Porong Wei G-Walk
Dear blog readers,
Starting this month we at the Foodgrapher have a guest writer
Paul Dahong, a very talented architect and founder of FB group Makan-Makan
Here's his first post from last week food gathering event, in Porong Wei G-Walk branch
Yang di atas ini adalah Koloke alias Ayam Goreng Tepung dengan saos khas dari Porong Wei, manis asam asin, rame rasanya.
Starting this month we at the Foodgrapher have a guest writer
Paul Dahong, a very talented architect and founder of FB group Makan-Makan
Here's his first post from last week food gathering event, in Porong Wei G-Walk branch
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Paul Dahong in Sheraton Hotel event (Holding Camera) |
Porong Wei
Halo semua, mungkin
sebagian dari kita, apalagi yang berada di Surabaya ataupun Jawa Timur sudah
pernah makan yang namanya Ote Ote Porong Wei, apakah itu?
Ok lah, bagi yang masih belum kenal, gak kenal maka tak sayang,
Ote Ote biasanya terbuat dari tepung sebagai kulitnya, dengan isi yang pasti
adalah TIRAM alias Oyster, juga ada rumput laut, dan daging, bisa sapi, ayam,
maupun babi. Ote Ote ini paling enak waktu dimakan dengan keadaan hangat
bersama lombok hijau.
Mini Ote-ote |
Kali ini ada yang khusus dari Ote Ote Porong Wei ini, adalah
UKURANnya yang imutttt dari biasanya, menggemaskan. Cocok buat camilan lho.
Yang istimewa lagi, isinya padat banget, puas deh. Khusus Ote Ote Porong Wei
ini, bisa dinikmati oleh semua kalangan, karena terbuat dari daging ayam,
tiram, rumput laut. Dimana mendapatkan? Tunggu info dari kami ya, karena
Ote-Ote imut ini hanya tersedia pada acara tertentu saja.
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Regular Size Ote-Ote |
Hi Guys, likely some of us, weather living in Surabaya or other city in East
Java, have tried the famous Ote-Ote Porong Wei.
If you're not familiar with Ote-Ote, I'll describe it briefly.
It's a fritter with oyster as filling, along with seaweed and a selection of
beef, pork, or chicken. This dish is best served hot, with a green chili to
Today they introduce a special version of their Ote Ote. What's so special is the SIZE, it's petite and tempting. Suitable for snack. Another special thing about it is the density, it's really packed with fillings.
This version of Ote Ote can be savored by everybody, since it uses chicken, oyster and seaweed. If you're wondering how to get them? wait for a future post about it here, since this Ote-Ote will only be available on special occasions.
Today they introduce a special version of their Ote Ote. What's so special is the SIZE, it's petite and tempting. Suitable for snack. Another special thing about it is the density, it's really packed with fillings.
This version of Ote Ote can be savored by everybody, since it uses chicken, oyster and seaweed. If you're wondering how to get them? wait for a future post about it here, since this Ote-Ote will only be available on special occasions.
Porong Wei - Sup Bibir Ikan |
Selain Ote Ote yang
terkenal di Porong Wei ini, juga ada Sup Bibir Ikan. Ada apa dengan Sup Bibir
Ikan ini, ternyata taste nya yang beda dari lainnya, yaitu manis, asam dan
asin. Sedep banget lho. Ada wortel, bibir ikan, dan daging ayam, komposisi yang
pas untuk Sup ini.
Apart from the famous
Ote Ote, Porong Wei also serves a nice Fish Lips Soup. This particular soup
tastes quite different from their usual counterpart, with a balance of sweet,
sour and savory. It tastes really nice. The ingredients consists of carrots,
fish lips, chicken meat, which are combined nicely in the soup.
Porong Wei - Hi Wan |
lagi yang terkenal dari Porong Wei adalah, Bakwan Ikan alias Hi Wan yang berisi
daging ayam. Kekenyalan bakwannya pas banget, dan kuahnya sangat terasa aroma
ayamnya apalagi diberi daun bawang ijo-ijo....
Another popular dish is the Hi Wan, or fish
meatball with chicken fillings. It have a firm texture, the broth have a rich
chicken taste, with a nice addition of scallions.
Tiram Dadar Porong Wei |
Tiram Dadar, ini juga
ciri khas, karena tiramnya yang melimpah ruah, dan kulitnya juga krispy....
Oyster Omelete, with
overflowing oyster and crispy crusts.
Kepiting Soka - Porong Wei |
Kepiting Soka, yang disantap bersama saus telur asin...sungguh
Soft Shell Crab, eaten with a salted egg sauce, it's really
Koloke - Porong Wei |
Yang di atas ini adalah Koloke alias Ayam Goreng Tepung dengan saos khas dari Porong Wei, manis asam asin, rame rasanya.
On the photo above is
Koloke, or Breaded fried chicken, with sweet sour sauce, with multitude of
tastes, using signature repices of Porong Wei.
Porong Wei
Jl. Taman Gapura E1 | Gwalk, Citraland, Surabaya,Indonesia
Telepon : 031 7420733
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