Imax Tunjungan Plaza 5

It's Bigger But is it Better?

Imax Tunjungan Plaza 5 - Pintu Masuk

Setelah membahas tentang Tunjungan Plaza 5 (TP5), mall yang baru dibuka di Surabaya, kali ini saya mencoba mengunjungi bioskop Imax pertama dan satu-satunya di Surabaya .

After posting about Tunjungan Plaza 5 (TP5), the new mall in the city, this time I'll post about the first Imax in Surabaya that's being opened in the same mall.

Yes Matt Damon, we only have one choice here...

Di depan sih tidak ada yang spesial dengan desainnya, mirip dengan bioskop XXI yang ada di East Coast Mall.
Kalau ingin selfie yang menarik, bisa kunjungi lantai ground TP5, disediakan background foto yang cukup menarik.

There's nothing particularly special about it front, it looks similar to the XXI Cinema in East Coast Mall.
If you want to get an interesting selfie, you can go to the ground floor where they still have the background photo for the social event on their opening nights. 

Imax Cafe - The Premiere
 Saya tidak sempat memfoto secara optimal karena baru satu jepretan, langsung satpamnya menegur, jujur saja ini kali pertama ditegur saat ambil foto tempat makan sejak 2013 ^^
Yah mungkin saja TP dan jaringan bioskop 21 takut desainnya ditiru oleh bioskop dan mall lain (saingannya ada sebiji di Sidoarjo, Platinum Cineplex yang terkenal tahun lalu karena film Doraemon). Niat makan di sini pun akhirnya hilang, dan kita memutuskan untuk mencoba Resto Jun Njan di TP5 lantai 5.

I didn't get to take much photo so we'd have to do with this one image, due to the security guard prohibiting me taking photo. It's been years since any eateries objects to their place being photographed, I think the last time was 2013.
Well probably they're afraid their competitor in Sidoarjo, Platinum Cineplex or someone else might copy their design and open up new cinema nearby.
So after that warm welcome, our appetite for trying this place were gone and we ended up having lunch in Jun Njan, a new Chinese restaurant in the fifth floor of TP5

Imax Cafe Menu

Imax Cafe Menu

Tunjungan Plasa Imax

Tunjungan Plasa 5 Studio 2
Di TP5 ternyata tidak melulu Imax saja, ada beberapa studio XXI standard dan The Premier di sini, yang saat itu salah satunya menyiarkan film Black Mass.

Imax isn't the only cinema here, turns out there are other standard XXI and The Permier cinema here, where one of them were screening Black Mass movie.

Imax Surabaya

Bioskop Imax cukup besar, sehingga butuh beberapa pintu masuk untuk memberi akses yang lega pada penonton. Berikut foto diambil dari barisan terbawah, saya sendiri duduk di kursi urutan ke 4 dari atas.

Imax Cinema is quite vast, it has a few gates to accommodate the large amount of movie goers.
This shot are taken from the bottom, my seat that day were upstairs in the 4'th row.
Enni in front of Door for row 1-17
Harga Tiket Imax :
Senin s/d Kamis Rp 50.000 
Jumat Rp 60.000
Sabtu/Minggu/Libur Rp 80.000

Imax Ticket Price:

Monday to Thursday Rp 50.000 
Friday Rp 60.000
Weekend / Holiday Rp 80.000

Imax TP5

Kali ini kita menonton Everest, film kedua yang diputar di Imax ini. Yang pertama adalah film transporter yang ratingnya cukup jelek, jadi merasa tidak worth it untuk meluangkan waktu nonton film tersebut, dan malah nonton Maze Runner dua, yang reviewnya jauh lebih baik.

Film Everest-nya bagus, cocok dengan review yang diberikan, walau kadang ada saat-saat boring dan datar ceritanya, tapi mengingat genrenya, termasuk di atas rata-rata.
Imax-nya sendiri, tidak terlalu terasa spesial, entah karena kali ini film 3D atau memang sensasi nonton Imax ya hanya begitu-begitu saja.
Resolusinya sama saja dengan bioskop lain, layarnya sih besar, tapi detailnya tidak sampai bikin wow.  Mungkin yang penggemar sejati bioskop bisa lebih merasa puas dengan pengalaman nonton di sini.

We watched the movie Everest, which were the second movie to be played here. The first one was Transporter (refueled or reloaded, couldn't bother to google it) which had abysmal review, so we decided to skip it and just watch Maze Runner 2 in the reguler Cinema (which was worth it).

The Everest movie itself were nice, it deserve the good review score. Being based on true story, sometime it have some dull moments, but overall it's really engaging and definitely above average.
The Imax itself were just so-so experience. I had higher expectation, especially considering the resolution bump an such, it turns out there not many difference for a regular movie goer like me. Those who are movie lover probably could discern it better.

