KLIA2 Sepang Layover
Air Asia Prince |
Sampai di markasnya
Air Asia setelah dari Juanda dan Changi, kali ini saya bakal banyak membahas
tentang Mall Mitsui yang cukup populer untuk pengunjung yang butuh meluangkan selama layover di KLIA.
So we arrived in Air Asia's headquarters,
Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2, after departuring from Juanda and a quick
layover in Changi.
Eskalator ke Lantai Dasar - Bus Stop KLIA 2 |
Dari terminal
kedatangan biasanya ada banyak petunjuk arah untuk mencari bus stop. Di bus
stop ini ada beberapa bis yang singgah, salah satunya shuttle bus gratis untuk
ke Mitsui Mall.
From the arrival
gate, there's plenty of signage that will guide you to the bus stop. Basically
you go down to ground level photographed above, and then go outside to find the
bus stops. One of the bus stop is for the shuttle bus going to Mitsui Mall.
Bus Stop B09 - for Mitsui Outlet Park Shuttle Bus |
Saat kunjungan saya
ini, bus stop untuk ke Mitsui Outlet Park ada di Bus Stop B09. Untuk memastikan
bisa tanya ke petugas jaganya yang biasanya cukup sigap membantu.
On our last visit,
the bus stop for Mitsui Outlet Park shuttle bus were the B09 bus stop. Do make
sure to check again or ask around, in case it has been changed.
Mitsui Outlet Park Shuttle Bus |
Baggage Storage inside KLIA shuttle bus |
Berhubung connecting
flightnya terpisah tidak satu maskapai penerbangan (dari air asia ke Etihad)
maka kita harus membawa banyak koper dalam perjalan ke mall tersebut. Untungnya
semua fasilitas didesain untuk memudahkan turis yang membawa banyak koper.
Mulai dari bis yang banyak menyediakan tempat untuk bagasi dan adanya tempat
penitipan barang gratis di mallnya.
Since we're on a
different airplane for this connecting flight, we had to haul big luggages
around on our way to the mall.
It actually wasn't
hard to do, since they're already providing convenient solutions for travelers.
Aside from the
spacious luggage space in the bus, there's also a free luggage storage facility
in the mall.
Mitsui Sepang |
Andai kita dari
Surabaya menggunakan satu maskapai saja ke Amsterdam, tidak perlu repot-repot
membawa banyak koper, itulah salah satu kekurangan dari menggunakan dua
maskapai berbeda. Berhubung beda harganya lebih dari 2x lipat, ketidaknyamanan
sedikit ini tidak terlalu masalah untuk kita, terutama di KLIA2 yang cukup
nyaman, terutama dibandingkan airport lamanya, LCCT yang parah banget
Had we booked a
through flight from Surabaya to Amsterdam using one airline, we wouldn't have
had to go on the trouble of lugging around this heavy bags. Nevertheless since
we had a saving of over 50%, the mild discomfort outweigh the considerable
savings. KLIA2 is also pretty convenient and comfortable, especially when being
compared to their old counterpart, the ugly
Mitsui Sepang |
Mitsui Sepang |
Mitsui Sepang Outlet Mall |
Pilihan tokonya cukup
lengkap di sini, ada banyak merk yang menarik dan tidak ada di Surabaya.
Harganya pun cukup murah, untuk merk-merk yang tersedia di Surabaya, antara
harga mirip atau sedikit lebih murah, seperti sepatu Skechers yang kebetulan
saya beli untuk trip kali ini.
Pada saat keberangkatan, Oktober 2015, Ringgit agak lemah kursnya dibandingkan
Shopping selections
here are quite nice, they got plenty of interesting stores to checkout, and the
price is quite affordable. Some store prices are similar to Surabaya, Having
bought one earlier in Surabaya for this trip, I remember the Skechers shoes
were on the same price range. At the time of our visit, on October 2015, the RM
was quite weak compared to IDR btw.
Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Hush Puppies - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Japan Avenue - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Japan Avenue ini
menjual beragam produk khas Jepang, ada makanan, kemasan-kemasan plastik
semacam tupperware dan produk snack Jepang. Harganya tidak murah, dan saya
kebetulan tidak membawa Ringgit (Eni yang punya) jadi kali ini hanya window
shopping saja walau ada keinginan beli.
Japan Avenue is an
interesting shop selling japanese products, ranging from utensils and tupperware
like products, to Japanese snacks. It's quite pricey, so I ended up just window
shopping, since I didn't bring any RM with me at the time, I had to rely on my
partner for cash :p
Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Dining Options - Mitsui Sepang
Sushi King - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Senya - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Foodcourt Menu - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Noodles Variety Foodcourt - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Old Town White Coffee - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park Foodcourt |
Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park Foodcourt |
Yong Tao Foo - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Yong Tao Foo - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Yong Tao Foo - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Yong Tao Foo - Mitsui Sepang Outlet Park |
Yong Tao Foo Mitsui Outlet Park - Chee Chong Fan (RM 9) |
Yong Tao Foo Mitsui Outlet Park - Chee Chong Fan (RM 9) |
Pilihan early dinner
kita akhirnya jatuh ke Foodcourt ini.
Sebetulnya harga makanan di mall ini cukup terjangkau, di restonya
pun tidak terlalu mahal, tapi berhubung yang paling ramai saat itu adalah
foodcourt ini, kita berpikir mungkin yang paling enak memang tempat makan
sederhana ini.
We ended up eating in
the foodcourt.
The prices of other
restaurant outside the foodcourt actually is pretty affordable, we decided to
eat here because it was quite packed at the time, hence usually it has the
tastiest food.
Yong Tao Foo Mitsui Outlet Park - Chee Chong Fan (RM 9) |
Yong Tao Foo Mitsui Outlet Park - Chee Chong Fan (RM 9) |
Thai Nyonya - Tom Yum Seafood Meeh (RM 12) |
Thai Nyonya - Tom Yum Seafood Meeh (RM 12) |
Thai Nyonya - Tom Yum Seafood Meeh (RM 12) |
Kedua menu yang dicoba
ini enak semua, lebih menarik jauh dibandingkan dengan makan siang di Changi
Universal Dining sebelumnya.
Kalau dibandingkan dengan Quizinn
Foodcourt di airport KLIA 2, sebetulnya setara, makanan kelihatannya
lebih banyak variasi dan lebih enak di Mitsui, tapi dessert dan kenyamanan
tempatnya lebih bagus di Quizinn.
Both dish we tried
were pretty good tasting, much more interesting than the lunch we had in Changi
Universal Dining earlier.
Compared to the Foodcourt in KLIA2, Quizinn
Foodcourt, they're both on par. Mitsui foodcourt dishes were better
tasting, from the small selection of dishes I've tried, but Quizinn have the
edge on dessert selection and better atmosphere.
Menu Mitsui Outlet Sepang
Menu Mitsui Outlet Foodcourt |
Menu Mitsui Outlet Foodcourt |
Menu Mitsui Outlet Foodcourt |
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