Macro lens for Sony A7 Comparison - Sony 90mm vs Canon 100mm
Perbandingan Lensa Macro untuk Sony A7
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Taken with Sony 90mm |
Dua lensa macro saya, warisan dari jaman memakai mount canon adalah Canon 100mm L dan Zeiss 50mm. Alkisah, lensa 100mm ini salah satu alasan saya hingga menyukai lensa prime alias tanpa zoom, bisa dibilang lensa prime favorit saya.
Hasilnya saat itu jauh lebih menarik dibandingkan Tamron 90mm for canon yang sebelumnya saya pakai. Namun tidak lama kemudian, lensa 100mm ini seringkali nganggur tidak dipakai, karena hadirnya Zeiss 50mm yang lebih moy.
Two of my most favorite lens, back when I was still using Canon's DSLR are Canon's own 100mm F2.8 L lens, and the zeiss 50mm F2. The Canon 100mm F2.8 L Macro was the first lens that were stellar enough, it made me a convert to prime lenses. I used to own several zoom lenses and just 1 macro lens, which was Tamron 90mm, after getting the canon, I ditch all the zoom lens and the Tamron's macro.
Not long after, I got the more exotic Zeiss 50mm Makro, which was a full manual lens. This lens made my 100mm enter an early retirement, from being present most of time in my back pack, to just being used on special occasion a few times a year.
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Canon 100mm F2.8 L macro & Zeiss 50mm F2 Makro Planar |
The Comparison
Foto di bawah ini diambil dengan format RAW dan tanpa koreksi di software. Hasilnya cenderung agak puyeh karena file raw memang tidak ada penambahan contrast dan ketajaman dan parameter lain seperti pada hasil JPEG out of camera.
This photos were taken RAW and without software correction. Hence the result would be a tad under, since in RAW files there's simply no enhancement of contrast, saturation or sharpness, such as the result of shooting in JPEG mode.
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Sony 90mm |
Salah satu lensa terbaru yang akan saya ulas adalah Sony 90mm yang cukup tersohor. Lensa ini disebut sebagai lensa tertajam oleh DXO Mark (di antara beberapa lensa yang ditest oleh DXOMark). Saya memutuskan untuk membelinya walau harganya amit-amit. Di harga $1100 memang tidak murah, tapi saya rasa cukup lah untuk mengobati rasa penasaran bagaimana hasil lensa tertajam.
Untuk perbandingan pertama, saya memfoto di area minim cahaya, di dalam Resto Tionghoa di hotel Shangrila Surabaya.
The most recent lens in my collection, is the venerable Sony 90mm. It was touted as the sharpest lens ever by DXOMark (at least of every lens tested on DXOMark). I decided to purchase it, though it costs an arm and a leg to buy. At about $1100 it certainly isn't cheap, but I figure it's still worth it to find out what's the sharpest lens look like.
For the first comparison, I'm shooting portrait in low light ambiance, inside Shangrila's Chinese Restaurant in Surabaya.
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Canon 100mm Macro (f 2.8 , 1/60 second, ISO 3200) |
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Canon 100mm Macro - 100% crop (f 2.8 , 1/60 second, ISO 3200) |
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Canon 100mm Macro 100% crop (f 2.8 , 1/60 second, ISO 3200) |
Sony 90mm
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Sony FE 90mm F2.8 Macro (f 2.8 , 1/60 second, ISO 3200) |
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Sony FE 90mm F2.8 Macro - 100% crop (f 2.8 , 1/60 second, ISO 3200) |
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Sony FE 90mm F2.8 Macro - 100% crop (f 2.8 , 1/60 second, ISO 3200) |
Pengambilan foto dengan mode manual, shutter speed dan aparture seragam, focus diletakkan di mata, dari beberapa hasil foto saya ambil dua yang tertajam dari masing-masing lensa untuk perbandingan.
Body A7 yang dipakai untuk foto diletakkan di atas tripod Manfrotto 190 XproB.
Untuk hasil low light, saya lebih menyukai rendering sony. Dengan setting sama bisa menghasilkan foto yang lebih cerah, dan lebih cocok untuk portrait. Perlu dicatat kalau lensa Canon 100mm digunakan di test ini dengan lens adapter, jadi hasil akhirnya sedikit lebih gelap di setting sama, karena adanya penurunan cahaya yang masuk.
