Sate Babi Cik An (Surabaya)

Porking Out

Depot Sate Babi Cik An - Surabaya

Tempat-tempat makan favorit saya biasanya memiliki ciri satu, hidangan yang disajikan tidak terlalu banyak macam dan asal hidangannya pun seragam. Resto yang model begini biasanya menandakan pemilik tempat makan tersebut fokus pada satu jenis hidangan yang mereka memang ahli.

I notice that my favorite dining spots seems have one thing in common, a simple menu. Which means the proprietor can concentrate on a few items that they are really good at.

Bulan lalu saya diundang oleh Martin yang merangkap owner dan head chefnya markas babi ini. Saya sempat merasa sungkan karena baru bisa memenuhi undangannya satu bulan kemudian karena dihajar kesibukan di kantor, untung empunya resto cukup sabar.

Last month I got an invitation to sample the delicacies here by Martin, the owner and mastermind of the place. It took a while to finally attend the event, since I was battered with office work last month, I'm glad he was patient enough with my schedule.

Sate Babi Cik An - Martin
Depot ini menunya hampir semua berbahan babi, hanya hiwan-nya yang berbeda sendiri memakai ikan, dan kebetulan di ulasan kali ini tidak difoto. Hiwan-nya walau berbahan dasar ikan tapi memakai isian daging babi, jadi semua menu di sini lengkap memakai daging babi.

This dining spot have their dish based with pork as the protein of choice. They only have one item that isn't all pork, which is Hiwan / Fish Meat Ball, but this hiwan also have pork stuffings inside, so everything here have pork in them except the beverages.

Sate Babi Cik An - Sate Babi (Rp 25.000) & Minuman Badak (Rp 8.000)

Makanan di sini dilah dari resep kuno keluarga Martin. Ciri khas masakannya terasa di tiap piring. Partner makan yang biasanya tidak suka makanan manis, terutama sate, kali ini bisa menikmati hidangan sate babi ini. Satenya dimasak langsung saat pesan, jadi citarasanya terjaga.

The dish here are taken from his old family recipes, and it shows in the plate. The pork were cook nicely. My partner who usually hate sweet tasting dish, was really enjoying this pork Satay. It's quite a feat, since she particularly loath satay dishes, especially the chicken satay. This satay was cooked on order, so it stays fresh and firm.

Pork Satay on the Grill - Sate Babi Cik An

Bakwan Babi Cik An
Dari semua menu di sini hanya ada satu ini yang agak kurang pas buat selera kita. Rasanya sih enak, tapi agak liat.

From all the dish, this one is the least favorite for both of us. It still taste nice, but it's a bit tough for our liking.

Sate Babi Cik An - Baikut Sayur Asin

Sate Babi Cik An - Babi Hong & 2 Mantau (Rp 25.000)
Babi Hong ini menjadi menu favorit kita, rasanya pas, rasanya pas, citarasanya tidak jauh berbeda dengan resto chinese food langganan kita. Harganya relatif terjangkau, bisa buat alternatif kalau ingin merasakan babi hong, tapi tidak ingin pesan porsi besar seperti di resto.

This 'Babi Hong' / Pork Belly dish is our favorite dish of the day, it tastes just right, and it also tastes similar to one of our favorite chinese food restaurant. With it's affordable price in mind, Cik An could be a great alternative when you got a craving for this pork belly dish but doesn't want to order it in huge portions.

Sate Babi Cik An - Mantau

Sate Babi Cik An - Babi Hong & Mantau
Untuk penggemar masakan babi, tempat ini layak untuk dicoba. Walau suasana depot yang ala kadarnya, tapi rasa masakannya cukup ok. Citarasa masakannya mirip dengan resto Hakka, rasa masakannya tidak terlalu tajam tapi terasa lezat.

This is the place for pork lovers with a taste for oriental cuisines. Though the ambiance is a bit spartan, the food tastes nice. It has similarities to Hakka Chinese Restaurants which have delicate tasting dishes.

Sate Babi Cik An - Menu

Sate Babi Cik An - Menu

Map :

Sate Babi Cik An

Jln Pecindilan no 22
