the meat / vegetables topping that you choose. It's priced quite cheap, starting at Rp 13.000 and upward to Rp 26.000, with the Beef Ribs topping holding the top spot of the price list. Afterwards you can choose the sauce / seasonings used, the complete list are on the menu bellow.

Resto Kukus - Ice Tea

Resto Kukus - Ropang Coklat - Rp 12.000
Beberapa orang ada yang suka dengan roti panggangnya, kalau saya pribadi tidak terlalu cocok, kembali ke selera sih.
Overall makanan di sini rasanya biasa, tidak sampai enak sebagaimana. Tapi harganya amat terjangkau mengingat pilihan makanan dan keunikan penyajiannya, termasuk worth it untuk dicoba.

I've read that some people like their Ropang / Grilled Toast with ice cream, I don't particularly like them, but it all comes back to personal taste.

On whole, I'd say the food served here are just so-so, but considering the price, and uniqueness, It's well worth the cost to try, odds are, you mighty have different taste than mine, and actually loves it.

Menu Resto Kukus

Menu Resto Kukus

Kukus Resto

Jl Ngagel Madya no 46
Telp 031-5031789
