Happy Sandwich Cafe by Nicobit |
Taking a break from
the usual posts about restaurants and lifestyle, today I'd like to share with
you a very entertaining game I've found on Android and Apple phone. It's Happy
Sandwich Cafe, and coincidentally it's a food making game.
Despite the simple screen shot here, the game is really quite
interesting. A cross between two of my favorite game of late, with simple
animation similar to Neko Atsume, and an interesting story and game challenges
such as Diner Dash combined with My Cafe Story 3 (Donburi) Game Apps.
Beda dengan post
biasanya yang tentang makanan, travelling dan gaya hidup, kali ini saya
menambahkan tentang game yang sedang saya sukai. Berhubung satu-satunya bahasan
tentang game, label blognya saya gabungkan dengan "camera and
gadgets", karena dimainkan di gadget HP Android dan Iphone :)
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Training (Very Hard Mode)
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Training (Very Hard Mode)
One of the aspect of
the game is training, which makes you do some funny and a lot of time unrelated
challenges that are really having no connection with cooking / restaurateur
business, such as the above. It's a task of finding the difference between a
set of picture, and in this case, one of the hardest to distinguish. You'd
better take a screen capture then review it on your gallery/album before
answering the quiz.
The difference in the above screen shot are the scarf the third
lady from the left is wearing.
I'm not gonna delve much in to this since it's a mini-game that's
self explanatory.
Salah satu bagian
game adalah training, mini game nya cukup gampang dimengerti dan membutuhkan
ketangkasan. Jadi saya tidak akan terlalu banyak membahas yang bagian ini.
Salah satunya mencari perbedaan antara dua screen shot di atas, kadang bedanya
sangat sedikit. Supaya gampang bisa screen capture dulu keduanya lalu
dibandingkan di album sebelum menjawabnya.
Sandwich Recipes & Compatibility
Since this game is quite
new, there isn't any help & guides for the recipes and gameplay, top two
info I needed were Sandwich Ingredients compatibility and Seasoning Recipe. So
without further ado, here are the lists.
Karena gamenya cukup
baru, belum ada tips & trik atau panduan game satu ini. Yang saya butuhkan
saat itu adalah Ingredients Compatibility / kecocokan bahan dan resep bumbu /
Seasoning Recipe.
Supaya tidak bertele-tele, langsung saja daftarnya bisa dilihat di bawah ini.
Originally the picture
are way too small to be observed, above is the original compatibility list in
full page view, so I ended up stiching the bigger / zoomed picture together.
There's also a more complete list I found in Instagram, but it's also similarly
Screen Capture
aslinya terlalu kecil untuk bisa dilihat, di atas ini list yang komplit dari
Instagram, tapi dalam bahasa Jepang dan ukurannya kecil sekali. Supaya bisa
lebih jelas saya gabungkan beberapa screen shot dengan software editing gambar,
dan bisa dilihat di bagian bawah.
Happy Sandwich Cafe Compatibility |
This list will be updated regularly so check in often. If you want
to help, please tell me what works and don't in the comment.
If the above picture too small, you can click it to view the larger version.
Daftar ini akan
diperbaharui secara berkala, jadi bisa coba cek lagi untuk daftar terbaru.
Kalau ada tambahan info untuk kecocokan bahan yang masih (?) bisa dimention di
bagian komen.
Gambar di atas kalau dirasa terlalu kecil bisa di klik untuk tampilkan versi besarnya
Here is another List from wikia (http://happy-sandwich-cafe.wikia.com/wiki/Ingredients_Compatibility)
Happy Sandwich Cafe Ingredients Compatibility |
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Seasoning Recipes
The seasoning recipes
screen shot are taken from a Korean blog, so there might be some translation
error in the post.
Seasoning ini saya
sendiri baru mencoba beberapa resep saja karena terbatasnya item, jadi saya
ambilkan gambar dan resep dari situs Korea. Masalahnya terjemahannya belum
tentu pas, jadi lebih baik dilihat gambarnya selain terjemahan namanya
Sour Cream Mayo : Sour Cream + Mayonaise |
Horseradish Sauce : Wasabi + Sour Cream + Dijon Mustard + Mayo |
Sweet Chili Recipe : Vinegar + Garlic Paste + Cayenne Pepper + Sugar |
Honey Mustard Recipe - Honey + Whole Grain Mustard + Lemon Juice + Mayo |
Bechamel Sauce Recipe : Butter + Flour + Salt + White Pepper + Milk |
Garlic Butter Recipe : Butter + Garlic Paste + Parsley + Pepper |
Lemon Butter Recipe : Butter + Lemon + Parsley + Red Pepper |
Herb Salt Recipe : Salt + Oregano + Thyme + Parsley |
Hollandaise Sauce Recipe : Egg yolk + Lemon + Butter +White Pepper + Salt |
Thousand Island Dressing : Mayo + Ketchup + Relish + Milk + Parsley |
Vinaigrette Recipe : Dijon Mustard + Vinegar + Salt + Olive Oil + White Pepper |
Caramelized Onion : Olive Oil + Salt + Thinly Sliced Onion + Sugar
Screen Shots of seasoning recipe taken from
Naver Blog
Finding Mug - The Sandwich Dog
Mug - Happy Sandwich Cafe |
Here are the complete clue
which help you to create a sandwich to lure Mug. Usually you get this clues
from clicking your sandwich shop customer, when their thought bubble displays
mug photo.
