Rumah Makan Sederhana [Caruban]

The Famous Padang Cuisine

RM Sederhana Caruban - Gulai Kepala Ikan

Penggemar masakan Padang tentu tahu dengan rumah makan satu ini. Rumah Makan Sederhana adalah chain resto dari Jakarta yang mungkin adalah salah satu chain yang paling besar. Rasanya biasanya seragam antara satu cabang dan lainnya, kadang ada yang notably great, seperti yang saya temui di Caruban ini.
Dalam perjalanan ke Solo untuk menghadiri acara notaris, saya beserta teman mampir ke resto satu ini. 

One of the most popular dish in Indonesia is the Padang Cuisine. It's usually served in abundance, the taste are amazing and price-wise it's quite cheap. One of the biggest chain that serves Padang Cuisine is Sederhana Restaurant. It originated in Jakarta and now open up shop in the whole country, including here in Caruban.
I went here on a way to Notary summit in Solo, we went here to have a quick lunch expecting it to be just that.

Rumah Makan Sederhana Caruban

Turns out the taste was notably good, there's also 2 other Sederhana Restaurant in Surabaya where I live, but the one in Caruban tops them in term of taste.

In case you're not familiar with Padang Cusine, here's a short description from Wikipedia : 
The cuisine of the Minangkabau people is commonly called Padang cuisine. Padang restaurants are common throughout the country and are famous for their spicy food. Padang food is usually cooked once per day, and all customers choose from those dishes, which are left out on display until no food is left. It is served in small portions of various dishes, but constituting, with rice, a complete meal. Customers take – and pay for – only what they want from this array of dishes. The best known Padang dish is rendang, a spicy meat stew. soto Padang (crispy beef in spicy soup) is local residents' breakfast favorite, meanwhile sate (beef satay in curry sauce served with ketupat) is a treat in the evening.

RM Sederhana - Gulai

RM Sederhana - Ayam Goreng

RM Sederhana - Sambal Teri Tempe (Rp 10.000)

RM Sederhana - Lalap Daun Singkong (Rp 6.000)

RM Sederhana - Sambal Terong (Rp 9.000)

Tempat satu ini cukup cocok untuk mampir sejenak untuk pengendara mobil yang melintas ke Jawa Tengah dari Jawa Timur. Tempatnya cukup bersih, rasa makanannya ok dan harganya termasuk tidak terlalu mahal.

This place is quite nice for those on a roadtrip from East Java to Central Java. You get a decent and clean place to rest, with tasty food and price that's quite affordable

Rumah Makan Sederhana Caruban

Jl Panglima Sudirman
Telp 0351 - 387977
