Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Breakfast

A Healthy Dose of Belgium Waffle and Bacon

Courtyard Marriott Brussel

Pembaca Blog Foodgrapher sebelumnya sudah pernah baca kalau salah satu yang saya perhatikan saat booking hotel adalah kualitas menu breakfastnya.
Sehari-hari saya malah tidak pernah makan pagi sebetulnya, tapi kalau saat wisata, sebisa mungkin saya cari tempat penginapan yang kualitas breakfastnya ok, karena menjadi satu bagian dengan pengalaman menginap. Yang ingin membaca tentang fasilitas hotel lainnya dan kamar tidur, bisa kunjungi link :

Regular readers of this blog should already know that I'm quite a fan of hotel's breakfast.
Even Though I seldom eats breakfast during workdays, it's a different matter when I'm staying at a nice lodging. I consider breakfast as a important part, or even highlight of my stay. 
For the Bedroom & other hotel facilities review, visit this link :

Courtyar Marriott Brussel - Breakfast

Tempatnya nyaman sekali, dengan sofa empuk dan kursi yang nyaman, warnanya serba merah hingga ke karpet. Tatanan kursinya juga cukup lega, jadi tidak was-was kesenggol tamu lain yang bawa piring model akrobat ala resto padang.

I like the dining area, it's warm, comfy and quite spacious. There's ample space so I don't have to worry getting bumped by other guests who are on rush.

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Kalosi Toraja Coffee Bean

Sebagai penggemar kopi, saya biasanya membawa Vietnam Drip dan kopi yang aromanya kental, kalau tidak Toraja, Java Arabica, Colombian Blue Mountain, 3 biji-bijian favorit.

As a coffee lover, I usually bring my own coffee bean and this trusty small sized Vietnam Drip. I like the bold tasting coffee such as Toraja, Java Arabica and Colombian Blue Mountain, one of them usually accompany me on a trip.

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Espresso Machine

Kopi yang disediakan di hotel biasanya hasil coffee drip, tidak terlalu mantab dan rasio biji ke airnya jomplang. Belum lagi kopinya dipanaskan terus menerus hingga rasanya gosong.
Di sini ada coffee machine berbasis espresso yang cukup canggih, mengolah cappucino dari biji ke cangkir, jadi kualitas segelas kopinya tidak kalah dengan cafe.

Coffee in the typical hotels are usually made with coffee drip, which taste is kinda off putting. Not to mention they are usually reheated multiple times, making the coffee tastes burnt.
Courtyard Brussel serves up a pretty nice cappuccino though, with a full sized espresso machine that process coffee from bean to cup, they're coffee could pass for a cafe's beverage.

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Coffee Machine

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Orange Juice

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Herring
Sarapan favorit saya saat di sekitaran Belanda dan Skandinavia adalah ikan Herring ini. Diolah dari ikan segar yang difermentasikan, rasanya kombinasi kecut asin dan gurih, tidak semua orang suka, tapi saya termasuk penggemarnya.

My Favorite breakfast dish around that's usually available around Netherland and Scandinavian countries are this pickled Herrings. It has a peculiar taste that's a combination of salty and sour from the brine. The dish probably has an acquired taste, not that many of my friends are fond of them, but for me it's like a piece of heaven.

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Cheese Selection

Breakfast Plate - Courtyard Marriott Brussel

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Croisant

Courtyard Marriott Brussel

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Pancake

Courtyard Marriott Brussel

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Waffle Maker
Di samping menu-menu standard American breakfast di atas, yang cukup menarik adalah Belgian Wafflenya. Kalau biasanya mesin beginian dioperasikan oleh staf hotel, di sini tamu dibebaskan membuat sendiri, dengan bantuan petunjuk yang ada di meja. Hasil pertamanya sih gosong karena belum terbiasa, tapi yang kedua sudah bisa tampil cantik.

Apart from the usual plethora of American Breakfast, this waffle machine is an interesting addition. Usually there's staff that handles this kind of cooking tools, but here they leave it to guests to serve themselves. I tried using it but my first attempt was producing a burnt and uneven waffle, the second try comes out great though.

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Failed Attempt at Making Waffle

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Delicious Belgian Waffle with Berries

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Bacon

Courtyard Marriott Brussel - Sausage


Courtyard Brussel - Mousse 

Courtyard Brussel - Mousse

Courtyard Marriott Brussel

Address: Avenue des Olympiades 6, 1140 Bruxelles, Belgium

For Booking please visit this site : Courtyard Brussel
