Authentic Chinese Cuisine & Crummy Ambiance
Chong Qing Surabaya |
Resto Chong Qing,
yang kelihatannya diambil dari nama kota di Cina, adalah salah satu tempat
untuk merasakan hidangan khas RRC di Surabaya Barat. Lokasinya ada di kompleks
ruko seberang Bon Ami / Papaya Supermarket di Darmo Permai.
Chong Qing restaurant, which seems to derived
from a city name in China, is a place where you can get authentic Chinese
cuisine in Western Surabaya. It's located in home office complex, in front of
Papaya Supermarket in Darmo Permai.
Chong Qing Surabaya |
Chong Qing Surabaya - Complimentary Peanut |
Chong Qing Surabaya |
Rasa masakannya lumayan, tidak terlalu berminyak seperti sebagian masakan RRC yang kadang mengganggu rasa, tapi tetap terasa citarasa khas daerah Chong Qing yang terkenal dengan masakan pedasnya dan hot pot.
The food taste quite nice, it still retain the authentic taste and spices that I remember eating in China, though not as greasy as some of them. The city Chong Qing is famous for their hot & spicy dish and also for hot pot.
Chong Qing Surabaya |
pilihan sayur, mungkin lebih baik memilih selain kangkung ini, rasanya biasa,
mirip dengan masakan Indonesia pada umumnya. Sayang kalau repot-repot ke sini
pesan menu ini.
Avoid this water spinach
dish if you're looking for authentic Chinese cuisine. This one tastes just the
same as similar dish in every other restaurant in Surabaya. Would be a shame if
you went on all the trouble to get here, just to taste a generic Indonesian
Chong Qing Surabaya |
Nah masalah
tempatnya ini yang terasa kurang cocok untuk kelas harganya. Di sini harganya
menengah ke atas, tapi untuk penyajian, kebersihan dan kenyamanan setara dengan
warung. Waktu saya ke sana, ada satu meja lain yang terisi, walaupun demikian,
AC nya tidak dinyalakan (siang hari) dan banyak lalat yang berterbangan ke sana
Jadi tempat ini cocok untuk anda yang memang sedang ingin sekali citarasa khas
Cina, dan nuansa kemproh ala RRC
The one thing that makes me reluctant to go
back here is their ambiance. It's priced in medium upper range establishment,
but it feels like a shoddy eatery.
There were another table beside mine on that
lunch occasion, but they don't bother to turn on the Air Conditioner, even
though is was a hot and humid day.
Flies were flying around all over the place,
we have to wave our hands every minute to shoo them away.
So here's a place where you get both the authentic Chinese cuisine, and the
lackluster crummy ambiance of the place.
Chong Qing Surabaya - Flies are everywhere |
Menu :
Menu Chong Qing Surabaya |
Menu Chong Qing Surabaya |
Menu Chong Qing Surabaya |
Menu Chong Qing Surabaya
Menu Chong Qing Surabaya |
Menu Chong Qing Surabaya |
Menu Chong Qing Surabaya |
Menu Chong Qing Surabaya |
Chong Qing Wei Dao
Pertokoan Darmo Villa Blok C-1 Jl. Darmo Permai Selatan, Surabaya
Telepon : 031-7319094 / 0838 7983 6699
kaka....tolong donk review gelato yang lokasinya depan kbs (dulu museum mpu tantular) itu ya...