Peacock Rooftop Restaurant [Jaipur]

Meal With a View

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant - View from the Restaurant

Melanjutkan ulasan saya tentang hotel
Pearl Palace Pearl Palace di Jaipur  (, berikut resto di dalam hotel yang sama, terletak di atap Pearl Palace Hotel, yang bernama Peacock Rooftop Hotel.

Following my post about the Pearl Palace Hotel in Jaipur ( Here's their famous restaurant, on top of the hotel, Peacock Rooftop Hotel.

At The Peacock Rooftop Hotel with India Gang (

Tempatnya saat itu fully booked, jadi kita diminta menunggu di atap, sembari bisa menaiki menara pendek yang cocok dipakai menikmati pemandangan malam Jaipur di sekitar hotel.

The restaurant were fully booked at the time, so we had to wait in the rooftop area, where there's a small tower which we can climb. It's quite nice to enjoy the surrounding area view.

Nachos with Salsa 150 Rupee
Mr Billy & Franck enjoying their Chicken Fried Rice (150 Rupee)

Kalau jalannya dengan koko-koko Surabaya, hidangan yang wajib ada di meja adalah Nasi, kali ini kita mencoba Nasi Goreng ayam-nya. Rasanya sih lumayan, tapi tampilannya biasa banget, sampai kelupaan difoto.

Since we're traveling with a group of Indonesian food lovers, we have to had rice in the table. This evening the rice dish selected were Chicken Fried Rice. It tastes quite nice, but the plating is very plain, so much so I didn't remember to take a picture.

Gulab Jamun - 60 Rupee

Gulab Jamun - 60 Rupee
Gulab jamun is a milk-solids based dessert. It is popular in countries of South Asia such as India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh, also in the Caribbean countries of Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname and Jamaica and in Mauritius. In Nepal, it is widely known as Lal-Mohan, served with or without yogurt. It is made mainly from milk solids, traditionally from freshly curdled milk. In India, milk solids are prepared by heating milk over a low flame for a long time until most of the water content has evaporated. These milk solids, known as khoya in Pakistan and India, are kneaded into a dough, sometimes with a pinch of flour, and then shaped into small balls and deep fried at a low temperature of about 148 °C.[1] The balls are then soaked in a light sugar syrup flavored with green cardamom and rosewater, kewra or saffron.[2] These days, gulab jamun mix is also commercially available. Gulab jamun is often served at weddings and birthday parties. (

Gulab Jamun adalah hidangan penutup yang dibuat dari bagian padat susu. Populer di INdia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan dan Bangladesh, juga di beberapa negara Karibia seperti Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, Jamaica dan Mauritius. Di Nepal dikenal dengan nama Lal-Mohan, disajikan degnan atau tanpa yoghurt.
Di India, Gulab Jamun dibuat dengan menghangatkan susu di api kecil dalam waktu lama, hingga mayoritas airnya telah menguap. Susu padat bernama Khoya ini dibentuk hingga menjadi adonan, menggunakan tepung dan dibuat dalam bentuk bulatan kecil, dan digoreng dalam temperatur 148 °celcius.

Setelah matang dicelupkan dalam sirup gula yang diberi perasa cardamom dan air mawar, kewra atau safron. (diterjemahkan dari

Lemon Ginger Honey - 40 Rupee

King Fisher Beer - Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur

King Fisher Beer - Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur


Peacock Rooftop Restaurant - Breakfast Area

Setelah puas dengan hidangan makan malam, paginya kita mencoba kembali ke Peacock Rooftop Restaurant. Menu makan paginya juga cukup lengkap, ada pilihan hidangan barat hingga tradisional India. Salah satunya pancake ala india dengan saus Yoghurt, rasanya lezat dan eksotik.

After being satisfied with our dinner, on the next morning we decided to have another go at the same restaurant. The breakfast menu is quite lavish, with dishes from Asian, Western and traditional Indian cuisines. We tried their Indian Pancake with Yoghurt sauce, which tastes exotic and delicious.

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant - Tea for Breakfast

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur - Banana & Oatmeal

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur - Omelete

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur - Indian Breakfast

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur

Menu :
Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur Menu

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur Menu

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur Menu

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur Menu

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant Jaipur Bill

Peacock Rooftop Restaurant / Pearl Palace Hotel

 51, Hari Kishan Somani Marg | Hotel Pearl Palace, Hathroi Fort Ajmer Road 
Jaipur 302001, India
Telepon : +91 94 14 236323
For Booking Please Visit : Pearl Palace
