High Tea Kawi Lounge
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton |
Melanjutkan post
tentang New
Kawi Lounge, berikut foto dan pengalaman dari kunjungan kedua ke Lounge
paling menarik di Surabaya ini. Kita mendapat kesempatan untuk mencoba High Tea
event yang berupa buffet dan tersedia tiap akhir minggu.
Following our last post about the New KawiLounge, here are reports from our second visit to Surabaya's prominent lounge.
We're here to try their High Tea buffet, which is available on weekends.
High Tea on the Weekend
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea, Makanan Yang Tersedia |
Karena temanya
afternoon tea, makanannya pun disesuaikan berupa finger foods. Yang agak berat
ada siomay dan sandwich. Walaupun porsinya imut, tapi berlimpah, jadi yang ke
sini tanpa makan siang tidak ragu.
Being an afternoon
tea event, the food is suitably served in small size, finger foods, for easy
handling while conversing with friends and colleagues.
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - Salmon Sashimi on Spoon |
Makanan di sini
menarik buat kita berdua, pertama karena partner makan saya sebagai wanita,
lebih menyukai makanan yang rapi dan cantik seperti ini, sedangkan untuk saya
karena jauh lebih mudah difoto daripada makanan buffet biasa.
Being here is a
blast for both of us, since I can easily take photos of the finger food, which
are plated prettier than what you'd find in regular buffets, and my dining
partner being a lady, savor this kind of pretty foods.
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea, Scone |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea, Desserts |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea |
Sebetulnya finger foods dan
dessert begini lebih sulit proses membuatnya dibandingkan dengan menu buffet
yang bisa diublek jadi satu di dalam wok, jadi kudos for the kitchen crew :D
It might seem unsubstantial or cheaper for those uninitiated,
but finger foods and pretty desserts like the one I manage to photograph here
are marginally much harder to make and prepare, compared to the usual dishes
that are available on regular buffets, so kudos for the kitchen crew :D
Kafe Bromo |
Untuk yang ingin menu
lebih berat, bisa pesan ala carte saja dan menunggu hingga pk 18.00 untuk
dinner buffet di Kafe Bromo. Makanan yang tersedia cukup enak dan harganya
termasuk terjangkau dibandingkan hotel bintang lima lainnya.
For those wanting
more fulfilling meals, you can head to Kafe bromo at 18.00 for buffet dinner.
It's quite a bang for the buck, especially compared to other 5 star hotels.
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea |
New Kawi Lounge Sheraton - High Tea |
Sheraton Hotel Pool
Sheraton Swimming Pool |
Selain di dalam Kawi
Lounge dan Kafe Bromo, pengunjung juga bisa menikmati suasana outdoor di
sekitaran kolam renang Sheraton Hotel Surabaya. Berikut foto-fotonya.
Aside from the
beautiful Kawi Lounge and the Kafe Bromo, visitor can also savor the delicious
dishes in this outdoor area around Sheraton Hotel's swimming pool. Here are
some shots taken on the spot.
Sheraton Swimming Pool |
Sheraton Swimming Pool |
Sheraton Swimming Pool Area |
Sheraton Swimming Pool Area |
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