Wide Angle Lens Comparison - Sony A7
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Sony 28mm - Sigma 15mm - Zeiss 18mm |
Saat makan di Tang Palace saya membawa 3 lensa wide yang bisa dipasangkan di body Sony A7. Dari yang paling mahal Zeiss 18mm, disusul Sigma 15mm dan terakhir lensa native Sony sendiri 28mm F2.
Ketiga lensa ini adalah lensa-lensa wide favorit, baik di mount canon maupun sony.
Sebetulnya lensa-lensa tersebut berbeda tipe, super wide angle, fish eye dan wide angle lens, jadi perbandingannya tidak terlalu teknis membahas detail tapi lebih ke arah cakupan lensanya, berbeda dengan perbandingan Sony 90mm dan Canon 100mm yang saya post sebelumnya.
Sebetulnya lensa-lensa tersebut berbeda tipe, super wide angle, fish eye dan wide angle lens, jadi perbandingannya tidak terlalu teknis membahas detail tapi lebih ke arah cakupan lensanya, berbeda dengan perbandingan Sony 90mm dan Canon 100mm yang saya post sebelumnya.
While eating in Tang Palace, I carry 3 of my wide angle lenses, which were attached to Sony A7 body.
The lenses were Zeiss 18mm, Sigma 15mm and Sony's own 28mm F2.
This three wide lenses were favorite among Sony and Canon users.
Do note that this three lenses are actually pretty different, one is an Ultra Wide Angle lens, the other is Fish Eye and the last is Wide Angle lens. So this comparison isn't going to ponder on the details like sharpness and micro contrast etc.
Do note that this three lenses are actually pretty different, one is an Ultra Wide Angle lens, the other is Fish Eye and the last is Wide Angle lens. So this comparison isn't going to ponder on the details like sharpness and micro contrast etc.
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Wide Angle Lenses - Sony A7 |
Sayangnya tidak ada komparisi langsung ketiganya yang saya tahu, Fred Miranda memiliki tabel user oppinion / ulasan dari pengguna yang membahas zeiss 18mm dan sigma 15mm saja.
Sedangkand DXOMark yang mengulas menggunakan algoritma software, hanya mengulas Zeiss 18mm (for nikon, tapi hasilnya sama dengan yang mount canon) dan Sony 28mm.
Unfortunately there isn't any complete review of the 3 lenses, Fred Miranda have a post about user opinion for the Zeiss and Sigma only.
While DXOMark, using their software algorithm, reviewed Zeiss (for Nikon, similar performance with the Canon mount version), and the Sony 28mm
Carl Zeiss 18mm & Sigma 15mm (FredMiranda)
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Zeiss 18mm DXO score |
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Sony 28mm DXO Score |
Berikut hasil ulasan Carl Zeiss 18mm dan Sony 28mm (DXO Mark)
Kalau melihat hasil dari DXO Mark, Sony 28mm lebih bagus secara teknis dibandingkan Zeiss 18mm, tapi 18mm adalah lensa Ultra Wide, tapi hasilnya memang paling menarik menurut saya.
Sigma 15mm adalah lensa fish eye (mata ikan), hasilnya agak unik dan lucu, cocok untuk sebagian obyek foto, tapi penggunaannya lebih sulit untuk foto interior di atas.
Saya biasanya memotong sedikti di bagian atas dan bawah, seperti hasil Sigma 15mm di bawah ini yang mengambil foto Citrus Lee.
Saya biasanya memotong sedikti di bagian atas dan bawah, seperti hasil Sigma 15mm di bawah ini yang mengambil foto Citrus Lee.
Taking the review from DXO Mark is quite apparent that Sony 28mm is technically better than the zeiss 18mm, but the 18mm being an Ultra Wide Angle lens have a more interesting result and more pleasing for me.
The Sigma 15mm is a fish eye lens, it has a whimsical look that would be great for some subjects, but on this particular interior shot, the curvature is a bit distracting. I would usually use the adaptive wide angle feature on photoshop and crop some top and bottom part of the image to lessen the distortion , such as what I did in the photo below taken in Citrus Lee
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Canon 6D & Sigma 15mm |
Ketiga foto di bawah tulisan ini difoto dengan aparture dan shutter speed sama, dari atas tripod jadi titik pengambilan fotonya sama.
Post processing nya hanya edit exposure sederhana dari raw files, dan semua diedit dengan parameter sama yang dicopykan dari satu ke lainnya.
This 3 photos below are taken with the same aperture and shutter speed, and mounted on a tripod, so the point of shot is the same.
Post processing done are only exposure correction from the raw files, and the same correction are copy pasted to the other 2 images so they're identically processed.
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Sony FE 28mm F2 |
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Sigma 15mm Fish Eye (Canon EF mount + Commlite Adapter) |
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Zeiss 18mm F3.5 (Canon FE Mount + Commlite Adapter) |
Pembaca bisa menilai sendiri dari hasil di atas, selera berpengaruh besar di lensa wide angle, karena banyaknya distorsi dan field of view. Masing-masing bakal punya favorit sendiri, karena focal length di lensa wide tiap mm bedanya jauh lebih terlihat dibandingkan di tele, seperti yang saya tulis tentang lensa macro ini : Sony vs Canon Macro Lens
Kalau melihat 3 foto di atas, secara teknis yang paling bagus adalah lensa 28mm Sony. Tapi setelah memakai beberapa hari, saya malah jatuh cinta dengan Zeiss 18mm F3.5, kalau diurut lensa favorit saya adalah Zeiss 18mm -> Sony 28mm -> Sigma 15mm
Sigma sendiri sebetulnya juga amat tajam, tapi distorsi dan field of view nya agak lucu kalau dibandingkan dua lensa lainnya. Relatif lebih sulit memakainya untuk sehari-hari.
You can draw your own conclusion from the photos above. Preferences would be greatly affected by taste, since the focal length difference in wide angle lenses are huge, in comparison to tele lens, such as this macro lens comparison here Sony vs Canon Macro Lens.
My conclusion after comparing this 3 lenses result, the overall winner is the sony 28mm which produce clean image and good sharpness. But the zeiss 18mm ends up being my favorite lens, since they produce a very interesting image.
For my own preference, which is of course subjective, is like this : Zeiss 18mm -> Sony 28mm -> Sigma 15mm.
Sigma itself produce one of the sharpest image, but the distortion and strange field of view means there are challenges in using it as everyday lens.