Pangsit Mie Jagaraga [Surabaya]

Off The Beaten Path

Mie Jagaraga ini adalah salah satu mie terkenal di Surabaya yang terletak di daerah Pecinan. Gang kecil yang terletak di sebelah jalan Indrapura. Lokasi jalannya agak ribet, jadi perlu persiapan kalau ingin berkunjung ke daerah ini. Saya sempat sekali tersasar dan akhirnya beli Mie Pangsit lain di tempat depot Bakwan.

This Noodle shop is located in Jagaraga street, which is in the Chinatown part of Surabaya. It's a small alley which is a bit hard to find, so you'd need a bit of preparation beforehand. I got lost on my first time going here and ended up buying a different Wonton Noodle.

Pangsit Mie Jagaraga

Pangsit Mie Jagaraga

Sebelum berhasil ke sini sendiri, saya sempat nitip ke teman di kantor untuk mencarikan Mie satu ini, hasilnya saat pertama ke sini nyasar dan akhirnya membeli mie pangsit biasa seharga Rp 10.000, di Jln Jagaraga no 16. Ternyata salah sasaran, karena tempatnya ternyata bukan Mie Pangsit Jagaraga tapi Depot Bakwan.
Usaha kedua saya meminta bantuan teman kantor yang senior, yang memang tahu lokasinya, akhirnya berhasil mendapat mie yang nyelempit ini.

Before going here myself, I've asked a co-worker 2 times to help find this place, the first time was a dud, we ended up buying a mediocre wonton noodle from a wrong place. We got lucky on the second try, after navigating a few small alley and asking around, this is what we got, a packed wonton noodle with two siumays.

Pangsit Mie Jagaraga - Wonton Noodle
Beginilah penampilan pangsit mienya sesudah dikeluarkan dari bungkusnya, ditemani dua biji Siomay goreng. Berhubung saat itu sudah tidak hangat, rasanya sih tidak terlalu istimewa, saya masih lebih suka dengan tekstur mie Kertajaya ( kalau sama-sama kondisi dibungkus / bawa pulang.

This is how the wonton noodle looks like, I brought it from my office in Southern part of Surabaya to a friend's house in Werstern part of Surabaya, which took about an hour drive, so the noodle wasn't that good tasting. When packed and already cold like this, I like the Kertajaya Wonton Noodle better( which had been my favorite.

Mie Jagaraga

Pangsit Mie Jagaraga - Condiments / Sambal

Pangsit Mie Jagaraga
Saat makan di tempat, rasanya jauh lebih enak, tekstur mie nya kenyal dan tidak eneg. Salah satu keistimewaan mie di sini selain teksturnya, rasa mienya tidak melulu tepung. Sepertinya untuk memasak mie, mereka menggunakan kaldu.

When I get the chance to savor the noodle in site, it taste much better. The noodle were firm and tasty. It has a distinct meaty flavor apart from the usual floury taste, which probably comes from boiling the noodle in broth.

Pangsit Mie Jagaraga
Pangsit Ayam - Jagaraga
Harga Mie Pangsit di sini Rp 19.000, sedangkan siomay nya sekitar Rp 8.000.
Untuk ukuran depot / warung, harganya memang cukup tinggi, tapi menurut saya sesuai dengan kualitas yang didapatkan.

The Wonton Noodle here costs Rp 19.000, while the Siumay costs around Rp 8.000. It's a bit pricey compared to some of it peers, but it's worth the quality in my oppinio.

Map :

Pangsit Mie Jagaraga

Jln Jagaraga Surabaya
