Kantin Kita - Hokky (Ruko Graha Family)

Street Food in the Parking Lot

Bakso Cak Min - Kantin Kita Hokky

Kompleks Ruko Graha Family ini dikenal sebagai tempat makan menengah ke atas. Di lokasi sama terdapat supermarket Hokky, Resto Little Chicken, depot Ama dan banyak pilihan tempat makan lain. Ternyata di tempat yang sama, ada satu spot tempat makan kaki lima yang tidak kalah menarik.

Ruko Graha Family is a Soho type of building complex, with plenty of dining option, usually it's a bit on the upper middle class range. In this location there's the famous Hokky supermarket which usually sell imported fruits, Little Chicken Restaurant which is one of my favorite Chinese Food Restaurant, Depot Ama and plenty of other selections.

Kantin Kita - Hokky
Tempat makan satu ini dinamakan Kantin Kita - Hokky. Biasanya tempat ini menjadi jujugan  makan siang untuk para pekerja di kompleks ruko dan murid-murid di sekolah yang ada di dekatnya.

There's also a street food vendor which not many people know, located in the same area and usually catering to the hard working employee in the area, as well as a lunch option for nearby school students.Aptly named 'Kantin Kita' or Our Canteen

Kantin Kita - Hokky

Lokasi tempat makan kaki lima ini sedikit ala kadarnya, di sebelah parkir sepeda motor. Walau demikian, tidak terlalu banyak polusi / bising karena tidak di pinggir jalan tapi agak masuk ke ujung kompleks ruko. Walau demikian, tempat satu ini tidak terlalu bersih, terutama karena pengunjungnya sering seenaknya membuang sampah di lantai.

The street food vendor area are a bit barren, located next to motorcycle parking area. Though it's not comfortable, it's quite decent for a street food standard, located in the inner part of the complex, it isn't bustling with traffic or pollution, despite not being clean enough. Plenty of litters in the floor, which reflects the bad habit of the diner instead of the proprietor.

 Bakso Cak Min Semarang

Bakso Cak Min

Bakso Cak Min ini menjadi alasan utama kita mencoba makan siang di sini. Sebagian orang menyukai bakso kejunya. Kalau kita sih malah memilih skip bakso keju dan mencoba bakso campur dan telur puyuh-nya. Rasa baksonya cukup enak, terutama untuk harganya yang tidak terlalu mahal. Per porsi bakso campur yang kita pesan dihargai Rp 10.000.

 This Cak Min's Bakso is the reason we're going here. Some people love their cheese bakso, but we aren't a fan of the quirky taste, so we skipped that and ordered a mixed meatball version, and a big bakso with quail egg filling. It taste quite nice, even more so considering the price, we ended up paying just Rp 10.000 for the whole bowl.

Bakso Cak Min - Hokky

Bakso Cak Min - Hokky

Bakso Cak Min - Hokky

Gado-Gado Podo Marem

Gado-gado Podo Marem

Gado-gado Podo Marem - Rp 8.000
Selain bakso Cak Min, kita mencoba Gado-gado Podo Marem yang terletak di seberang baksonya. Selain Gado-gado menu lain mereka adalah soto ayam. Kalau Gado-gadonya sih enak walau tampilannya ala kadar, tidak terlalu eneg bumbunya, dan sayuran yang digunakan cukup segar.

The second dish we tried after the famous Bakso is this Indonesian Salad, Gado-gado. The seller is Podo Marem, which is just across the Bakso Stall. They also serves Soto Ayam which is a thick chicken soup with plenty of spice. I love their Gado-gado, it taste quite light, though still tasty. Nothign fancy but it got the right balance of taste, texture and plenty of fresh vegetables.

Bakso Pak Pri
Di satu area yang sama ada juga penjual Bakso lain, Bakso Pak Pri. Berhubung teman 'penguasa' daerah barat yang mengajak saya lunch di sana lebih rekomen cak Min, saya belum mencoba bakso satu ini

There's another bakso seller in the area, Bakso Cak Pri. I haven't tried it yet but my friend who is a frequent diner there, commented that she likes the Cak Min version better.

Jus Jeruk / Orange Juice - Hokky

 Kalau bakso dan gado-gadonya juara, di sini minumannya blunder. Es jeruknya terasa tidak pakai gula murni tapi buatan, akhirnya hanya habis seperempat gelas dan terpaksa ditinggalkan supaya tenggorokan tidak sakit. Beberapa pilihan minuman lain termasuk di cak min biasanya disajikan dari minuman sachet, jadi kalau ke sini saya bakal lebih memilih air mineral saja.

We love their food stalls offering, but the beverage is a whole different matters. Most of the options are powdered sachet drinks, so we opted for the Orange Juice on the bakso seller next to Podo Marem stall. This turns out to be a wrong choice, the drink were made with artificial sweetener that usually gets me a sore throat. So we just drank a quarter to quench our thirst and leave the rest alone.

Gorengan / Fritters - Bakso Cak Min Hokky

Gorengan - Bakso Cak Min

Bakso Cak Min

Map :

Kantin Kita

Ruko Plaza Graha Family
Jln Bukit Darmo Boulevard, Surabaya
