Swiss Bel Inn Manyar
3 Star Hotel with 5 Star Menu
Swiss Bel Inn - Manyar Kertoarjo (Surabaya) |
Tidak perlu ke hotel
bintang lima untuk mendapatkan makanan berkualitas dan enak. Sekarang ada
alternatif yang cukup ok. Lokasinya ada di Surabaya Timur, yang memang paceklik
hotel bintang lima, Swiss
Bel Inn Manyar.
You needn't go to a
five star hotel anymore for a good quality dinner date. There's a nice
alternative in a 3 star hotel, located in East Surabaya area Swiss
Bel Inn Manyar.
There's no five star
hotel in this part of town, among 3 star hotels, this particular ones seems to
be the best.
Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
Tempatnya cukup
menarik dekornya, nuansanya temaram cenderung gelap. Sayang sangking gelapnya
kalau tidak bawa HP atau kamera yang gahar di cahaya minim, bakal susah mau
selfie atau foto makanannya.
The ambiance is quite
nice, it has a faint lighting which boost the romantic moods. Too bad since
it's so dim, you'd need to have a camera / phone that excels on low light.
Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
Wismilak Cigar
Wismilak Cigar |
Ada acara membuat cerutu di sini, diadakan oleh PT Wismilak. Walaupun saya bukan perokok, tapi ada nuansa nostalgia yang kental dari cerutu, karenanya saya cukup senang menjadikannya obyek foto.
There's a hand
rolling of cigar in the same event, held by Wismilak cigarette company. Though
I'm not a fan of smoking, but there's a quaint nostalgic feel to it that makes
it a joy to photograph.
Cutting Hand Rolled Cigar - Swiss Bel Inn Surabaya |
Wismilak Cigar |
Wismilak Cigar |
Wismilak Cigar |
Setelah dilinting,
cerutunya ditaruh di dalam kotak untuk menekan cerutunya. Perlu sehari semalam
di dalam kotaknya sebelum bisa dikonsumsi.
After being rolled,
the cigar needs to be pressed in a box above. It need to be there for a day
before it's ready to be lit.
Wismilak Cigar |
Cheers |
G7 Wine
Welcome Drink - Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
G7 Rose Wine - Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
Selain Wismilak,
partner acara berikutnya adalah G7 Wine, produsen minuman anggur yang berasal
dari Chili. Pilihan yang dibawa saat acara adalah Rose dan Cabarnet wine.
Beside Wismilak,
another partner in the event is G7 Wine, a wine producer from Chile.
They brought delicious Rose and Cabarnet wine.
They brought delicious Rose and Cabarnet wine.
G7 Wine - Merlot Rose & Cabernet Sauvignon |
G7 Cabarnet Wine - Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
Thanksgiving Menu - Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
Romantic Wine & Dine Menu
Stuffed Smoke Beef - Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
Stuffed Smoke Beef - Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
Swiss Bel Inn
biasanya memang lebih terkenal dengan hotel berbintang tiga, tapi khusus
Surabaya F&B nya cukup mantap, karena di kota ini mereka juga mengelola
hotel berbintang lima, Ciputra
World Hotel. Walau tidak sama persis, tapi sedikit banyak pasti ada tukar
ilmu dan staf antara beberapa cabang swiss bel inn tersebut.
Swiss Bel Inn are
usually renowned for their 3 star hotels chain, but here in the City, the group
also manages a 5 star hotel, Ciputra
World Hotel. Despite the obvious differences, at least the some of their
qualities are bound to rub off to the lesser stared establishment.
Swiss Bel Inn Manyar - Turkey |
Swiss Bel Inn Manyar - Turkey |
Lobster Bisque - Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
Lobster Bisque - Swiss Bel Inn Manyar |
Satu satunya menu
yang kita rasa agak kurang pas adalah Lobster Bisque ini. Entah kenapa, rasa
sup lobster ini terasa terlalu kuat rasanya, sebelum melihat menunya kita
sempat mengira masakan satu ini diolah menggunakan kerang, bukannya lobster.
One of the only menu
that didn't taste that great is the Lobster Bisque. I don't know why but the
taste of lobster doesn't show at all. Before reading the menu we thought that this
was some sort of clam soup, instead of lobster.
Lime Sorbet |
Sorbet jeruk limau, selingan antara hidangan yang pas untuk
menghilangkan rasa eneg, sebelum menikmati main coursenya.
A refreshing lime sorbet between the course
is exactly what we need to cleans our palate, before sampling the main course.
Walau makanannya
overall ok dan dekornya cukup menarik, ada dua hal yang perlu diperhatikan di
hotel ini, yang membawa pasangan lebih baik menggunakan fasilitas vallet atau
drop off dulu di lobby. Dari area parkir di belakang hotel agak jauh dan tidak
bisa jalan nyaman.
Kedua, area dinner yang romantis ada di lantai atas dekat pool,
rencananya bakal dibuat indoor dengan air conditioner. Berhubung realisasinya
di masa depan, saat kunjungan kita ke sana suasananya masih sumuk bin ongkep.
Though the general
tastes of dishes were nice and the decoration are equally fabulous, there are
some issues here that need to be addressed. If you're here on a date, be sure
to use valet service, or don't forget to drop off the ladies first before
heading to the parking lot. Since it's quite a distance from the lobby to
parking lot, and it's quite hard to traverse, especially while using stilettos.
The other issue is
about air conditioning, the top floor was quite hot without them.
Beef With Mushroom Sauce |
Beef With Mushroom Sauce |
Poached Peer Sabayon |
Poached Peer Sabayon |
Peer Sabayon nya adalah hidangan yang paling berkesan malam itu, buah pir
dimasak dalam red wine hingga rasanya manis dan lembut.
Sabayon adalah mousse ala italia yang dibuat dengan mengocok telur dengan gula dan white wine, di atas air mendidih hingga telurnya mengental.
Sabayon adalah mousse ala italia yang dibuat dengan mengocok telur dengan gula dan white wine, di atas air mendidih hingga telurnya mengental.
The Dessert tonight were the most
memorable dish. It's a Peer Sabayon, which was made by poaching peer on a red
wine with sugar, making it tastes sweet and delicious.
Sabayon is
the French name for zabaglione (Italian), a light, mousse-like dessert that's made by whisking eggs, sugar and white wine over gently boiling
water until the eggs thicken.
Poached Peer Sabayon |
Swiss Belinn Manyar Kertoarjo - Surabaya
Address: Jalan Manyar Kertoarjo
No. 100, Jawa Timur 60231
Phone:(031) 5946868
For Booking : Swiss Belinn Manyar
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