Suki - Dimsum & Chinese Restaurant (update)
giliran Little Chicken yang ikut meramaikan jalan Manyar Kertoarjo, dengan
menyajikan hidangan Suki, Dim Sum dan Chinese Food
Update : Sekarang ada cabang Little Chicken kedua di Loop, check it out Chicken Little Loop
Hanya menyediakan Masakan Cina saja saat ini, dim sum dan suki tidak lagi tersedia
Update : Chicken Little has opened another branch i n Loop, check it out here
Chicken Little Loop
Chicken Little now just serves Chinese Cuisine, Dim sum and Suki are no longer available
Little Chicken - Bakpao Hello Kitty (Rp 17.900)
Little Chicken - Manyar Kertoarjo Surabaya |
Little Kitchen - waiting at the table |
Little Chicken - Suki |
Little Chicken - Suki |
Suki di sini mirip dengan dua pendahulunya, XO Suki
dan resto Golden Rama. Sausnya pun sama, dengan sambal Thailand yang rasanya
manis dan pedas.
satu ciri khasnya, di sini menu daging dan bakwannya lebih terasa gamy dibanding
sajian serupa di XO dan Golden Rama.
Berhubung saat mencoba makan di sini ada promo buy 1 get 1 untuk suki-nya,
harganya relatif lebih murah dibanding dua resto suki lainnya.
The Suki dish
tastes quite similar to the other two prominent Suki propietor, XO Suki
and Golden Rama. Even the sauce is the similar Thai chilli sauce, which is
spicy and sweet.
One difference
here is that the suki with meats tastes a lot more gamy in comparison to the
other restaurants.
On our visit, they have a discount on their Suki, a buy 1 get 1 promotion,
which makes the place competitively priced.
Little Chicken - Suki |
This are the price on their Suki
Orange Suki : Rp 24.900
Green Suki : Rp 23.900
Suki : Rp 21.900
White Suki : Rp
Suki Special : Rp 26.900
Little Chicken - Suki |
Dim Sum
Little Chicken - Sui Ciao Goreng (Rp 18.900) |
Little Chicken - Pangsit Saos Pedas (Rp 16.900) |
namanya Pangsit Saos Pedas, tapi rasa pedasnya sangat minim, jadi tidak masalah
untuk yang tidak tahan rasa pedas. Rasa hidangan satu ini lumayan, tapi sedikit
hambar di sausnya.
Though named
Wonton with Spicy Sauce (Pangsit Saus Pedas) this dish doesn't taste
spicy / hot at all, so it's not a problem for people who don't like spicy food.
This dish taste alright, but the sauce is a bit bland.
Little Chicken - Bakpao Hello Kitty (Rp 17.900) |
Hello Kitty ini berisi saus krim telur yang manis, rasanya cukup enak dan
penampilannya menarik.
Hello Kitty Bun,
named after the famous Japanese cat character. This bun is filled with sweet
egg and creamy egg sauce, tastes velvety and sweet, one dish that I quite like.
Little Chicken - Hakau (Rp 17.900) |
Little Chicken - Dumpling (Rp 16.900) |
Lumpia Udang Kulit Tahu - Rp 17.900 |
rasa Dim Sum nya lumayan, tapi ada banyak kompetitor yang rasanya lebih
istimewa atau harganya lebih murah, jadi untuk selera saya, sajian Dim Sum nya
termasuk biasa saja. Lebih puas dengan sajian Suki-nya walaupun Dim Sum nya
juga lumayan.
their Dim Sum offering is not bad, but there's plenty of competitor serving
either better quality / taste or cheaper price, so for my taste, their dim sum
is just mediocre. I'm more satisfied with their Suki dish, specially
Chinese Cuisine
Kunjungan terakhir ke Little Chicken ini saya mendapati kalau menunya sekarang disederhanakan menjadi Chinese Food saja, Suki sudah lama ditiadakan, sedangkan Dim Sum juga baru-baru ini bernasib sama.
Tidak perlu galau dahulu, karena meski menunya semakin sedikit, ada promo discount cukup besar saat ini, dari 40% untuk all payment hingga 60% dengan JCB credit card.
Previous Menu :
Little Chicken - Menu Bubur |
Little Chicken Surabaya - Menu Tahu |
Little Chicken Surabaya - Menu Sup |
Little Chicken Surabaya - Menu Ayam |
Little Chicken Surabaya - Menu Ikan Fillet |
Little Chicken Surabaya - Menu Kepiting |
Little Chicken Surabaya - Menu BBQ |
Little Chicken Surabaya - Menu Dimsum |
Little Chicken Surabaya - Menu |
Little Chicken Surabaya - Menu Dimsum |
Little Chicken Surabaya - Menu Dim Sum |
Taste : 3 / 5
Atmosphere : 3.5 / 5
Service : 3 / 5
Value : 3.7 / 5
Map :
View Larger Map
Little Chicken Suki & Chinese Restaurant
Manyar Kertoarjo 84
Telepon : 031-5955558
"ada banyak kompetitor yang rasanya lebih istimewa atau harganya lebih murah"
ReplyDeletemint infonya, dimana y itu? ^_^
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