Untuk hasil low light, saya lebih menyukai rendering sony. Dengan setting sama bisa menghasilkan foto yang lebih cerah, dan lebih cocok untuk portrait. Perlu dicatat kalau lensa Canon 100mm digunakan di test ini dengan lens adapter, jadi hasil akhirnya sedikit lebih gelap di setting sama, karena adanya penurunan cahaya yang masuk.
Shots were done manually, focusing on the eye. The ambient light were quite dim and the autofocus on Sony A7 weren't stellar at low light. So I ended up doing it the old fashion way. This two shots were the sharpest ones out of the bunch taken.
A7 body was mounted on a sturdy Manfrotto 190 XproB tripod
For the low light result, I much preferred the Sony's image. It's brighter while still pleasing for portrait. Keep in mind that the Canon were used with adapter, so this supposedly would contribute to the loss of brightness in the final image.
For the low light result, I much preferred the Sony's image. It's brighter while still pleasing for portrait. Keep in mind that the Canon were used with adapter, so this supposedly would contribute to the loss of brightness in the final image.
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Sony 90mm (F4, 1/160 sec) |
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Canon 100mm (F4, 1/160 sec) |
Foto makanan yang dipakai untuk perbandingan diambil di pagi hari, dengan cahaya yang cukup terang dan menggunakan tripod.
Diambil dengan jarak sama, jadi ada perbedaan ukuran antara Sony 90mm dan Canon 100mm, crop 100% Sony lebih besar area cakupannya sedangkan yang canon 100mm lebih sempit / dekat.
Kesimpulan akhirnya silakan diambil dari mengamati foto-foto di atas.
Penilaian pribadi saya Sony memang sedikit lebih baik, di ketajaman, micro contrast dan area focus . Focusnya terletak di pojok daging burger yang berada di atas bawang bombay-nya, yang terdekat dengan lensa / kameranya.
Walau demikian setelah post processing hasil akhirnya akan tidak jauh beda.
This burger shots are taken early in the morning where ambient light were plenty, and using tripod.
The distance were the same, so there's a 10mm reach difference between the two lenses.
You can draw your own conclusion from this shots above. I myself feel that there's an advantage in sharpness, area in focus and micro contrast. The focus point were taken at the burger patty closest to the camera /lens, just above the onion. Having said that, after post processing, the final result would probably not vary much.
The distance were the same, so there's a 10mm reach difference between the two lenses.
You can draw your own conclusion from this shots above. I myself feel that there's an advantage in sharpness, area in focus and micro contrast. The focus point were taken at the burger patty closest to the camera /lens, just above the onion. Having said that, after post processing, the final result would probably not vary much.
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Sony 90mm (F4, 1/160 sec) |
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Canon 100mm (F4, 1/160 sec) |
Saya termasuk gemar lensa tajam, jadi andai belum memiliki canon 100mm akan menimang Sony 90mm walau harganya teraput lumayan.
Sedangkan untuk pengguna canon yang sudah memiliki Canon 100mm dan memutuskan untuk membeli body Sony A7 dan menggunakan Lens Adapter, menurut saya lebih baik tetap mempertahankan Canon 100mm.
Sony memang lebih unggul di low light, tapi dari pengalaman saya, tidak terlalu sering memakai lensa macro di kondisi minim cahaya.
Pengecualian untuk seri di atas A7 (A7ii, A7Rii dan A7Sii) yang focusnya lebih cepat, karena menggunakan Sony 90mm akan terasa jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan Canon 100mm dengan adapter.
Sony memang lebih unggul di low light, tapi dari pengalaman saya, tidak terlalu sering memakai lensa macro di kondisi minim cahaya.
Pengecualian untuk seri di atas A7 (A7ii, A7Rii dan A7Sii) yang focusnya lebih cepat, karena menggunakan Sony 90mm akan terasa jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan Canon 100mm dengan adapter.
I'm a sucker for sharp lens, so if I don't have the Canon 100mm macro, I'd choose the 90mm even though the price is much steeper.
For an ex Canon user that decided to move to Sony A7, I'd recommend sticking to Canon 100mm and using adapter rather than buying Sony 90mm.
The sony has much pleasing result for low light, but I found myself rarely using the macro lenses for low light condition.
It's a different case if you're buying the Sony A7ii, A7Sii and A7Rii which have much faster AF, the price difference would justify the increased performance.
The sony has much pleasing result for low light, but I found myself rarely using the macro lenses for low light condition.
It's a different case if you're buying the Sony A7ii, A7Sii and A7Rii which have much faster AF, the price difference would justify the increased performance.
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