Traveling Cafe & Bar

Mt Takao After Party

Travelling Cafe & Bar - Tokyo
Ini cerita lanjutan dari pengalaman tour ke Mt Takao, yang pernah dibahas di sini : 
dan di situ :
Dari pagi hingga sore kita meluangkan waktu di gunung Takao, malamnya disediakan acara opsional untuk ramah tamah di Traveling Cafe and Bar di kota Tokyo.

This is the follow up of my day-tour to Mt Takao, which I've posted here : 
and there :
After spending the day hiking around Mt Takao, they have an optional after party event, which were held in Traveling Cafe and Bar, located in Tokyo.

Traveling Cafe & Bar
Tour ke Gunung Takao ini diadakan oleh Explorer travel agent, dan ditawarkan di hostel Khaosan Ninja. Untuk tour ke Mt. Takao, biayanya 2000 yen, sedangkan acara after party ini opsional. 

This day tour to Mt Takao is arranged by Explorer travel agent, and being offered in the hostel Khaosan Ninja where I stayed. It costs 2000 yen for the tour, whilst this after party in traveling cafe and bar is an optional event.

Yebisu Beer - Travelling Cafe & Bar, Tokyo

 Biaya untuk masuk ke barnya adalah 1000 yen dan itu termasuk makanan yang disediakan. Tambahan biayanya hanya diperlukan untuk membeli minuman, satu gelas bir ukuran biasa dihargai 500 yen.

The admission cost is just 1000 yen, including food, the only thing you need to pay is for the drinks, which costs about 500 yen for a regular glass of beer.

Friends Gathering at Travelling Cafe & Bar - Tokyo

Friends Gathering at Travelling Cafe & Bar - Tokyo

Friends Gathering at Travelling Cafe & Bar - Tokyo
Yang suka bir bisa langsung memilih gelas besarnya, harganya dua kali lipat gelas biasa, tapi ukuran gelasnya lebih dari dua kali lipat. Plus, bisa buat selfie & mejeng sambil bawa gelas XL :D

For those beer lover, you should opt for the bigger glass. It costs double the regular ones but the size is more than double the regular one. In addition, it makes for a good prop for selfies.

Friends Gathering at Travelling Cafe & Bar - Tokyo

Mt Takao After Party
Yebisu Beer Tab - Traveling Cafe and Bar Tokyo

Yebisu Beer at Travelling Cafe & Bar - Tokyo

Food & Snack

Travelling Cafe & Bar -Peanuts

Travelling Cafe & Bar - Fish Curry

Travelling Cafe & Bar - Fish Curry & Fried Noodles

Japanese Fried Noodle
Berhubung sudah ada biaya masuk 1000 yen, makanan di sini disediakan gratis / termasuk dalam paketannya. Hanya perlu menambah biaya untuk minuman.
Walau makanan bar, tapi rasanya cukup ok, tidak sekedar asal jadi. Beberapa menu yang saya coba adalah mie goreng dan kare ikan. Keduanya cukup lezat, wajar karena di Jepang memang cukup terkenal dengan kualitas masakannya

Since there's already an admission fee of 1000 yen, the food served here is complimentary / included. The only thing you need to pay for is your drinks.
Though it's a bar food, the taste is quite nice, not just run of the mill bar food. I tried their Fried Noodle and Fish Curry, both tastes nice.

Chicken Curry with Rice

Traveling Cafe and Bar - Shot Glass and Whiskey

Traveling Cafe and Bar - Mt. Takao After Party

For further info, you can visit this link :
