Portofino - Shangrila Surabaya
Italian Cuisine in The Renowned Five Star Hotel (Part 1 of 3)
Buku Menu ala Koran/Tabloid Newspaper of Menu |
Tungku Batu dengan Kayu Bakar A wood stone oven |
Pizza Untuk pizza, seperti kita ketahui pizza ala italia adalah tipis, tidak setebal pizza ala amerika yang sering kita santap di resto pizza waralaba. Cara bakar juga berpengaruh terhadap kelezatan pizza, paling enak memang dengan memakai tungku bakar dengan bahan bakar dari kayu, rasanya bener-2 lain dengan pizza konvensional yang memakai bakaran listrik. Aroma dari tepung, campuran isi dan aroma kayu bakar memang lebih menggairahkan lidah dan aroma dari pizza ini.
For pizza, as we all know Italian-style pizza is thin, not thick American-style pizza that often we eat at a pizza restaurant franchise. How to burn also affect the delights of pizza, most delicious indeed using fuel with a fuel stove of wood, it was another conventional pizzas that use electricity burnt. Aroma of flour, mix the contents and the aroma is more exciting firewood tongue and aroma of this pizza.
Sebelum proses pembakaran, ketika dibuat, kulit pizza pun dibuat begitu ada pesanan sehingga lebih segar, memang benar "Fresh from the Oven".
Untuk membuat tepung seukuran gambar disamping menjadi besar itupun bukan pekerjaan yang mudah, ketika dibesarkan akan selalu kembali ke ukuran semula lagi, hal ini harus tepat timingnya dalam pemberian tepung agar kulit bisa lebih lebar lagi ukurannya.
Pemberian toping juga demikian, diperlukan kesabaran, tidak asal meletakkannya karena akan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kematangan dari masing-2 toping tersebut juga.
Before the cooked process, the skin will be made by pizza orders. So fresh, it's true "Fresh from the Oven".
To make the flour into a large-sized like this picture is not an easy job, when it was raised, it will always return to its original size again, it must be the right timing in the delivery of flour to the skin can be even wider in size.
Giving toppings are required patience, not just put it because it will affect the level of maturity of each toppings also.
In the process of cooking it, the especially is the ability to rotate the pizza. As we know that direction of the furnace heat one side, not many sides like conventional oven. Once again requires great care and precise timing so that the pizza can cook perfectly and not charred.
Green Clam stew with tomato sauce, garlic, basil and accompanied by a variety of seafood, fish, and squid. The sweet taste of tomatoes is very deepth, and so fresh as a main meal appetizer menu.
MERLUZZO al CARTOCCIO, adalah Ikan Kod yang dimasak dalam aluminium foil. Untuk memasak ikan ini dalam aluminium foil dibutuhkan keterampilan khusus, karena aluminiun tersebut tidak boleh terbuka selama proses memasak.
Cod Fish cooked in aluminum foil. It needs special skills to cook this fish in aluminum foil , such as it should not be open during the cooking process.
pasta dari beberapa jenis kerang, dan tentu pasti pakai tomat juga, ini juga terasa segar, dipadukan dengan pastanya yang cukup empuk.
pasta of some types of Clams, and it would certainly use tomatoes as well, it also feels fresh, combined with a fairly soft pasta noodle.
CARPACCIO, irisan tipis daging sapi lulur dalam disajikan dengan Arugula , dikenal sebagai salad atau salah satu sayuran hijau berdaun-bergizi yang berasal dari Mediterania, dan Keju Grana Padano yang bertekstur keras dari susu sapi yang di pasteurisasi yang berasal dari Italia. Tiruan dari keju ini yang lebih populer di Amerika Utara dan Inggris dikenal dengan nama parmesan. Bagian dalam dari keju ini berwarna kuning pucat dan bertekstur keras dan kasar
CARPACCIO,shaved beef tenderloin with Arugula and Grana Padano Cheese. Arugula, also known as salad or garden rocket, is one of the nutritious green-leafy vegetable of Mediterranean origin. It is a small, low growing annual herb featuring dandelion like succulent, elongated, lobular leaves with green-veins. A rough texture from Grana Padano Cheese pasteurized cow's milk that comes from Italy. Imitation of the cheese is more popular in North America and the United Kingdom known as parmesan. The inside of the cheese is pale yellow and hard and rough-textured
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Arugula |
They also serves Italian cuisine which is promptly prepared and does not take much time, such as TARTARE in SALMONE. It seems elaborate at first glance, but actually it's quite simple to made, with a fine ingredients. It feels very tender, juicy because it is derived from a raw salmon accompanied with a little lemon, blends the sweetness of the onion or leek, do not forget dill.
Of course you will be confused with dill, a flowering plants and annual plant of the family Apiaceae. Dill has yellow flowers and fruit with a pungent odor, but is widely used for cooking ingredients
Tempat yang bagus, dengan suasana makan yang nyaman dan hangat, bisa anda nikmati dengan sahabat dan keluarga anda sekalian.
A nice place, with a comfortable dining atmosphere and warm, you can enjoy with friends and family as well.
Shangrila Hotel Surabaya
Jl. Mayjend Sungkono 120, Surabaya Center, Surabaya, Indonesia 60256
Shangrila Hotel
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