Layar Imax TP5 Surabaya

Saya sempat memfoto layarnya saat trailer Hotel Transylvania, cukup terang dan tidak kalah dengan bioskop 21 lain di Surabaya. Sedikit beda dengan harapan saya, yang sempat berharap resolusi yang lebih menawan. Efek terlalu sering melihat film blue ray di layar TV 4K di toko-toko elektronik mungkin.
Imax sendiri pertama kali diputar tahun 1970, jadi kemungkinan teknologinya sudah cukup uzur untuk era sekarang, di mana layar 4K sudah banyak diadopsi di rumah pribadi.
Pengalaman pertama menonton Imax cukup menarik, tapi tidak sampai membuat ingin kembali lagi. Entah karena sound system, layar atau apa, tapi sensasi nontonnya tidak jauh beda dengan bioskop biasa.
Bagi saya pribadi nonton di Premiere terasa lebih menyenangkan . The Premier XXI juga ada di Tunjungan Plaza. (HTM Senin - Kamis 75rb, Jumat 100rb, Sabtu / Minggu Rp 150.000)

Imax standard (dengan film 35mm) resolusinya kalau dianalogikan format digital adalah sekitar 2K.  Ada juga yang menggunakan film 70mm.
Bisa dibaca detail pembahasannya di sini.

I did photograph the screen at the start, where they played Hotel Transylvania trailer. It was quite bright, not worse than any 21 Cinema in town. It wasn't as good as what I imagine though, was expecting more from the experience. Probably because we're accustomed to the glorious 4K displays in electronic stores, playing high def Blue Ray discs.
Imax itself is a technological breakthrough in 1970, but now it probably a bit dated, where 4K DSLRs and screen are all over the living rooms.
The Premier for me seems to offer a better overall experience, albeit being more expensive. The Premier XXI is also available in Tunjungan Plaza (monday to thursday Rp 75k, Friday 100k, Weekend 150k)

The standard 35mm Imax's resolution is somewhat about 2K. There's also another film format of 70mm which is twice the standard.
If you're interest in further reading about it, you can visit this link

Below is a description about Imax, taken from Wikipedia.

 The IMAX cinema process increases the image resolution by using a large-frame film; in relative terms, of producing a sharp movie image, a frame of 35mm film produces approximately six thousand lines (6K) of horizontal resolution, but an IMAX-format film frame produces approximately 18 thousand lines (18K) of horizontal resolution.[9]

To achieve such increased image resolution, 65mm film stock passes horizontally through the IMAX movie camera, 15 perforations at a time, which at 24 frames per second means the film moves through the camera at 102.7 metres per minute (just over 6 km/h). In a conventional 65mm camera, the film passes vertically through the camera, five perforations at a time, or 34 metres per minute. In comparison, in a conventional 35mm camera, 35mm film passes vertically through the camera, at four (smaller) perforations at a time, which translates to 27.4 metres per minute.[9]

In the Todd-AO 70mm-format of widescreen cinema, the image area of a 65mm film-frame is 48.5 mm × 22.1 mm (1.91 in × 0.87 in); in the IMAX-format of widescreen cinema, the movie image is taller than it is wide, given the film-frame dimensions of 69.6 mm × 48.5 mm (2.74 in × 1.91 in). To match the standard image resolution of the moving image produced with the film-speed of 24 frames per second, an IMAX film requires three times the length of (negative) film stock required for a 65mm film of comparable scope and cinematic technique.


Kacamata 3D Imax - So big I feel like scuba diving during the whole movie

Biasanya saya tidak tahan lama-lama memakai kacamata 3D di bioskop lain, karena saya memakai kacamata baca. Di sini kacamata 3D nya amat besar sehingga bisa dengan nyaman dipakai.
Walaupun demikian, 3D untuk saya masih belum bisa dibilang menarik, saya lebih bisa enjoy menonton bioskop biasa dibanding versi 3D.

I usually can't stand 3D glasses, since I'm wearing a prescription glasses.
This time the glasses used on Imax were considerably larger, so it can be worn over my glasses easily. That being said, I'm still not a fan of 3D, I enjoy regular movie more than their 3D counterpart.

Imax Surabaya - Plenty of Space
Jun Njan - Squid

Stay tuned for the review of Jun Njan next week, the new Chinese Restaurant in Tunjungan Plaza 5

Tunjungan Plaza 5

Jln Basuki Rahmat

If you need somewhere near to stay : Hotels Near Tunjungan Plasa 


  1. Bert klo coba nonton disana sekalian coba makan bawa uang berapa ? Sejuta apakah cukup ?

    1. nontonnya sih seorang cuma 50-80rb, makannya itu mau makan apa bawa sampai segitu O_o

      nyebrang ke TP3, doner kebab 20-30rb
      kalau harus di TP5, Sushi Tei, Kafe Premier sama Jun Njan sekitar Rp 70.000 - 100.000 per orang

  2. Cukup menarik reviewnya tp bagi saya imaxemghadirkan experience yg keren.. Krn keseringan nnton kali ya kerasa aja bedanya.. 3d imax juga lebih menonjol dibanding dolby 3d ato reald3d


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