Burberry Sale at Sheraton Surabaya
Burberry in Surabaya
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Enni at the Lobby Sheraton Hotel Surabaya |
Suka dengan barang branded? tidak keberatan dengan harga yang wow?
Berarti perlu berkunjung ke Burberry Sale di Sheraton yang berlangsung hingga hari Minggu tanggal 20 September 2015.
Counter Burberry sendiri tidak ada di Surabaya, setahu saya hanya ada di Jakarta, jadi untuk penggemar brandnya tidak ada salahnya untuk sekedar window shopping kemari. Selain Burberry juga ada produk dari YSL, Balenciaga dan Gucci
For the branded good afficionados, there's currently a sale event held in Surabaya Sheraton Hotel, ongoing until 20'th of September 2015 (Sunday)
It's titled Burberry Sale, but there's other prominent brand as well, such as YSL, Balenciaga and Gucci.
It's titled Burberry Sale, but there's other prominent brand as well, such as YSL, Balenciaga and Gucci.
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Tunjungan Plaza 3 - Dinosour Exibition |
Cara termudah ke hotel adalah dengan layanan parkir vallet dari depan hotelnya, atau bisa ke tempat parkir di Tunjungan Plasa 3/4. Setelahnya tinggal cari lantai ground yang memiliki akses ke hotel Sheraton.
Saat ini juga sedang ada event exibisi animatronic dinosauras di TP3, tiket masuknya dihargai Rp 100.000 per orang, cocok untuk hiburan anak-anak.
Easiest way to get to the hotel is through their vallet service in front of the hotel. If you want to park yourself, you can go to TP3/4 building and then head to the ground level of Tunjungan Plaza, which are connected to the hotel through outdoor walkway.
There's also a dinosour animatronic exebition going on in TP3, the entry ticket is priced at Rp 100.000, it's suitable entertainment for children.
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Lung Yuan Sheraton Hotel |
Acara salenya dihelat di ruangan yang ada di dekat resto Lung Yuan. Terletak di lantai dua, atau lantai mezzanine (M) di tombol elevatornya.
Kalau tertarik dengan resto Lung Yuan, bisa kunjungi blog post saya sebelumnya tentang resto satu ini : http://www.foodgrapher.com/2015/05/lung-yuan-sheraton-hotel.html
The sale is held nearby Lung Yuan Restaurant, which is in the mezzanine floor (2'nd floor)
If you're interested to dine in Lung Yuan, here's my previous post about it : http://www.foodgrapher.com/2015/05/lung-yuan-sheraton-hotel.html
Ada 3 ruangan yang dipakai di Sheraton, masing-masing tidak terlalu besar.
Kita sempat berkeliling sebentar window shopping, Enni sempat tertarik melihat beberapa clutch dan handbag, tapi berhubung bulan depan ada rencana ke tempat wisata yang sekaligus pusatnya barang branded dengan harga terjangkau, kita menunda rencana shopping hingga Oktober :p
There's 3 room being utilized for the event, all were not that large, so be prepared to feel a little cramped.
We did enjoyed the selection, and the price is okay for Indonesian standard (which value added tax on luxury good is quite high).
What's on Sale?
YSL Bag |
Berhubung biasanya tidak bisa memfoto di dalam area sale, saya mencoba mengingat sebagian harga dan produk yang ditawarkan. Maaf kalau nama spesifik itemnya sendiri saya tidak terlalu ingat, tapi ada foto untuk memperjelas. Berhubung berdasar ingatan, mohon maklum kalau ada kesalahan info, silakan memberi masukan di bagian komentar.
Handbag YSL (Yves Saint Laurent) warna gelap ini salah satu item yang tidak didiskon, harganya mendekati Rp 40.000.000,-
Ada tambahan discount 10% menggunakan kartu kredit BCA / BRI
There's usually a prohibition on photographing the sale, so I just try to write some of the item I remembered and it's prices.
Please be mindful that this are written from memory, I didn't take notes etc, so if there's a mistake, please let me know in the comment section.
This YSL (Yves Saint Laurent) Handbag were part of the non discounted item, it's price is around Rp 40.000.000,-
There's an additional 10% discounts using BCA / BRI credit cards.
Tas YSL yang di atas ini dijual dengan sale 30-40% discount, harga akhirnya sekitar 18-20 jt.
Ada tambahan discount 10% untuk pengguna kartu kredit BCA dan BRI
Ada tambahan discount 10% untuk pengguna kartu kredit BCA dan BRI
Another YSL handbag, but this time it's discounted 30-40%, I recall the final price were about 18-20 million rupiah
Same as before, there's further 10% reduction for purchase using BCA / BRI Credit Cards.
Same as before, there's further 10% reduction for purchase using BCA / BRI Credit Cards.
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YSL Clutch |
Clutch YSL yang ada di sini ukurannya cukup besar, harganya sekitar Rp 16.000.000. Ada pilihan warna & bahan yang cukup lengkap di sana
This big YSL clutch here is sold for Rp 16.000.000, there's quite a large selection of color and material you can choose from.
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YSL Shoes |
Sepatu dari YSL di atas ditawarkan seharga Rp 16.000.000
Ada juga pilihan lain yang lebih "terjangkau" sekitar Rp 10.000.000
This YSL Shoes are being offered at about Rp 16.000.000
There's also other more affordable selections starting from Rp 10.000.000
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Burberry Belt |
Sabuk Burberry untuk pria, berkisar Rp 5.000.000,-
Untuk reverensi, saya pernah membeli sabuk yang mirip saat sale 30% di Milan, dan harganya sekitar 3.500.000. Jadi harga sabuk ini sebetulnya cukup ok untuk harga Indonesia yang pajak PPnBm-nya cukup tinggi
Untuk reverensi, saya pernah membeli sabuk yang mirip saat sale 30% di Milan, dan harganya sekitar 3.500.000. Jadi harga sabuk ini sebetulnya cukup ok untuk harga Indonesia yang pajak PPnBm-nya cukup tinggi
Burberry belts for man are around Rp 5.000.000,-
For reverence, I bought similar belts while there's a discount in Milan Shopping mall, and the final price were about Rp 3.500.000. So for Surabaya standard, the price weren't so high, keeping in mind the exorbitant VAT
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Burberry Rinascante Milan |
Sedangkan untuk kemeja berkisar 3.5 - 5 jt rupiah
Tas wanita sekitar Rp 17 jt rupiah - Burberry Banner Check Leather Bag
Man's Shirt from Burberry are priced at about Rp 3.5 - 5 million
While the Burberry Banner Check Leather Bag bellow is priced at Rp 17 million.
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Burberry Banner Check Leather Bag |
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Burberry Man Shirt |
Burberry Sale Event (18-20 September 2015)
Sheraton HotelJln Embong Malang 25-31
Sheraton Booking Website
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