I haven't tried it yet, so I'm not sure if this sandwich need to be made only
with those ingredients or you can add some of your flair to the recipe
ini petunjuk untuk mendatkan Mug, anjing yang menjadi mascot game ini.
ini biasanya muncul saat kita klik pelanggan toko sandwich saat muncul foto
belum mencobanya sendiri, jadi belum tahu apakah sandwich nya harus dibatasi
dengan bahan di atas saja atau boleh ditambah kreasi sendiri.
Finding Mug - Happy Sandwich Cafe |
Finding Mug - Happy Sandwich Cafe |
Finding Mug - Happy Sandwich Cafe |
Finding Mug - Happy Sandwich Cafe |
Finding Mug - Happy Sandwich Cafe |
Finding Mug - Happy Sandwich Cafe |
I finally tried it with just the
Ingredients mentioned in clues, and it works. This is the sandwich combo, the name are manually typed.
Mug Sandwich |
Popular Sandwich by Age Group & Gender
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Popular Sandwich for Female Senior |
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Popular Sandwich for Female Senior |
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Popular Sandwich for Male Senior |
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Popular Sandwich for Male Senior |
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Popular Sandwich for Adult Male |
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Popular Sandwich for Adult Male |
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Popular Sandwich for Female, All Age Group |
Happy Sandwich Cafe - Popular Sandwich for Female, All Age Group |
For Apps Download in IOS and Android, visit their website :
I can't win the contest of 'simple vegetable sandwich' do you have any suggestion?
ReplyDeletewait a while until you have "kitchen upgrade" renovation, so you can pass the max 5 sandwich enchantment rank
Deletefor the veggies, I suggest using tomato
Do you have any idea how the attraction for children, adults, seniors work?
ReplyDeletehi, I'm not sure what the favorite ingredients are, but I'll list some of the favorite sandwiches for specific gender and age group in the blog post.
Deleteit seems that gender and age groups have preferences towards specific ingredients and their combinations with other ingredients. for example, kids like boiled eggs and shrimps. shrimps also are favourites of adults. I guess you just have to analyze the past sandwiches you've made to try and figure out who likes what
Deletehi, I think some ingredients are more favorable for different gender and age groups. kids for example really like boiled eggs, it could get you two stars. shrimps are also good for kids, but they boost more stars for adults. I suppose you just have to analyze your past sandwiches to try and figure out who likes what
DeleteThank you so much for your guide and tips for this game :D
ReplyDeleteYou're most welcome 😊
DeleteHi there, thank you so much for your guide page! Just one question. For the garlic butter recipe is it black or white pepper? it doesn't say which pepper :(
ReplyDeleteHi Hannah, that would be black pepper
DeleteThanks a lot for your game information!
DeleteI collect ingredient compatibility into a google sheet:
And use the data to make a sandwich develop helper.
Hope this can help :)
Hi 蘿蔔喵, Thanks for the great contribution
DeleteYou can use Bianca's screen shot to complete the sheet
Great for those wanting to have alternative other than screenshot
Thanks a lot. May I ask if you know the seasoning ingredients of Anchovy butter, Dill mayonnaise and tomato mayonnaise?? Thanks
ReplyDeleteall of the seasoning ingredient can be found here:
May I ask if you know the seasoning ingredients of Anchovy butter, Dill mayonnaise and tomato mayonnaise?? Thanks a lot
ReplyDeleteHi! I can't figure out how to get the English Muffin. Can you help me out?
ReplyDeleteYou get the muffin once you buy the oven upgrade that lets you "bake more" types of sandwiches IIRC
DeleteI already have the oven upgrade yet I still can't get the English muffin. I've won all the contests except the two that requires using english muffin and bacon (prize from winning the english muffin contest). help pls..
DeleteI think you'll get it after a certain level
DeleteYou can try doing the trainings to level up faster
already at level 82, town at level 21, and still don't have it. I think there's something I missed, something I haven't done but I can't figure out what
Deletefrom what I remember, if it isn't kitchen upgrade that pops up after level up, other way to acquire bread is through recipe purchase in item shop
Deletefor the recipe you get it in item shop just pop up once and cost $100k. have to check it everyday and they sell it with all those antartic ice and magic fire. then for the oven you need to upgrade it too, with new oven which allows to bake more bread (including rye bread). hope it helps
DeleteThe real estate agent who upgraded you from your shack to the rundown building will appear again in the future, and will offer to expand your kitchen after you sell enough certain sandwiches. After that, you can enhance your sandwiches past 5.
ReplyDeleteHi, recently i got bacon, can help me to find the compability, and if i win the BLT i will also get grilled zucchini as yhr ingredient
ReplyDeleteThere's already a complete list provided by Bianca above
DeleteBacon compatibility included
hi, thanks for the reply, but i have look it over and over and still cannot find the bacon and grilled zucchini, i know that bacon is compatible with tomato and lettuce :)
DeleteOh right, just notice bacon isnt there yet. Try this chart of mine :
Got the bacon compatiblity listed but not the incompatibility, since I already use the first chart from instagram to navigate the ingredients compatiblity
Oh right, just notice bacon isnt there yet. Try this chart of mine :
Got the bacon compatiblity listed but not the incompatibility, since I already use the first chart from instagram to navigate the ingredients compatiblity
Hi! How can I make the cheap but high calorie sandwich?
ReplyDeleteuse plenty of eggs, they're usually packed in calories and cheap
Deletecheck the ingredients info for price and calories
Hi! Would you mind offering some tips to me? I'm having problems passing some of the normal ingredient challenges and all of the hard ones. I'm level 38 (5 layer sandwich) and I have all of the basic/easy ingredients so far (homemade white bread, whole grain bread, rye bread, egg salad, cucumber, ham, lettuce, tuna, boiled egg, olive, salami, sprouts, tomato, sardine, omelet, pickles, cheddar cheese, basil, onion, yellow tomato) but even when I make sandwiches using compatible ingredients according to the chart, the scores are not high. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. The highest level sandwich I have made so far is 552, with ham, cucumber, ham, omelet, ham, and mayo, but it is not enough to pass the rest of the challenges and anything else I have tried is a much lower score than that sandwich. Can you please offer some advice on what I should do? Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHi!!! How to win "Adult male favorite sandwich" contest (5 layers and Male adult 4☆ up). I try to created sandwich many many many times (20 times+) but I got highest just 3.5 stars. If you ever win this contest please tell me how. Thank you.
ReplyDelete5layers adult's male favourite: shrimp + prosciutto + shrimp + prosciutto + shrimp
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehi i need help. apparently when i want to deliver sandwiches to get new ingredients, every single time it says that i did not grt there far enough. why is that so? how do i walk faster?
ReplyDeleteHi, you need to buy the motorcycle from item shop to finish the delivery faster
DeleteHi! How can I get mayo?
ReplyDeleteHow to win the decoration contest?
ReplyDeleteHow to win the decoration contest?
ReplyDeletehi! how do i win the ultrarich sandwich contest? the sandwich has to be 7 layers and the cost is 180 or more.
ReplyDeletehello! Anyone know why mug the dog don't come?
ReplyDeleteI have all the clues and made the sandwich and i sell it in my store...
But the dog is nowhere :-(
Have u add the seasoning? Try to add honey
DeleteHow to get parmesan cheese?
ReplyDeleteEgg yolk, olive oil, garlic paste, salt, lemon juice:aioli
ReplyDeleteHi, how can i win the 3rd mission in important mission 3 (cost 180+, 2 kinds+ seafood, no meat and got 919 points++)? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteWhole Grain Bread, Shrimp, Fried Fish, Chili Beans, Lettuce, Swiss Cheese, Onion, Tomato and Basil.
DeleteCost 191, Enhance to Level 8 (almost 9)
I can't pass the 'cheap and delicious ' contest . Need help
ReplyDeleteI can't win the cheap and delicious contest. Need help
ReplyDeleteFor cheap and delicious, I used white bread, radish, egg salad and cucumber.
DeleteIt will cost 20 and a total score of 240.
How do u pass all the decoration contests ? Any tips when decorating?
ReplyDeleteThe theme have to be in sync for a better score
DeleteBut I also find it hard to pass, I regularly had to do 4-5 makeover before having an adequate score
How to make a good sardine sandwich. What ingredients will work?
ReplyDeleteHow to pass sandwich with appealing smell contest. Need some help
ReplyDeleteuse the seasonings to enhance smell
Deleteuse thyme, dill, oregano, and Dijon mustard
Thanks man! :)
DeleteHow to pass adult male favorite sandwich. Need help
ReplyDeletei can´t pass the rye bread 4 layers sandwich contest, can anyone help me?
ReplyDeleteHow do you pass the awesome cheese sandwich. ?
ReplyDeleteHow do I get the seasoning rack? It isn't available, do I need to sell a certain amount of sandwiches?
ReplyDeleteHow do I get the seasoning rack? It isn't available, do I need to sell a certain amount of sandwiches?
ReplyDeleteHi! Can anyone help me for "kids favorite vegetable sandwich?" please help me 😆
ReplyDeletenice post
ReplyDeleteHow do I get pickled cucumbers?
ReplyDeleteHow do I get pickled cucumbers?
ReplyDeleteHow do I get pickled cucumbers?